relationship-y advice needed


Before getting into heart of the issue, I feel like I should preface this with some background info. I'm a 25 year old (going on 26 in August) single gal of Pakistanti descent. Like most women in my age group, I've been getting pressured to get married and settle down. Now, in the case of South Asians like myself, the pressure is even greater b/c...well, that's just how we do it, I guess. :rolleyes: Once you've hit 30 and you're still single, you're considered a lost cause. You wouldn't believe the shock people express when they hear of a Pakistani/Indian woman over 30 getting married. :rolleyes:

On top of that, coming from a Muslim background, we don't do the whole dating thing. Ish. My parents, being immigrants, are more traditional and were always hoping I'd let them find someone for me, and I would make the final decision, and together we'd choose someone of good breeding, with a good job, and of good character. Being born and raised here, however, I have a hard time trying to make my parents see that the above just doesn't cut it for me, and that I want to find someone on my own, and marry for love, not just b/c the person happens to be good/respectable. :-/

That was a lot of background! :eek: Now for the issue: today my mom told me that she had someone in mind for me, but was worried about how I might take it (the marriage issue has been a VERY sore point b/w us). Turns out, it's this guy that I've known since childhood. What my mom DOESN'T know, is that - as teens, he and I were friends (my parents, again, being very traditional, discouraged me from being friends w/ boys, so when I was younger I always hid my male friendships from them) - and I had a huge crush on him. By high school, I was in love with him. I broke off our friendship by the time we graduated b/c I told him how I felt, knowing he didn't feel the same, and just...didn't want to be friends anymore even though he wanted to. As a result, I kind of burned the bridges b/w us...I heard he was pretty upset that I had cut him out like that. Anyway...time went on and I got over him and eventually forgot about him. This is all stuff I never told my mom, so to her, she is suggesting a guy that I probably only know a little.

It's weird though, b/c all these years have gone by and I felt that I had gotten my closure. But lately, perhaps out of depression/feeling lonely (people in my age group have been getting engaged right and left, and it's getting me down), I've been thinking of him more and more. thinking about him and wondering what he's up to, wondering what the years had done to him, if he still held any resentment towards me, if our paths would ever cross again. I DON'T feel that I've fallen back in love w/ him just like that...I've just been thinking of him is all...

I always talked myself out of friending him on facebook, and out of these thoughts in general, because I don't want to try "recapturing the past" because, as it often goes, it's like returning to summer camp when summer's over, and it doesn't look as exciting/sunny/fun as it was when you were actually in camp, you know? And besides, we've both probably changed so much that we most likely have nothing in common, and won't even get along. Who knows.

But still. I was thinking of him. And then my mom mentioned him and asked me if I was interested. And I keep having that "feeling" -- that..."even though I can't explain it, it just feels right" type feeling. Although to be honest, I think I've become so cynical and so pessimistic as of late, that the "feeling" is starting to wane and I'm doubting it all over again. :confused:

In short, I'm torn about whether or not I want to even consider pursuing this. I don't want to set myself up for rejection, especially not with someone whose family runs in some of the same circles as my own family. But on the other hand, this silly little optimist in me feels that maybe...all this crappiness that's happened to me lately is just a build-up for the chick-flick-ish turn of events that may be before me. And then the pessimistic side of me intervenes and argues that I was never meant to have one of those chick-flick plot twists with happy endings b/c they only happen in books, movies, and about 1% of the female population, and I am not in that group.

And on top of that, if I did decide that I wanted to consider him, I have no idea if I should try getting in touch with him on my own, or if I should let my mom figure it out (again, this is not uncommon in our culture)...but I'm not sure which of us is less disaster-prone. :p I suppose the more important issue though is, whether or not bridges can/should be un-burned.

Erk. I've written my heart out, and I reckon a little sleep will let me think more clearly in the morning.
Hi, I really do not have any good advise for you I just want to wish you the best.... Well maybe I do want to tell you something, ;) Do what you heart is telling you, I don't know if you are ready for EVERYTHING good or bad ending so just think, evaluate, make a list of the good and the bad and see which one wins! Hope you get what ou deserve.:D;)
Can't sleep and just ran across your post. If you're asking, I would NOT try to contact him, but if you think you might be interested....I would just let your mom take care of it. I don't think that is weird at all. She loves you and wants what is best for you and has experience with this kind of thing. If you think you might be inclined towards him, you don't have to "feel" anything. As a matter of fact, thinking with one's head instead of one's feelings at this point might be best. If your mom takes care of are not really exposing yourself to personal rejection by him, but your mom is just exploring the possibility for you, which is really a plus. Sounds like a great plan to me. The question is: do you THINK he might be a good husband? Let's get the feelings out of it and look at it antiseptically. If you think so, give her the green light and see what happens, like you said, you have gotten closure, so if mom takes care of it, you are not opening the door. He must open the door and you can just wait and see what happens , but you are not invested in any way. You can still say "yes" or "no". IMHO
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Thanks for the advice! I've been giving this a lot of thought, and I think I am kind of interested. One thing though that concerns me about letting my mom take care of things (though I do like the idea of her handling it so I don't have to get all emotionally invested) is that he and I haven't spoken to each other in a long time. In my mind, he's the 18 year old I used to know -- which for me is great. In his mind, I'm probably the 18 year old he used to know -- which may or may not be great. Either way, we've both changed over the years, I'm sure, and I feel like it might make more sense to go on my own and try to get to know him again before either of us have to even consider one another for marriage, u know? B/c w/ my mom, it would probably be something like, "hey is your son interested in my daughter?" he would probably conjure up his images/memories of 18 year old me, and might go "ew. no." or something. :p I dont know if that makes sense.

