Good morning tripward bounders. Yikes, it's getting close. I'm going to the shore a week from Friday, so right now, that is the thing I'm excited about. When we get home on the 1st, I'll be gearing up for the RT with shopping, packing etc.
I had hoped to get up early and workout again today, but when the alarm went off, I reset it and went back to sleep. Maybe I'll get home early enough from my baby shower to workout this evening. Otherwise, it will be a rest day for me.
Michelle, I'm not crazy about running either. I do it every now and then just to shake things up. Just substitute another form of cardio and you'll be fine.
Vickie, I'm sending you a crate full of good study vibes. Good luck on your test next week. Did you have to make a video of yourself or is that for another fitness type career? Seems like I remember another poster worrying about her video...
See you all in 29 days!