Sexy moms and happy babies 4/11-4/16


Good morning! Sittin here having coffee after DH made breakfast again. :D Had real bacon and syrup....YUM! Will definitely need a workout today. In laws may be coming out to visit today. Might make a veggie chili for dinner since it's supposed to be cloudy and cool. Today is Disc 11 of STS (Almost done with Meso 1!) and CLX abs, since ya'll keep talkin about it.

Have a great morning! BBL!
Jen, are you going to make my recipe? You'll love it! Eggplant & zucchini make a great addition to chili!

My running partner has found a group of gals to run 10+ miles today @ 430. I normally workout in AM, but she really thought I'd benefit from a GROUP run. I'm going to have nervous energy all day!!!

My weight has been sticking around 133# mark. I must be having a pretty even input/output b/c it's just floating around 133-134 for past month. Occasionally I'll hit 131, but haven't gone above 135. My body fat percentage is going down, last at 25.4% (still disguisting but improving).

Gotta run...boys crying & Maddie too...
waiting for DH to wake up so we can go for a run. I want to go 8, but his achilles is sore, so we might do a slow 4. BIl and SIL leaving at lunch. THank goodness. I cannot believe how rude and selfish they are. It is amazing how much I cannot stand SIL. Ther is a car show at teh high school, so JImmy wants to go see the fun cars. Then we are making pottickers for tongiht, with a side of barley and edamame. Mmmm.
Jen- Bacon sounds so good. I need to see if we have some. Have a great workout, extreme abs is the best I think.
Mel- have a terrific run. A group run is fun. You will be so hungry for dinner! Hi all! Off to have coffee!
Melanie- That run should be fun! When is your 1/2 marathon? It's soon, isn't it? I didn't add eggplant...actually forgot but it should be yum! I just kinda threw stuff together and threw in crockpot.

Christine- YAY for BIL and SIL leaving! Edamame is so good!

Well no workout so far and poss not today. My back is still bothering me. Maybe from Insanity and heavy weight workout so I may rest today so I can hit it full force. I don't want to injure myself and then not be able to enjoy the rest of Insanity.
What? No eggplant? I'd just throw out and start over. LOL I'm sure it'll be good.

I'm so antsy waiting for my run...that's why I normally run in AM. My first loaf of bread didn't go well, trying a second loaf. This is really an art. Eziekel bread made someone vomit? Eww. That doesn't sound good!

The boys are painting, Myranda is sleeping in her crib & Maddie is happily playing in her Exersaucer. Life is good. For the moment. LOL

My 1/2 marathon is next Saturday!!!!! I'm so excited (and nervous). I'll be happy to have it under my belt. I also am excited to order up my prize (bowflex adjustable dumbbells). I haven't decided if I'll dive into Charlean right away....but someone mentioned they are short? Are they about 30 minutes? I thought Insanity was longer than advertised. Glad everyone is liking them. :D

I'm waiting for my kettleball video,'s taking forever to get here. :mad:

Okay, the boys are done already. Lot of prep work for just a little bit of fun.:rolleyes:
Melanie- I guess she talked to a nutrionist and was told that it can be common for the body to reject all natural ingredients after eating crap for so long. They just started to switch over and eat clean and organic. Holy cow! Next weekend?!! Yay! I can't wait! I'm so excited for you! Silly girl, I will NOT start my chili over! :p The first month of Insanity's are short, about 35-40 minutes total but only about 20-25 min of feeling like you will die. ;)

Made some protein bars and granola from scratch. Excited to see how it turns out. I found both the recipes on here in the recipes forum. It was really simple and fast! Contemplating a workout. Back feels better but not sure if I should push it.

