Sexy moms and happy babies 4/11-4/16

Priscilla-1hr Insanity? Seriously?! Scary!! Are those the Max ones? I have only done a few that I think are part of the first phase/month/whatever they call it in this series.

Melanie-I always chuckle to myself when I see you and Christina talk about your easy runs. I'm such a running wimp...if I did 5 miles, I'd be jumping with excitement :). I know you'll do great with your run! I'm not sure if I mentioned it before, but DH and I were going to come up to cheer on you and his brother. A few different things have come up in the past week, so we'll be staying in town. Maybe if you make your way out of Canada again ;).....

Christina-I must need to go to sleep. I read your post about going to the park when the "claning" people were at your house, and for a split second i was thinking "huh? the Klan is at her house??"

Susan-isn't it such a great feeling getting the workout in while everyone else is sleeping?! I'm an early bird and used to get up as often as I could before Caden and DH. Glad the girls waited until you were done to wake up :) How do you manage to keep your house cleaned up for showings? Are you moving far? soon? Have you had it on the market for awhile?

It's only 8:30, but I think I'll head to bed. I wanted to switch out all of my winter clothes to spring/summer but silly me forgot I store them all in Caden's closet. Probably a good thing, as I don't think I'm mentally strong enough to try on all of my shorts quite yet.

Hey Allison, Kendra, Jen!

Sleep tight everyone. Don't let the bedbugs bite. Not sure how that came to my mind. Anyone else ever heard that? My grandpa always said that to me when before I went to bed when I was little. anyway...
House showing went really well. Coming back Friday with the that will be the test lol.
Lisa-I am an early bird too..I love getting up and getting stuff done! I stress about keeping the house picked up. We usually have 24 hour notice so that helps. Im noping Friday is the last showing! I am going to dental hygiene school in Mississippi. Dh will stay here and come see us on we are downsizing so we can afford 2 places. My mom is moving with the girls and me to keep Kara. I have never been without my dh, Paul, so it will be hard. But...we are gonna try and see how it goes. He is still keeping his ears open for a job in Mississippi, but he has a really good job now and its a tough time to change. Hope you have a good night
Melanie-I like seeing your workout me something to wish for!

See you ladies in the morning!
Hola, chicas! Thank goodness there are not as many posts as usual LOL

Hope everyone who's sick is feeling better. I've been in the bathroom off and on all day; I thought it was due to my period -- maybe it's not...!

Saturday was Ella's birthday. I can't believe my baby girl is 4 already!

I don't want to jinx anything (please please please) but Drew has slept through the night -- the whole way through -- for the past 4 nights. We finally let him cry it out -- 1 hr. 45 min. the first night, 40 min night 2, and 20 min night 3. I hope we've overcome the hurdle. (fingers crossed)

I have had absolutely horrible, retched, deplorable eating habits this past week. I threw out candy, birthday cupcakes, and more candy. Now I have to stop eating what's left in the house. At least I'm drinking my water, right? But the fridge is stocked with good eats -- I just need to focus on what is good fuel and ignore the rest. Ignore, ignore, ignore.

To all of you doing Insanity, KUDOS to you! I think the Fit Test scared me too much -- I haven't tried a workout yet. I guess I need to pull on my big girl panties and go for it :D

Jen, sorry you don't like lentils anymore. Again. Good for you, working out with your ILs there. Loved the axis comment :) As for feeding, we started Drew with oatmeal once a day, then upped it to 2x for a week or so, then to 3 when he seemed to want to eat more often. There are so many opinions, so many "ways" to start feeding -- it's confusing.

Christine, your BIL and SIL sound like miserable people. I'm glad for you that the visit is over! I'm with Lisa; you and Melanie are crazy with your runs (hmmm, no pun intended *wink*). If I jog for 1 minute, I'm impressed with myself LOL

Susan, glad you had fun with your mom. My mom lives about 40 minutes from me, so we see each other all the time. Time with mom is always special and fun, isn't it? :)

Priscilla, I hope you're feeling normal again. Sounds like Daniel had a great appointment! Can you believe he's already 4 months?

Lisa, Drew naps! Not always twice a day, and not always as long as his mommy would like him to. Good for you going to bed so early tonight! How is work? I don't have any advice on your dilemma with Caden; I'm sure it's just a phase, but that doesn't make it any easier right now.

