

I believe that everyone has something that they're not sharing. Is there something other than fitness that you feel as if you cannot share with your family? I'm 14 weeks preggo and don't want to tell my extended family as I'm still in fear of pregnancy.

Anyone else have or doing something that they only can share here???

Again, OTHER than fitness?

Oh, there are MANY things that I never told my family! The main thing was how I met my husband. Believe me, they really didn't need to know that one!
Congratulations! Is this your first baby? :)

I keep all kinds of things to myself. You know the saying, "I'll take that to my grave"? Well, it looks like my grave is gonna be a bit crowded. Ha.

On a slightly lighter scale, I haven't told everyone in my family that I'm voting for Obama. It's just not worth the arguments that will follow.
Congratulations! Is this your first baby? :)

I keep all kinds of things to myself. You know the saying, "I'll take that to my grave"? Well, it looks like my grave is gonna be a bit crowded. Ha.

On a slightly lighter scale, I haven't told everyone in my family that I'm voting for Obama. It's just not worth the arguments that will follow.

Me too. Whenever someone asks, I just say, "That's why we have a secret ballot." :p
Welcome to the club! Motherhood club! You're joining the chain of evolution, learning that these miracles are put here to worry us, embarass us, and give us brief moments of pure joy that make life worth living.....To be afraid means you're smart - life is difficult, the world is dangerous, and loss is everywhere, tragedy indiscriminent....but know what, that's the deal we make to have the chance to experience love and pure joy!!!!

I used to have secrets, but now as I get older, they don't seem as important....and I blab alot more of them...also, what was scandalous 20 years ago, isn't scandalous anymore!!!

See how long you can keep the secret - that's a riot - tell them you just can't stop eating bagels or something and let us know how it all turns out!

Enjoy the time to take it a bit easier and eat a bit more!

I used to have secrets, but now as I get older, they don't seem as important....and I blab alot more of them...also, what was scandalous 20 years ago, isn't scandalous anymore!!!

I totally agree.. I don't car eso much anymore as Im too far removed from some of the things i have done to reap any repercussions form them :)

However I never got specific about the way I met MY partner either (well, not with my immediate family anyways), and likewise, Ive never told them that I waitressed in a strip club for a few months either (but I have no problem tlaking about it with non-family members).

I keep my insane debt from my immediate family as well, they don't need to know that I ruined my perfect credit in the past year either..

or that I used to be a real clepto.. there are other things that I keep secret (from them) because it would hurt or bother them more than it would liberat or free me (which I won't go into).. but most people have those kinds of things somewhere in their family..
Hey Laura - Just wanted to pop in and say - Congratulations on the pregnancy!:) That's great!!

I'm pretty much an open book so no secrets that I can think of to share. I think it's just because I'm boring.:confused:

Hey Laura - congrats!! I thought you may have meant that in your other post on the thread "nice to know you"! Wow - how exciting. I am so happy for you, and a bit envious too :) I have all sorts of things that somebody, somewhere knows but not everyone in my life knows about, even those who I'm close to, and some of those things would be considered to be skeletons I suppose but I try to divulge the important stuff to the important people! (Now that is the definition of a true run on sentence!):eek:
Ooh, I have a couple! Laura, I met my fiancee on!! My family still thinks we met at a bar!!

Also, they don't know that I have NO friends :( All of my friends from school moved away, and I just haven't met anyone in the area to hang out with. I guess I just don't want them to know what a loser I am :( !!!

Way too many to post here!!!
I have a dead bolt lock on that door :eek::eek::eek::eek:

I am not ashamed of them, just don't have the opportunity to talk about them much. Some are just old!

I am deathly afraid of driving over bridges, I am terrified of thunderstorms and I smoke when I am stressed!!! :eek::eek::eek:

I, like many others here, am pretty much too old for secrets any more. It just takes too much energy. DH knows just about everything about me. But I do have one thing I have never told him. When we first got the internet way back when I was so excited to get on line. I fired up my brand new iMac, opened the browser and sat there staring at it with no idea what to do next. So what did I do? I went to yahoo (I don't thing google even existed yet) and searched for my ex-boyfriend! This is a guy I have told DH all about, none of it positive. He was a total jerk. Anyway I found him. He's an artist and just happened to have a show going on at the time. I emailed the art gallery to congratulate him. I wanted to show that I was a better person them him:eek:. He actually answered me. I deleted his email and luckily we didn't have that email account for long. I could tell even by his short reply that he was still a jerk. I never told DH because I'm afraid it would hurt his feelings.

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