Saying good bye to my dog...


:( Just a tad bit sad today. One of our dogs died last night. Just typing this makes me want to cry:confused::( He was about 11 yrs old, part german/doberman mix...big dog but a wonderful personality! He hasn't been very well (leg wise) but other then that he seemed fine. We started him on glucosimine to see if that would help but I don't even think he was taking it long enough. Yesterday afternoon we were outside all evening with the dogs and my SIL said "chico is right there" he was in the bushes behind our house. I said, "thats o.k, he isn't going anywhere" b/c he never went anywhere. When I looked he was gone. I went behind our house but couldn't see him anywhere, walked up and down the st but there was no sign of him. One of our friends called and he seen him behind our house, stuck in the mud (theres a few tress behind our house, then a ditch, then the road) I went to get him but he wouldn't come out of the trees ( i think he went away to die) He finally made it back to the garage but later got up, walked over to my inlaws lawn and lay down by the play house. He didn't look right to me and his stomach was swollen. We were going to take him to the vet but he wouldn't get up and there was no way we could move him (he use to weigh 135 lbs) and thought that maybe he needed some time to come around. We ate our dinner, kept checking on him and when we looked he was up walking around again. We took him back to the garage (afraid he would take off again and his stomach was getting more swollen in my eyes) and he died later yesterday evening. I checked on him around 8:30 and he was gone by 9:00.

Im thinking he had cancer? He never had any signs of anything other then a bad hip....but I guess you never know.
It was only yesterday afternoon I rushed to get my camera b/c DS (2 yrs old) was sitting next to him poking his fingers in his mouth. I didn't make it in time and ended up getting a picture of chico by himself. After I took the pic I thought "I have enough pics of the dogs" its a good thing I didn't delete it b/c its the last picture taken of him.

He was such a wonderful dog. Now the other dog is totally lost. He as been with him since he was a pup and now he is gone. I can't believe it. I don't deal with death very well.

Needless to say, I didn't sleep last night. I kept dreaming about chico and all the wonderful things he did and we did with him. He had a good life and I need to remember that. We can't get him cremated until Tues but they are coming to pick him up today. Im guessing Tues won't be a very good day either. Its going to take a while to adjust to him not being around:(

I will bbl! Hopefully I will be in better spirits!

I am so sorry for your loss of Chico. I know how sad you must feel as all of us who live with dogs and love them have gone thru this.
I'm sorry this happened Lori. I know how hard it is to lose an animal. I lost a dog and a cat with in a couple years of one another. Very sad. :(

((((HUGS)))) to you!!!!
I'm so sorry. I know how painful it can be. You lost a family member and it's very hard. Hugs to you

I'm so sorry about Chico. It sounds like he was very special and will always remain so you you and your family. ((((HUGS))))
I am so sorry for your loss! It is never easy to lose a lifelong friend like that! Chico sounds like he was a very happy and loved family member.
I am so very very sorry for your loss. Just reading your story made me want to cry. I know a woman who has owned dogs all her life and I asked her once how she can deal with the pain of losing them. She said - that is what owning a dog is all about. They bring you immense joy while they are here - but they are only around a short time so you just go about making their lives as wonderful as possible. That is your comfort when they leave you. You gave Chico a wonderful, wonderful life. It was just his time to go.

But again - I am sorry.
Just wanted to say how sorry I am. Our pets really are like true family, it's so hard to say goodbye. When we lost our cat's last year, we went down to our local SPCA and adopted two cats. It really helped my children get over the heartbreak. My son still gets weepy over "Charlie" but we always remind him how happy Charlie would be with us adopting cat's that really needed homes.
Oh Lori, ((((((Hugs)))))) to you and the family! I'm so sorry for your loss! Reading the story of it made me want to cry myself :( I hope you all feel better soon.

I lost my dog on March 24th and I still cry thinking about it I miss him so much. He was 12.5yrs old he was my babes. I have anotther dog and she is slowly going down hill as well she has bad arthritis. They are/were the kids I never had. I wish I could have done more to extend his life but that was not possible. I had this memorial made in his honor and I put it upstairs where he used to like to hang out.

I am sure you have seen this before but I know reading it gave me comfort. OK I have to go before I cry all over my computer.

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here,
that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can
run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm
and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and
vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again,
just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they
each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly
stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His
eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying
over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally
meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again.
The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the
beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your
pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...


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So sorry to hear of your loss. We also put our oldest dog down in March so I know how you feel. There's thi sbig empty spot w/o him. When you have a dog that long it's like a kid. I still get weepy once in a while over him & find it hard to talk about.

Best wishes to your family & so nice that you got that last picture of him!
Sending big hugs your way. This same thing happened to us this past February. We lost our 12yr old Golden Retreiver in the same way. Remmy was his name, and he would run/walk with me all of his life. Very fit and active. He started having what I thought was arthritis...slow to get up and down over the course of the past year. He really was so spry though, up until about 4 days before we decided to put him down. He too had a swollen belly, didn't want to eat, and would go outside, lay down in our backyard and not want to come back in. I am telling you this because we did take him into the vet and did labwork and xrays. His labwork showed definate lymphoma (cancer) and also probable pancreatic cancer. We took him home, and he had an awful night of not sleeping (I think because of the pain), vomiting and eating only one hotdog. He was so sad. We ended up putting him down the next day. I cried for weeks and weeks, and I am crying as I type this. I walked around like a zombie, crying on and off for 2 weeks after his death. Take your time to grieve and remember your dog had a wonderful life!



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