Road Trip Cold Feet


Ummmmm.... okay, is anyone else experiencing this? I keep having these thoughts that go something like "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK I'm so nervous!!!". I've actually had fleeting thoughts about not coming.:-(
Shelley, what's with this crazy talk!? What are you nervous about? (Besides having to room with ME?) Talk to us! We'll help you get through it! :D
You are not alone. I am scared to death. I have tried to talk my DH into coming with me. I have no idea about flying and what I am to do. I hope I don't miss the connecting flight and that I can even find out where it is in the airport. I have never rented a car before. I am not very good with directions so I hope I don't get lost from the airport to the hotel. This is my first vacation by myself. I have thought more than once that maybe I shoudn't go. What do I do? What do I do? Do I sound like I am in a panic yet?!
I think a lot of us have those feelings, so you're not alone. It's nervewracking to meet a ton of people who you have a prior knowledge of but have never actually met. What if they don't like me? What if I don't measure up to their expectations? What ARE their expectations???

Let's all just take a deep breath and know we're in the same boat. And Shelley, no matter what, I like you! You're a fascinating person online and you will be in person. :)


P.S. Check your PM in a few minutes ;)
Oh no Shelley, not you! You'd better be there! I am so looking forward to meeting you & everyone!

I don't have cold feet at all. Every day I'm more excited. I'm on vacation at the beach next week & I don't even give a crap, what I'm really looking forward to is the road trip. :p

Maybe b/c it's where I grew up so it's like coming home to me. Or maybe it's just that I'm an obnoxious big mouthed extrovert who is dying to meet in person all these amazing women I've gotten to know over the last year.

Whatever, all I can say is I bet you'll be relaxed within 30 minutes of getting there & having a blast. Mark my words.

Shelley, as I remember on our Texas road trip, I was fine right up until the part where we all meet in the lobby, ok so far so good, then we're all in a elevator that seemed too tiny (but it wasn't) and I'm thinking to myself "what in the world did I get myself into?" Needless to say, you heard the eyeliner story, everything was fun, friendly and very comfortable after about 20 minutes of meeting each other. I don't regret it. So I have to say, I'm not nervous. Maybe I will be closer to the date, though. Who knows.

I think as soon as I meet one person, I'll be fine, so when I get to the hotel I'll be okay, because Luna is retrieving me from the airport (thanks Becky!).

And Sabrina? You're going to do fine with the flying and the driving. I promise. Airports are remarkably well laid out and everything is very clearly marked and there are always people to ask if you're confused. And you get there a day before us. You're gonna be an old hand at everything by the time the majority of us descend on Friday.

Okay, I'm feeling a bit better. Becky, I got your PM! Thanks.

You are the last person I'd expect to hear has cold feet! You always sound so confident and self assured. I marvel at your wit, and worry myself about how dull I'll seem next to you and all the other clever women from I'm so looking forward to meeting you, all the others, Cathe, and the Crew.
Shelley, Sabrina, and others who are concerned,

As several mentioned, it's natural to get cold feet. However, once you are with this joyous bunch, you'll have a grin on your face from ear to ear. I promise each of you that this is a huge support group. We're all here to give each other hugs, and to have fun.

We have lots of fun activities planned for everyone. I think we all will have a blast!

Sabrina, don't worry about finding your connecting gate. There always is someone at the gate as soon as you get off the plane to help direct you to your next gate. Also, if you truly are a tad uncomfortable in driving in an unfamiliar place, you can always take the Rapid Rover shuttle available near baggage claim.

Please PM me if you need additional information.

<<<Hugs>>> to all of my friends! :D
The only thing I'm really nervous about is the FLIGHT!! I don't like flying at all! :( When I went on my honeymoon to Mexico this past October I actually had a tear (small one) stream down my face during take off.

Emily (materialgirl) and Angie (finsgirl) will be with me! So that helps me a bit! I'll try to be brave!

Thanks Lorrayne

I think I will stay with the car. I am arriving on Thusday and leaving on Monday. I hope to be able to take Cathe's class on Friday morning at the gym and maybe do a little shopping too. Hopefully there will be others interested and we can get together.

Plus I need to do it sometime! :D

Thanks again!!
Dani - you're so lucky to be flying with those two amazing chicks!

My plane is a little 50 seater. I may be medicating myself before embarking, so I don't have a nervous breakdown! Although Emily told me I'm not allowed to, lest I end up in Timbuktu by mistakenly wandering onto the wrong flight in some drug-induced haze:p
You and me both, Danielle. Every time I fly, my palms are dripping wet with perspiration. DH says it feels like I just dipped my hands in a bucket of water. I fly all the time, too.

Dani, we'll take care of you on the plane! We'll be so busy leading the other passengers in step aerobics, that we'll forget all about the fact that we're on an airplane! :D
If it makes you guys feel better, I am right there with you on the nerves: afraid of making a dork out of myself in the classes, being MORE shy then I am here, I know, believe it! I met one of the Cathe fans here (Hi Andi!) and she said she was surprised how much quieter I am in person! Ha! Sooo, you guys don't have to worry about me being a loudmouth on the trip, just HERE! We really do have tons of FUN stuff planned and I just know once we all step off our planes and unite, it will be one great time. Shelley, see you in July! It would not be complete without you there!!!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
YES, I am very nervous, too! The traveling isn't what's getting me (well maybe a little), it's the walking into a room of near-strangers and not knowing what to do next. I can already feel my heart pounding as I spot Cathe for the first time! I'm going to be late getting there Friday night, so you guys will have had a jump-start on me at unwinding and getting acquainted. I'm not very active on the Forum like alot of you are, and I feel sort of "out of the loop". It helps to know that I'm not the only one, though. If anyone sees a lost and forlorn-looking redhead entering the room, please come and rescue me!

See ya' soon,
Shelley, you are too funny!! I'm sure we will be fine! Gotta think positive right?

Marla, I can totally relate! You sound like me!

Emily, Sounds like a plan to me (the step aerobics on the plane) teehee!! Thank goodness you guys will be there!
Dani - Me and Emily will hold your hands during takeoff. The only tear that will stream down your face will be from laughter! Or sweat from the step workout we're going to be doing in the aisle of the plane!

I'm nervous, too, but knowing that we all are makes it better. I bet we'll be surprised when the weekend ends so quickly and we're not ready to leave!!

Would it make you feel better if you knew how rotten some of us feel because we can't go? I'm so jealous of those of you who are going. You're going to have so much fun and actually personally know the people in the forum and know what they all look like and probably make some lifelong friends. ENJOY !

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