Oh! We bought a little blow up pool with a shade over it for James. I took him out in it and he loved it. Of course I had to get in my bathing suit which is what made me want to workout. Well my abs at least..... :eek:
Jen- I love when they get to start playing in water. When he can stand, you HAVE to get a water table. Endless entertainment! That is great, sounds like a good day. I had some back issues when I started insanity, once my abs got much stronger, it improved. WHen doign all the moves, really hold your core in tight, it will improve!
Here is the granola recipe (I add way more cinnamon and vanilla, and sometimes throw in coconut and vanillla coated almonds).
BBL for more personals.
Mel- How was the run? Been thinking of you all day. I got your treat in teh mail yesterday. I cannot wait! I am too sore today, maybe tomorrow!
Here are some great recipes from this month's cooking light, I am going to make them this week!
Susan- Hope you had a great time with your mom!
Kendra- Are weekends crazy with all 7 kids?
Allison- Miss yoU!
Priscilla- I have what you have! What is it about all of us all over the country all gettign teh flu?
Lisa- Loved the pic from teh park on FB!
Had a late run, then got home to nurse hungry mouths, then to put boys to bed. Whew. Alot packed into short period of time.

I ended up running with my running partner & two sisters. They were faster then me...and I had to make FOUR poop stops. :mad::mad: Urgh...but still kept up with a 9 1/2 minute/mile pace. Not too bad. My GI was all girgglie. I can NOT have fiber bars when I run long runs...screws things up. So we ended up doing a 10+ mile circle. I got a new blister on my right foot too...but it's not blood filled or anything. *light* running this week (I think just a couple 3 milers)...then race on Saturday! I feel so much more confident having these couple long runs under my belt. :D

Alrighty, I work tomorrow. So I'll check on your beauties on Tuesday. :)
hey, ladies. where did the weekend go??? Ugh. I took Caden for a 3mi walk yesterday and called it my workout--I think my joints appreciated the break. He threw a major fit when we got home because he wanted to keep going. Sorry, honey, mommy has to go potty and doesn't carry TP like some other people do :).

I work til 8 tonight, so it's DH's first evening alonewith the kids....would love to be a fly on the wall. He's not so great w multi-tasking, so it could be interesting...

Melanie-grea run!! DH and I were thinking about going up to St. Cloud to cheer you on, but he now has some softball thingy.

christine- ya for the in laws leaving! You are a saint for dealing with them. how lonh until they grace you with their presence again?
Morning ladies!
sorry I missed you this weekend. Mom was here and we just kept busy chatting etc. Haley entertained us big time...she is sooo funny! K has been sleeping better..getting up once around 4..hope it continues. She is also eating much better. Should I go to 2 times a day before adding veggies? For the life of me I can't remember how I did it with Haley.
Jen-is your back better? Take care of it!! How did the bars turn out?? Bacon with syrup..YUM!
Melanie-will miss you today! Sounds like your run was fun..besides the pooping. Did your running buddies wait on you or did you have to catch up?? I love Ezk bread! I have a recipe I found on here that is supposed to be like it...I think I will try it today..its flaxseed bread. What recipe did you find??
Christine-ok, what is a water table?? Thanks for the recipes! I have made so many new/ good things from you guys!
Lisa-hope your day goes well!
Christine-I know you have talked about it before..but where did you get your select weights..I think I "need" them! I really love how compact they are etc. Did you get rid of your free weights..or do you have both??

Ok..gotta get Haley up and going. BBS
Good morning mommies! James slept good but mommy didn't. He coughed at 4am and I heard it in the monitor and just didn't sleep well after that. Oh well....In laws were over yesterday and I worked out while they were there. First time I felt "brave" enough to do that and the world didn't fall off its axis. ;) Only have one more disc of Meso 1! And I did CLX Extreme Abs...Loved it!

Melanie- I wondered the same thing Susan did; did your running buddies wait? Take care of yourself this week so you can win the 1/2 marathon! :p

Susan- How are you feeding Kara food? I am just trying everything right now to see what J is allergic too but no real schedule yet. Should I be doing it different? He ate bananas and oatmeal (seperately) this weekend. Wasn't a huge fan of either but still doing really well with the spoon. So far it looks like sweet potatoes are his fav. Mom and Dad's too. :D Back is better, just feels sore and overworked but I still worked out. The bars were yummy too. A little different and kinda chewy like a no bake cookie. I used flavored whey protein powder and I just don't like the after taste of it which you can taste in the bars. I will make again but with soy protein powder or maybe unflavored and then just add unsweetened cocoa. I am excited to play around with the recipe now.