Melanie, I can't believe your half marathon is almost here!! How is "Maggie" working as a name? Does everyone like it?
I finally had time to read some of the above (so heres my comments)

Susan, I hope your home sells quickly for you. It sounds like a nice place. I"m so proud of you, staying in focus on your academic goals....all while being an awesome mommy. That's so great that your mom is able to be there for the girls and you. How long is dental hygeine school? You cracked me up about your comment on LowMax. I've often found myself looking at Cedee too. She's got steller form & a sparkling smile...but I can only think of two things: her diet must be awful ==or==she would be huge if she wasn't soo fit. Either way is awful for me to think. :confused:

Lisa, I am so proud of my amazes me that it bounced back at all after this last pregnancy. :eek: I aspire to Christine's running someday....I am totally out of her league....but maybe someday!!!
How are things going with Caden? I think that's a good idea, spending more one-on-one time with him...that will sure help. My sons always clinged to me when they were young...then bounced to Daddy (b/w 2-4 years) when they got older. I kept on having more babies & thinking that maybe "this" one would stay a mommy's boy. LOL Well, eventually the boys have come back to they are probably equal (and we have our strengths/weaknesses as Mom & Dad). I love Christine's descriptions!
...oh about the grandpa used to say, "and if they bite, bite them back". ROTFL. We go thur this routine everynight at my house!
Oh! And congrats on the intimacy!!!!

Oh I forgot to answer pooping question. The gals all waited for me. I tried to get them to go on,...but they wouldn't hear of it....I was worried that I wouldn't be able to go "under pressure" but the running poops are....well....runny. :eek: They slide right out. So, I went like a dog (even kicked my feet to cover up my poo).

Jen, I'm so glad that your friend's baby is doing well. He's got a long, long haul ahead of him & will probably be in NICU until close to his actual due date. (hugs)(hugs) to her & her family. Please keep us updated, I'll continue prayers. What's her baby's name?

Jen, as far as feedings go...I follow close to same as Susan does. I'm not in a rush & plan on starting cereal at 6 mos with the girls. I'll probably do that for 2-3 weeks, then add veggies (one per week) followed by fruit. As far as allergies go, I really don't think that James had a true allergy...but more of a sensitivity to the food that caused diarrhea/rash. I meant to comment on that earlier but forgot. I would not be afraid to re-introduce that food in a few months when his GI system is more mature.

Kendra, I've never heard of Clean Eating Magazine. I'll have to look into it.

Christine, my girls are up at least twice a night. We've had some marathon feedings lately....and I swear they are each up four times (or more) a piece. Luckily they latch on and I go to sleep. When I feel them "fall off' I rotate them in a half attempt to burp. LOL I'm thinking about writing down their feeding patterns for 24 hrs just to see what's going on. It gets so confusing with the two of them.
Do you still have family there? I'm keeping my eyes on those bowflex. They went down to 379 for 1/2 day last week. I should have snagged they are 399 again. You got a good price. Do you have the stand too? I am looking at mid-May to start (unless I start training for another run). I"m debating if I want to keep those for winter months? Our winters get sooooooo long!
I hope my package gets here before we leave for the weekend. I'm so excited to preview it! Abs. Someday I'm going to have awesome abs. Hopefully without surgery! LOL
Which recipe books did you order? I just subscribed to Clean Eating. :p

Precila~Did you get my package? Hope so. I hope you are feeling better. Any chance you might be prego? ;) I know you said you'd like to have another one. :D Your tot sounds so big & healthy! Good job, mommy. You must be so proud of your body & your num nums. :D

Alrighty. Whew. I think I'm all caught up now....I wonder how many posts there have been since I started this reply? LOL
Melanie, I like Clean Eating mag too. I hope you'll enjoy it!

Christine, I second Mel's question. I meant to ask you what cookbooks you purchased!! I'm always on the lookout for a new cookbook :) I just picked up Secrets of a Skinny Chef, but haven't made anything yet.

Susan, how on earth did I miss the post about you and the girls moving but Paul staying in Arkansas until he finds a new job?! When will you move? That's wonderful of your mom to help you guys like this. It will be special for Haley and Kara to have so much time with their grandmother. I hope and pray Paul finds a new (better!) job quickly.
Whew, will try to post, sorry if short onmy phone.
Mel- love the signature. I laughed out loud when I read it. Have you seen the movie Tommy boy? It reminded me of Chris farley in the little jacket singing fat guy in a little coat. I want your workout room. I am so excited for you this weekend. I almost cried when I read that Lisa was thinking of cheering you on. We are one really lucky group to have each other. I put some running treats in your package!
Susan- you are awesome, I remember how hard it was to keep the house clean for showings. Flowers do it! I also used to boil cinnamon and vanilla before people came over! Dh might explode! Your weekends will be Vegas baby!
Priscilla- honey, I almost pooped at target. I blamed the baby. But I did leave undies in the bathroom. Such a rough virus. How are we going through it at the same time? Soul sista! Or as chalene would say on extreme abs, soul clap! Feel better and get rest...
Lisa- If you want to email me, we can figure out what will help Caden. I know how much it hurtts. Like Melanie said, they always become mommas boys. Age four is a heart melter!
Allison- you make me laugh! My eats are awful! I am off the Dee end. I took ritz crackers by storm today! And those damn jujyfruits... Go back to insanity. Screw the fit test. You love ax2 right? I remember. This is better. You might barf but just make sure you do not have the flu first! Pick one and we can both do it. Friday is off for me, I have 17 on Saturday .
Ok got to pee, Kendra and Jen I will be back. I also will tell you why bil and sil are the biggest turds on the planet and that they suck.
Have to pee thank god not poop!
Lisa, that woulda been so sweet if you coulda been there! We go to St Cloud several timsa a year b/c we don't have doctors where we are at. So we take kids to pediatric dentist & go to Sams Club & mega shop. We lived in a town 30 minutes west of St Cloud for 15 years before moving to Baudette.

