Hey! You all know who you are. Not to detract from the fine group of newbies we have, but I miss my peeps. You know who you all are. Any of you still stop by? I'm so lonely here at work without my posse....
Ms Lee. . Life without you ain't worth living.
Ms Lee. . Life without you ain't worth living.
And yeah, the same could be said about YOU!!!
Hi Catherine. Prayers for your BIL.
Catherine, what's going on with your BIL!? I'm so out of the loop! Oh, and he has my prayers, for sure.Thanks!!! The more prayers the better!!
OMG Catherine! How scary!! He has a prominent position on my prayer list. Please keep us posted.Michele, he has a significant size lesion(4x5 cm) on his frontal lobe. They don't know if it is infection or tumor. Will be going in to find out for sure.