SNM - Can't View Older Clips

Miss Lee


I was just trying to view an older video clip from the Body Blast series and I can't seem to bring it up. I get a window that says something about not being able to find the file. I tried looking at other clips and it's the same, except for your last batch of DVD's -- they all play just fine. I was wondering if there's a problem, or if you're in the process of updating the player for your clips?

TIA in advance for your help:)
I just did a test of the Body Max clip and everthing worked fine. Our older clips use Microsoft Streaming Media. You need to make sure your settings allow mms streams.
My computer is doing this now too. I've never had a problem viewing anything on my computer and have never had a problem viewing clips from Cathe but the older video clips won't work today. I am receiving the same message. The 4 newer ones work but everything else is not working. SNM there is a problem here if this is happening to multiple people. Thanks in advance.
The newer clips use Flash, not streaming media. Flash works on about 97% of computers, Microsoft streaming media works on about 66% of computers. I'm sure there are a lot of people that have problems with the streaming clips as there always have been problems for some users. We haven't touched the streaming files in years, so nothing has changed on our end. The only thing you can do is play with your Media Player settings ( make sure mms streaming is allowed) and make sure you are not selecting a bandwidth that is too high for your system.
I've never had problems viewing anything or any of your clips and now all of a sudden we are experiencing this. What could make my computer and others all of a sudden give an error message?
I can't view the older clips either. I just went to another site and their's worked just fine with the same Windows Media player that is used on Cathe's older clips.

I'm having the same problem. I tried all 3 speeds to see if it would make a difference but it didn't. Sigh!:-(
ditto.... i've never had a problem with the clips in the past... now i get:

Windows Media Player cannot find the file. If you are trying to play, burn, or sync an item that is in your library, the item might point to a file that has been moved, renamed, or deleted.

it's not us... it's the files.... they have been moved, renamed... something!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
I'm actually now seeing the same reported issue on several of the machines in our office that use media player 11.0. On my laptop which uses media player 9.0 the clips were working fine. I updated my media player on my laptop to 11.0 and the clips stopped working. This probably means that a Microsoft Media Player upgrade did something to make the clips stop working. I’m going to have to try this several times over the weekend to be sure. The problem may also be an intermittent connectivity problem unrelated to the media player upgrade.
>I'm actually now seeing the same reported issue on several of
>the machines in our office that use media player 11.0. On my
>laptop which uses media player 9.0 the clips were working
>fine. I updated my media player on my laptop to 11.0 and the
>clips stopped working. This probably means that a Microsoft
>Media Player upgrade did something to make the clips stop
>working. I’m going to have to try this several times over the
>weekend to be sure. The problem may also be an intermittent
>connectivity problem unrelated to the media player upgrade.

Thank you for looking into this. I checked my settings and they seem to be correct so I'll be anxious to see what you turn up.:)

ETA that I have media player 11.0 as well.
>ditto.... i've never had a problem with the clips in the
>past... now i get:
>Windows Media Player cannot find the file. If you are trying
>to play, burn, or sync an item that is in your library, the
>item might point to a file that has been moved, renamed, or
>it's not us... it's the files.... they have been moved,
>renamed... something!
>cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional
>10-15 calories burned!

Yep, that's the same message I got yesterday when I tried to view S&H series, I finally just gave up. :-(

I'm also having the same issue. I went to the help menu for Windows Media Player and got the following advice (by the way I tried ALL of the fixes I could and nothing worked...tried every proxy setting and enabled all protocols to no avail):

Cannot find the file
Windows Media Player cannot find the file. You might encounter this error message for one of the following reasons:

You are trying to use a file in the Windows Media Player library, but the Player cannot find the file. The file may have been moved, renamed, or deleted from your computer.

You are trying to use a file that is stored on another computer, but you are not connected to a local area network (LAN) or to the Internet. Connect to the network or Internet, and then try again.

You entered a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) in the Open URL dialog box, but the path is not valid. Verify that the file name is spelled correctly and that the path to the file is correct.

You clicked a link on a Web page, but the link is not valid.

You are trying to use a file that is stored on a server, but the server is not available (for example, the server is busy or not online).