Christine, 17 miles? I'll be thinking about you on my mere 13.1 miles. :p I love jujy coins. Have't had them in months. I stay away from those evil bad boys. Naughty food doesn't come in my house unless it's something that I don't care for.

I get my Ezikel bread tomorrow. Can't wait. Found a friend who is doing Brazilian Butt Lift rotation with me. We start on Monday. I work only two days this week..........but next week I work FOUR. :eek:
Morning wonderful Mommies!
K endd up taking a 2 hour nap yesterday...wish she would do that everyday! She slept last night from 8:30-4...not too shabby.
Melanie-you did a great job catching up. I always forget what everyone has said and have to keep going back. I need to make notes as I read! I agree about Cede..her diet must suck. Your pooping like a dog comment crakced me up. I have never pooped outside, but done my fair share of peeing..thats for sure. I am eyeing the bowflex weights too..Im really close to getting them!! 4 days...noooo!

Lisa-hope things are better with Caden. I havent had that problem with Haley/ dh. Maybe its a boy thing. Haley has always been a mama's girl. She loves her daddy to no end..but we have soemthing special. I have noticed that Kara lights up around Paul..she still wants me all.the.time..but loves her daddy.

Allison-thanks so much for the prayers! I am very lucky my mom can move with us. She recently retired ( 2 weeks ago) I just keep telling myself it will all work out.

Christine-your cinnamon suggesting made me LOL...when we showed the house to the first couple ( who low balled us big time) I boiled cinnamon too..then I FORGOT about it and it burned.....there is nothing nastier than burned cinnamon lol. I was trying to air out the house mintues before they got here...I was stressin! Dh and I have talked about how he can deal with no sex all week....He jokingly says he'll have to visit his friend Miss Fistina..LOL

Time to get on the treadmill.

Morning waves to everyone! Hi Jen, Pricilla, Kendra

30 min of kickbox then 40 min on treadmill. I sweat more on the treadmill than with any workout...I havent tried Insanity yet though!
Good morning, Susan! Ms. Fisinia. ROTFL That's hilarous! There's always phone sex....although it's not the same thing, it does have it's place if two are willing. And sexting! Graduate school is so tough....I commuted 2 hrs one way to pharmacy school for four years! Yup, four hours on the road/day. :eek::eek: I'm not sure how I got to this commuter's lifestyle...but it seems to be the rhythm of my life; I got used to it. I listened to alot of lectures on tape (and studied with lots of index cards too).

Today I'm going to do an ez 3 mile run. My legs still feel like lead from my 10 mile run, but I feel like they need to be moved. My psyche needs to release as well....and I can feel my mommy-hat isn't as relaxed as it should be! This short run will give me the endrophin release every mommy needs!

I had Susan's protein pancakes last night for dinner & warmed them up for breakfast. I'm getting good at using fruit for sweetners instead of sugar/syrup. I use these protein pancakes as a shell for 1/2 banana. It's so yummy. Susan, you really should submit to weekly receipe for $100 gift certificate.

Today I pack for our trip (work allday tomorrow) b/c we leave about 5AM Friday morning. Our McDs is having a 5 year anniversary party with the Hamburgler so I might take kids to that later.