Christine- Thanks for the recipes. I still plan on making the carbonara one but I need to get more chicken. DH loved the granola I made but says it needs a little something more so I will try the one you posted to see if he likes that better. I can't wait for all kinds of toys for James even the water table! We looked at a bunch of stuff this weekend at BRU and started making our "lists." ;)

Lisa- Your comment on the TP made me laugh. :D Wow, long day for you! Can't wait to hear how DH does "multi tasking"

Haven't heard anything on my friend's baby. A few of us contacted her yesterday but haven't heard back. It was 48 hours yesterday and they were supposed to check on his lungs so hopefully no news is good news. (Fingers crossed) My other friend/coworker goes to the dr today for her first dr's appt and then she will start announcing her news. We will have two preggos at my office. The other girl is due 11/11 (great day Mel!) but will probably go early because she has to get the cervical surgery and stay on bedrest after 15 weeks until delivery. Ok enough chatting....bbl. Will post eats later after I figure out what I want. :)
Jen-Which recipe did you try? I know you said you found it on the forums. Oh, those dreaded coughs. That would happen to caden all the time! One little noise, and I was up for the day. I swear us moms must sleep 1/2 awake.

I'm having a little mommy pity party this morning. Have any of you ladies with other kids had your older child turn against you? Caden has always been a daddy's boy, but lately, he ONLY wants DH. WHen DH leaves, he bawls, and he'll randomly start crying and say "mommy" (he calls him mommy..can't seem to change it). He'll let me hug him during those times, but he is SO sad without his dad. He wouldn't let me put him in his crib last night or get him out this morning (i've gone to his room 3 times in the past 1/2 hr, and he'd rather just cry in there than come to me). I talk to him and play with him as much as I can, but I know I don't get as much real playtime with him since I spend so much time nursing Reese, making meals, etc. I'm going to try to hand Reese off to Nick a little more this week, but I know Caden will throw a fit...and I really don't want to force him to play with me.

Weekends throw off my diet so much...way too many carbs and too much sodium. Even though I keep my calories in check, my body just gets all puffy and achy when I eat like that. Looking forward to my weekday eating.

Have a good Monday everyone
Jen-sorry for not enough sleep! I have always read and my dr told me to just feed cereal or oatmeal 1 time a day for a couple weeks..then go to 2 for a couple weeks..then add one new veggie or fruit every week. I think most people do it faster than this reccomendation..but Im in no rush. Kara is just now doing good on eating once a day...oatmeal only. Some babies digestive system mature at a slower rate..James sounds like he is doing great. I am very I need a routine with everything lol.

Lisa-Im sorry for your heartache where Caden is concerned. Im sure it's just a phase. He might be feeling jealous of Reece and feels like with daddy he doesnt have to compete as much with sister. Haley is so muich older than K we havent had this problem. Maybe Melanie or Christine can help out. Caden loves don't take it personally...hes just going through emotions.