You are trying to use a file that is stored on a server, but some network protocols in the Player are not enabled. Enable all network protocols, and then try again.

You are trying to use a file that is stored on a server, but the server is not configured correctly for protocol rollover (for example, you connected to the server using the MMS protocol, but the server cannot roll over to the HTTP protocol to deliver the content). If you still cannot use the file after enabling all network protocols in the Player, contact the Web page provider.

You are trying to use a file that is stored on another computer, but the proxy server settings for the Player are not configured properly. Verify that your proxy settings are correct.
We really haven't touched a thing on this server in nearly two years. Right now it appears that a Microsoft Media Player upgrade has caused the problem. I was testing on my laptop which uses MMP 9.0 and everything was working just fine. When I upgraded to MMP 11.0 the clips no longer played. We will test a little more over the weekend and then try to get this fixed early next week.
I have Media Player version 9 and cannot view the older clips either. I had not changed anything when all of a sudden I couldn;t view the older ones. I can only view the latest on the Home page. I could never view the last series because I don't have Flash player. Something had to change for all of us to have this problem at the same time... not saying you changed it, maybe Microsoft sent out an update ( which I did get very recently) that caused this.
I thought it was just me. I tried several of the clips and none would play where before they all did. Thanks for looking into this for us SNM.
Went through Windows Media Player Web Help button on my error message. They suggested checking settings under now playing, more options, Network, Streaming Protocols, and making sure all boxes are enabled. All are enabled. Went through trouble shooting. Information got too technical, but much of it seems to be directed at the provider (server's) end. Does any of the following (it's lengthy, but only partial) make sense to you, or do you have another suggestion besides enabling settings to allow mms streams as that's not doing the trick.

(About Protocol Rollover
If clients that support RTSP connect to a server running Windows Media® Services using an RTSP URL moniker (for example, rtsp://) or an MMS URL moniker (for example, mms://), the server uses protocol rollover to stream the content to the client to provide an optimal streaming experience. Automatic protocol rollover from RTSP/MMS to RTSP with UDP-based or TCP-based transports (RTSPU or RTSPT), or even HTTP (if the WMS HTTP Server Control Protocol plug-in is enabled) may occur as the server tries to negotiate the best protocol and provide an optimal streaming experience for the client. Clients that support RTSP include Windows Media Player 9 Series or later or other players that use the Windows Media Player 9 Series ActiveX control.

Earlier versions of Windows Media Player, such as Windows Media Player for Windows XP, do not support the RTSP protocol. However, the MMS protocol also provides protocol rollover support for these clients. Thus, when an earlier version of the Player attempts to connect to the server using an MMS URL moniker, automatic protocol rollover from MMS to MMS with UDP-based or TCP-based transports (MMSU or MMST), or even HTTP (if the WMS HTTP Server Control Protocol plug-in is enabled), may occur as the server tries to negotiate the best protocol and provide an optimal streaming experience for these clients.

To make sure that your content is available to all clients that connect to your server, ports on your firewall must be opened for all of the connection protocols that might be used during protocol rollover.

You can force your Windows Media server to use a specific protocol by identifying the protocol to be used in the announcement file (for example, rtspu://server/publishing_point/file). However, to provide an optimal streaming experience for all client versions, we recommend that the URL use the general MMS protocol. If clients connect to your stream using a URL with an MMS URL moniker, any necessary protocol rollover occurs automatically. Be aware that users can disable streaming protocols in the property settings of Windows Media Player. If a user disables a protocol, it is skipped during rollover. For example, if HTTP is disabled, then URLs will not roll over to HTTP. )

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This is only a small excerpt from their troubleshooting info on delivering streams. It goes on and on about enabling ports and basically Greek. I did not disable anything, and as I said before, all protocols are enabled for streaming. I'm lost.


This may be a lot to ask the fine folks at SNM but maybe they could move all of the video clips over to a Quicktime or Macromedia Flash format. I've never seen problems like this with those formats, they always seem to be backward compatible. Bill Gates must be trying to raise some more funds for his upcoming retirement.
Same problem for me! I never had any trouble before either. SNM--thanks for investigating. I'm looking forward to hearing what the cure is.

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.

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