Seems to me that your not happy when you have gained weight, and your not happy when you lose weight, because of the good comments of what people say when you have lost weight. (Did that make sense?)
I'm not going to even pretend what you are going through. I do know though, that everyone living has a sad story to tell. I know that must be some of the things we have to learn on this planet.
I believe we need to love and teach each other. But, how can you love other people without first being able to love yourself? That's a huge question isn't it? I've heard this all my life. That phrase alone made me not do a lot of things in life that I should have done. Finally I decided to help elderly people, and now my life is very much better because of it. Feeling better about myself helps me accomplish other things in life. (I just used my story of elderly people to try to make you understand to do something you passionately care about. It makes you feel good about yourself)
When other people talk rudely about other people being different from themselves, is perhaps they have things they still need to learn in life. Trust me, they will learn it. The hard way. It's sad, but a few years down the road, they will have an entirely different outlook.
For some purpose you are the way you are for a reason. I don't know why. For the same reason I don't know why I am the way I am either. Trust me, I will be telling God about all my issues about this life of mine when I see him. Everyone has a cross to endure, that's life. Maybe because we have something to learn, or to teach other people? Seems to me that is part of life. We all are different, some fat, some skinny, some brainless, all challenged in some way. We have to deal with it as best as we can.
I applaud you for wanting to change for the better. When you make changes, be proud of yourself, and thank the people that give you compliments. You my dear, deserve it. You worked very hard for it. Changing for the better is always hard to do and we all are worth it.
Life is so darn hard. Long ago I decided not to hurt people. At least I don't know if I am. I would never hurt anyone intentionally. When people hurt me, it just means they still have a lot to learn, so be patient with them.
You so remind me of my beloved sister in law. You two could be twins. We get along like peas in a pod. You are absolutely beautiful Heather.
Have fun on the road trip. You lucky person you. There will be many to embrace you. Just wait and see.
If you want love, you have it from me, just because.
The idea is to die young as late as possible