Waves to all mommies out there!
Susan- I have to laugh about the cinnamon. Remember whe we were selling our house and jimmy and I got swine flu? The family came in for the inspection the morning of the puking incident, when jimmmy projectile barfed all over the place and I had to steam all the carpets and beds and we ran out of sheets and towels? Then, I had to put him in the bathtub for the whoel 4 hour inspection while they looked at me like I was nuts, trying to hide that he was a barf machine! If those carpets coudl talk! It made me comment to DH that we will put new carpet in ANY place we live! Hope that friday is the magic showing. Seriously, how is DH going to get through the week. You will be preggo again!
Melanie- I am going to try Turbo Jams today, any recommendations?
Jen- Have you tried doing the probiotic twice a day?
Priscilla- ANy better?
Allsion- I treated myself to two Tyler Florence cookbooks, and the Giada at home. I think that you were the one who told me about it! I love love love to read cookbooks. I exercise to work off all the cooking!!!!!
Kendra- I like CLean Eatign magazine too, I also have their cookbooks and shoudl check them out again. I usually only cook from them in the summer when the vegies and fruits are best!
So, here is my BIL and SIL drama. DH is going to a branch manager meeting in Phoenix for 4 days in May. His parents live in Scottsdale and Jimmy has a GREAT relationship with them (this is the MIL that I now get a long with who I told that her son was kegel iscious). YEsterday, DH called and asked me if I might let Jimmy and DH fly out to arizona a day early and he could have a few days with MIL and FIL while DH is in meetings, you know, to bond and swim and fish. I have never left my kids with a babysitter or been away from them longer than the time I had JOhn. So he was calling to see if I was ok with it, etc. I said that I was, nad wished I coudl og, but that I knew he would love it. So, DH called his parents nad they said yes right away. BIL (the one who was here this weekend) got wind of it and decided that his wife and him could use a break from their kids and volunteered thta their 5 year old (who is a MANIAC) go down too. He called MIL and FIl and put them in abad spot, so they said yes. Each of BIL and SIL kids have had a special grandma grandpa trip at this age, it is a tradition. So now Jimmy is going to to have to share it with Nicolette, who is horrendous, and it just changes it all. I am really upset. The grandparents can handle one kid, not two. And they have a pool, and Jimmy is a swimmer, but I get terrified that two kids are hard to watch, and they have a german shepherd. Anyhow, I am mad, because BIL and SIL are like blood sucking parasites. My kid is growing up in a special needs home, where his brother gets an extraordinary amount of my time, and he is sharing his world, we moved him to a new place, he deserves teh treat of alone time!
Okay, done with my rant.
mel- you snuck in on me! Have a good run. I am like that too. Today is the first day that I can get down the stairs without pain! Legs dead! We are going to miss yo uon your trip!!!!!!!
Christine~ who said I wouldn't bring you on my trip? I have a laptop ...compliments of three months of hospital bedrest. It is so nice to have a laptop for trips/hotels. I will be busier tho...and won't check as often.

I'd start Punch Kick & Jam w/hand weights. It's more athletic/less dancy than her other workouts. I hope you like them!

Too bad your in laws are so selffish. :mad::mad: This would have been nice bonding time for Jimmy & his grandparents....however, it might create nice cousin-cousin memories too. I only had one cousin growing up (and she died in a car accident at age 7). I have such fond memories of hanging out with her at my grandparents house & woulda been bored stiff if she wasn't there. Sometimes hanging out with old people gets boring. Will it be the ENTIRE time? Hopefully he can have at least a part day alone with his grandparents.

I might have to be creative with my run today. DH is enjoying his last "day off" today. So...either elliptical, or a jog with the girls once Jory gets home to watch the boys for a bit. Nice thing about 3 miles is that it's under 30 minutes! :D
I agree on the cousin thing, but this one is baddddd. H ehas 7 cousins and is close with many. Nic is wild and loud... Yes, it would be the whole time. Boo. Itis hard because he has wanted to go there for a year, but we were moving and preggo, and we promised we would go this summer when john was born, not knowing that we would not be able to travel with him. We cannot be far away from home until we are further along with treatments. The kicker is that James (DH) had planned on going a day early anyhow, just out of respect to his parents, to have dinner and spend time with them. BIL works for the same company and was goign to the same meeting but said he jsut did not have time to squeeze his parents in. ONce it became a childcare option, he not only had time, but he had time to fly with a reckless 5 year old... His wife does not like having kids at home (they have 3) so this is to give her free time. We all deserve a break, but not this way... Jimmy adores BIL and SIL's son, he is coming to stay with us for a week this summer so they can have boy time...
Yay for the laptop!
Are your quads the most sore? Have you tried an IT band roller? It helps a lot!
grandma and grandpa are actually super fun. Grandma had made plans for him to go swimming, mini golfing, fishing with grandpa, etc. They are really great, my grandparents were much more boring!!!!
Yes, my quads are sore...they feel tight & heavy. Our hot tub has been broken for the last 8 weeks...and this is when I could use it the most. DH is taking his sweet slow time getting it fixed. :mad::mad: In his defense, he's had four different people here & it's still not fixed. DH has no desire to go in right now, but I was just starting to enjoy it when it broke. Urgh.

I will google "IT band roller" always have such good suggestions, Christine!

I am about 1/2 packed for our trip. :D

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