Sharing My Heart and Pictures

Heather, thanks for sharing your story and your pictures. When I look at the photos, I see someone whose smile and inner light really radiate. I am sorry for all the things that you have gone through. I look forward to meeting you in August.

Heather, thanks so much for being courageous and sharing your story. You are admirable. I have a friend who also is battling obesity ... it's down to a life struggle at this point as she has some very serious medical complications, and she seems to be gaining. I'm proud of her. Question (and maybe it should go on a separate post?): What are some ways that a person can show support to someone who is struggling with a large amount of weight to lose? What is helpful? What is NOT helpful? I want to support my friend and not make some comment that turns out to be hurtful. I also don't want her weight and loss efforts to be the primaty content of our conversations as it seems to put too much emphasis on one aspect of life. Thanks for any input, Deb
Deb, I am thinking a separate post, because this will get buried. I too would like to know what is most helpful in this case. I have weight issues, so I know how hard my 15 pounds is to lose, and I lost 40 at one time, but to have to lose a whole person, I am not sure I would have the courage if it were me.
Heather - I think you are beautiful inside and out and can't wait to meet you in a few short months!!! :D

I just wanted to let you know that you are definitely not alone and I was very touched by your post. Keep up the good work and remember that we are all here for you!

I'm extremely touched by your writing, and very, very happy for you. Your ability to keep pulling yourself up by the bootstraps speaks to a strong passion for life. You honour yourself each and every time you do that. Congratulations on renewing your spirit again, and plugging along on the long, difficult journey. I've enjoyed having you as part of this forum for the last 2 years. I can't wait to read about your RT experience!!!


I just wanted to tell you that I just read your post because I have been out of town & it was a little long for me to to fit in when I first noticed it. I also want you to know that your post brought me to tears... literally. What a soul baring story & how difficult this must have been for you to tell. I am so very sorry for all that you have been through & so many undeserving things that happened to you. I have always enjoyed reading your posts. You are such a sweet & sincere person & I commend you on deciding to attend the road trip, in spite of being outside of your comfort zone. You are an inspiration & you are beautiful just as you are. But I also know you will meet your goals. I'm also quite sure you will enjoy the road trip & all the wonderful people you meet there. I'm just sorry that I won't be one of them. I wasn't able to attend this time but perhaps I will have the pleasure of meeting you another time. Thank you so much for sharing yourself with us & I look forward to reading more & hearing all about the road trip too!
You are beautiful, both inside and out. I have read your posts before and always look forward to what you have to say. You are always upbeat and positive. Thank you for sharing your story and your pictures. Your life has been a difficult journey and it seems that God is using you for such good!! You are an inspiration!!

Have a great time on the road trip!!
:) :)
Heather, I am absolutely awed and humbled by you. Your strength, your courage and your desire to not only fight through for yourself but for all women and girls is incredible. I only wish I were going on the RTC to have the opportunity to meet you. You are truly one of the most beautiful, intelligent and compassionate women I have ever met.
I love your posts...always have and probably always will. Thanks so much for sharing your story and being so open and honest. I wish I was going on the road trip to meet YOU! You are an inspiration and I KNOW you are going to have a great time on the road trip. You are such a blessing!!!
Hugs and Thanks

Thank y’all for the hugs and encouraging words.

Amy, my heart goes out to your daughter. I am praying for her. I did not even begin to make peace with my body until my 30s.

Sandy, thank you for the compliment. I love words! I am looking forward to meeting you in August too.

Jess, you and your girls are beautiful! Thank you for sharing that you have conquered 70 pounds. That encourages me. Did you start running before or after you reached your goal weight?

Heather, it is good to see you again! Thank you for the love and hugs. I miss your sweet posts in my journal.

Rachel, thank you for the blessing.

Dawn! You know that you are such an inspiration! I found your Collage Video success story last month when I was clearing out clutter. What a transformation! I am looking forward to the party in Jersey!

Wendy, thank you for being a faithful check-in friend. Your daily encouragement is precious to me.

Gayle, thank you for the hug. Hopefully, this will not be my last Road Trip.

Emily, you are an inspiration too. I am looking forward to meeting you in August. I sure wish we could sneak Shelley in somehow!

Dianne, thank you for the kind words. God loves you too!

Dani, thank you for the compliment. I love your new avatar. You are beautiful too!

Beavs, I am looking forward to meeting you too.

Tess, thank you so much for the compliment. It has been fun checking in with you, and it will be even more fun to meet you in person and experience Cathe live together!

Deb, has your friend expressed a desire to shed the excess weight? In light of her medical condition, I hope so. Invite her to go for a walk, and be sure to walk at her pace. Exercise is so much more fun with a friend. If she has access to a pool, water aerobics or jogging in the pool is a great workout for someone who is obese. Never make negative remarks about your own body in front of her, and avoid focusing on food too much. Do not tell her about all the decadent desserts you ate while on vacation or all the junk you ate when you fell off the wagon. As I tell my friends, lead me not into temptation. I can find it all by myself. On that same note, eat clean when you eat with her to be a positive role model and to avoid tempting her. My personal trainer friend is the only person I know who eats clean. Everyone else eats processed junk. Most of my friends can eat what they want and stay thin naturally. It actually encourages me to share a meal with someone who eats clean because it demonstrates that lifestyle is just as much a part of the equation as genetics, and not everyone can eat junk and get away with it. Above all else, spend time with her participating in fun activities that do not involve food. Everything in our society revolves around food. People who struggle with emotional eating need to break the “food is love” connection. I can testify that I have accepted many dinner invitations when I was not hungry because I wanted the fellowship. I would also encourage her to find an online circle of support like this forum. I cannot express to you how my online journal and check-in friends have inspired me to keep pressing on when I fell on my butt again.

Liann, I am looking forward to meeting you too.

Melissa, thank you for your support.

Sandra, thank you for your unwavering support. You have been there for me with encouraging words when I had a rough month, and I am so thankful for you.

Kel, thank you for such a sweet response.

Lisa, thank you for the compliment.

Melissa, thank you for the affirmation. God is good!

Christine, thank you so much for such a precious response. You touched me in my feelings.

Angela, I would love to meet you too. Thank you for the encouraging words.

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: Hugs and Thanks

Hi Heather!

Just read your beautiful and inspirational post!

Thank you for sharing yourself. I wish you the best always!

I thought you were beautiful in your pictures! Keep that head up girl!

I wish I was going on the Road Trip this year to meet all of you lovely people, but too much is going on.

Well.................going on my 2 week honeymoon to Hawaii this year! Once in a lifetime for this! :)

Can only do one trip financially at a time. I hope to go on the next Road Trip!

Best wishes Heather, and for everyone always each and every day!

"Life is short - Be the best you can be every day of your life"
RE: Hugs and Thanks

Hi Heather!

Your posts are always so beautiful and I always look forward to reading them. You should be so proud of yourself and don't ever stop believing in yourself. You've done a wonderful job. I'm sorry I'm not going on the Road Trip because I would love to meet you.

Best wishes and keep up the good work!

RE: Hugs and Thanks

I am late on this as I was out of town, but I, too, wanted to tell you how much this post touched my heart. I battled my weight most of my childhood and just wanted to reach out and give you a huge hug for all the pain you endured. A lot resonated with me. You are truly beautiful, inside & out. U hope to meet you one day!


Homer: How is education supposed to make me feel smarter? Besides, every time I learn something new, it pushes some old stuff out of my brain. Remember when I took that home winemaking course, and I forgot how to drive?
--The Simpsons

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