The only pandemic that is ongoing in this country is the pandemic of disease mongering.
Ellie, the problem with this vaccine or any other vaccine is not the "dead strain" that is in there (although there had been a problem with the tissue that a polio vaccine previously which turned out to cause cancer due to the on the tissue it was grown on) , the problem is the additives that don't even get disclosed. Vaccines can (and do) contain formaldehyde, squalene, mercury (thimerosal), I am not sure where you get that the pharmaceutical industry doesn't make any money on flu vaccines. I used to work for the pharmaceutical industry and flu vaccines are a huge money maker. They are being paid ahead of time with tax payer money.
Why would the CDC or FDA try to scare us? Well, for one I do believe that most of them also believe what is being told but it is also a sad fact of live that many of the CDC and FDA officials after they leave office get high paying (consultant) jobs with the drug companies. I would say that money is a pretty good motivator for many people, including government officials. Maybe this video gives you a little bit of an insight of the symbiotic relationships between the pharmaceutical industry, the FDA, lobbyists, lawmakers, medical schools, and researchers, and the impact this has on consumers and their health care.
BuffyR, I think you keep misreading what I am saying. I said that we don't know anything about the LONG-term effects of the vaccine. Of course there is no evidence of H1N1 vaccines being dangerous - because it has not been tested yet. I don't care much about the short-term effects, it is rare that people just drop dead. I am much more worried about long term effects of vaccines of drugs.
Even with smoking - which I think we all agree is harmful - if a healthy and active person smokes one cigarette there probably won't be any immediate health impact. Even if they smoke over months there wouldn't be any clear-cut, directly related problems arose. There probably would be underlying health issues but may not appear to be symptoms of smoking. Going by the logic that we are being told with that vaccine (and other vaccines and drugs) we would have to conclude that smoking is not unhealthy and has not direct impact on our health. I would say that smoking is harmful just the short term effects are not always noticable over the long term there are serious and noticable problems. For everyone? No! Of course not! That's my concern with untested vaccines and drugs.
I was referring to the children that have died so far since it is touted as a disease that effects children. And yes, you are right WORLDWIDE there have been 4,500 deaths, sounds like a real pandemic to me

Do you know how many people die of car accidents in the US alone? How many people die in the US of doctor prescribed drugs? These numbers are FAR higher but it doesn't seem to me that anyone is losing any sleep over this.
I am not anti-vaccination or anti-drugs, but I want to know what I shove down my kids throat or what's in the needle that pokes them. My kids won't be guinea pigs. If you don't that's fine but don't tell me that I need to educate myself because that's exactly what I am doing.
By the way, Robert F. Kennedy jr's Deadly Immunity is an interesting read.
I also find it interesting that Baxter filed for a swine flu patent in August 2008, a full year before the swine flu outbreak.