Ok, I did 30 minutes of the step circuits from Body Max, was sweating like a madman, kinda gasping at points, and burned 200 calories according to my GWF. Okey doke. Thought it'd be more after all that.....
Then tonight, I give running on the treadmill a shot (I normally walk) so I did 30 minutes at a 4.5 pace, no incline, I was never gasping, just a good steady run, and I burned 300 calories. As Stewie would say: "what the deuce?!"
Can this be right? I felt more exertion doing the step, so why wouldn't I burn as much or more as running? Anyone else have the same experience in this? thanks!
Then tonight, I give running on the treadmill a shot (I normally walk) so I did 30 minutes at a 4.5 pace, no incline, I was never gasping, just a good steady run, and I burned 300 calories. As Stewie would say: "what the deuce?!"
Can this be right? I felt more exertion doing the step, so why wouldn't I burn as much or more as running? Anyone else have the same experience in this? thanks!