taking H to school bb
after reading my response to Jen I think I answered my question lol. I will start cereal 2 times a day this week...settled
Good morning ladies!
christine- weekends are so crazy around here.We were out of town this weekend. So it was busier that usual. The kids are out for spring break this week. We are going to this beach this weekend. I can't wait! I did HiiT 40/20 & Core Max 1 this morning. I have been snacking way too much lately. I'm having to get back to basics with planning my meals and measuring my food. I love the menus in Clean Eating magazine. I mostly like getting snack ideas from the menus.
Jen- I wish I wish I was brave enough to do my on things when my in-laws visit. I usually sit around and try to make conversation.But really they come to see the kids not me.
Lisa- I hope things go well with dh babysitting. I'm sure he'll do fine.
Melanie- Sounds like you had a good run. Running always gets my bowels moving.
Whew, I ahve a lot to write to each of you, so I may have to come back a few times to get to all of it! John has not been sleepign well. I do nto get it. Oh well. Susan, Kara was a 2 and 4am wake up right? That is john's schedule on a good night and I wish he would drop the 2. With training for the marathon, I need more sleep! Today is a rest day so I will nap with the kids. I might have to do some weights, and abs, though. I could not do that wile the dreaded in laws were here. DH and I were talking last ngiht. We were glad to take them to the airport. DH is so different from his brother. They areee really self absorbed people. Oh well. It makes it nice that we are far away! ANd that we cannot travel with John for a long time! Freedom! I coulod go on forever about them. Not ONCE did they even ask how we were, or even acknowledge JOhn's hemophilia. They pretty much watched TV and looked for stuff on ebay. I made every meal and cleaned up after them. Nobody even offered to help with anything. Grrr. And they ate so much for two people! So, my outlook on the visit is that I appreciate my DH more than ever, our well behaved children make me proud, and that we are much happier people.
So, first things first. Lisa, I know what you are goign through. Caden is 2? When Jimmy was a baby, he always loved to see daddy, but I was the magic mommy, you know? And around age two, he would call for daddy in teh monitor, and want only daddy to give him a bath, etc. I was so hurt, just like you. I wanted to be that role. IT had always been mine! It tore at my mommy heart strings. And with Reese, I am sure you get that achy feeling like you might be missing out, it seems like all we do is feed babies and rock them to sleep, doesn't it? But, here is the good news. The come back to momma stronger than ever in a bit. They are just testing boundaries and discovering that mommy and daddy are different. They also are learning that they can affect you with their behavior. Jimmy still adores daddy, but he and I have our special time together. I would recommend that you have DH watch Reese this weekend for a few hours, and have alone time with caden, like the days before baby! We do that and it helps! Sometimes Jimmy just wants to go on a bike ride, or to the book store, or just for an ince cream cone. I am so sorry for you, I know that it hurts. I have recommended it before to others, but the book Boundaries With Children is great. Also The Magic Years... Feel free to PM or email me if you need to vent!
Jen- I hope that you are feelign better. Isn't that a great abs section? I love it. Here is the water table that we had and we plan on getting another as soon as john is ready:
It is so fun. Sometimes we would color the water with food coloring or put ice in it on really hot days. he was still playing with it when we moved, but we let it go, it was tired! Granola is so good when you figure out how you like it! Let me know how the next batch goes!
Susan- Glad that you and mom had a great weekend. Was Dh out of town/ I sent you an email on FB... :)
Melanie- 4 poops! Whew! I think there is a stomnach thing going around! I am so proud of you for all that you have done! I want to see pictures of you at the finish line! Do you get to have a mountain dew as a treat?
kendra- spring break at the beach sounds great. you must be superwoman, seriously! i love 40/20. i am not a fan of 30/30 though... and core max is another one i love too!
ok, bbl, john is losing it.
I will start posting eats again. Been a piggy this weekend and I look like a puffed up marsallow. Boo. Also, anyone interested in a sloop lentil (like sloppy joes) that goes in ww pita with cucumbers? I have not tried it yet but I know you all love lentils!!!!!
Kendra- That is how I always felt with the in-laws too so that is why I decided to try it out. Didn't hurt her feelings one bit. The beach should be so much fun! Some of us post our menus so maybe you want to join in. I know I got some new healthy snack ideas for work from Christine.

Susan- Answered your own question. ;) Glad I could help.

Christine- I am feeling better, thanks. Was going to make today a rest day but maybe I will try one of Kelly Coffee Meyers step workouts or something. I will give myself a break from Insanity...but only for one day! Tomorrow is STS legs and then I am done with Meso 1! Next week is active recovery so I can do anything (ahem..Insanity over and over) except weights. James loved his sweet potatoes too!

So is it bad that I don't give James cereal or oatmeal on a regular basis? I thought this time was more about just taste testing and allergy testing to get him used to eating on off a spoon?

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