I guess if my mom brings him up again, I'll try to explain this all to her. That yes, I think I'm interested, but I see pros and cons to her proceeding vs. me proceeding. Plus I think I'd have to come clean a little about how he and I used to be friends...another thing that I think might make it easier if I contact him rather than her.

I think it's time I actually physically wrote out a real pro/con list, b/c...that's how I make all my major decisions. :p
WOW, Farah!! When does the chick-flic come out? You are in quite a predicament and all I can offer is a big hug and support!! Pray for wisdom as to what to do is my only recommendation.


Let your Mom arrange a meeting and if it doesn't work out, I'm sure that it will blow over, but if you don't at least meet him, wouldn't you always wonder? Sometimes it takes us time to grow up, maybe you will be better with each other now than when you were both just kids.
The first thing that popped in my head when reading your post is do you want to reconnect with this guy because you feel rushed to get married or are you genuinely interested in getting to know him and perhaps starting a relationship with him? If you really are ready to start dating and see great husband-like qualities in him, then by all means, I say go for it! Like everyone else said though, I would have your mom throw it out there and kind of feel out the situation rather than you contact him. You don't necessarily have to give her all the nitty gritty details about your past; just tell her you'd like to get to know him on your own but would like her to initiate the first meeting, something like that. If you're comfortable, suggest that she not play the marriage card right away either ;) I think that he will be very open to reconnecting with you, despite what happened in HS. That was almost 10 years ago and like you said, people change and mature. I'm sure he will be understanding. You never know unless you try. And the possibility of rejection comes with any potential boyfriend, so don't let that worry hold you back. You don't win big unless you risk big ;)

Good luck with everything and keep us posted!
How about letting your mom to set up lunch, since this is somewhat traditional for your family? Lunch is not a lifetime commitment - it is just an hour or so, with someone you used to like. Go in without a strong expectation of more than that, and just see how it goes. And, if he's still upset after all these years to the extent that even a simple thing like lunch wouldn't be of interest... that may be a factor in whether a long term relationship is a Good Thing at all.

But I'd also suggest telling your mom a little of the back story too, so she can gauge *her* her approach.

Best of luck! Hopefully you'll at least have a pleasant hour or so with someone you can share high school memories with :D
I say you have nothing to lose by getting back in touch with him and if you don't you will always be wondering if that was a mistake. I think this is definitely a case where bridges can be 'unburned'. I certainly would never hold a grudge against something like that that happened that long ago when you were so young and I would be surprised if he did. I think you should go for it. You aren't commiting yourself to anything other than getting re-acquainted with and old friend. Who knows, you might just get that chick flick ending too :)

Hi Farah,

Here are my two cents: You sound curious but cautious - so be curious and say yes (to yourself or your mom to contact him - whatever works best), and at the same time be cautious and go in just expecting a chance to see how he is doing and to catch up - that's it. I'd be curious about how someone from the past is doing - even without my mom's help so I say go for it. I would. But the decision is ultimately yours so trust what yr instincts are telling you. they never lie.

My mom and I talked and decided it would be best if I got in touch with him first...just drop him a few lines on facebook and see how he is. I did that a few days ago and never heard from him. I know not everyone gets on facebook 10x a day, and that guys can be a bit slow about these things b/c they're not always sure about what to say, but I don't know. I don't feel as optimistic as I did in the beginning of the week; I just don't see him writing back now, and I'm incredibly depressed about it. I wish I never wrote him; I thought it wouldn't be a big deal to write him since it's been sooo long and my feelings for him had been long gone too..but somehow it all came rushing back. I carried a torch for him for like, 8 or so years; I don't know why I thought I could go into this with 0 expectations/0 emotions.

I feel so blue. I haven't worked out, and have barely eaten anything these past few days, that I actually reached my summer goal weight. I don't think depression-induced weightloss counts as a win though. :(

I am sorry you are feeling down. You sound like a wonderful, reflective and intelligent woman. I think you were right the first time... not everyone is on facebook all the time like us Cathletes who check in everyday. In fact I have two facebook accounts 'cos I forgot the password on the first account so just created a new one. Many out there probably think I've ignored them but I haven't!!!! I am just not tech savvy.

At the end of the day what matters is that you opened your heart to give something a chance. You took a risk. Many don't. So congratulations to you for thinking it through and doing what you thought was best. I hope he facebooks you back. You sound like a wonderful young woman indeed!

Now get your Cathe workout in tomorrow if you can. Cathe is here to help us de-stress and find some of our personal power.
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Wow, Farah. You still dig this guy. It's obvious he made a big impression. When you talked to your mom did you tell her all about your history with him? When you see his FB page is it PRIVATE? If not, check his wall to get a sense of how often he checks in before assuming he's not interested. If not, the others are right about letting your mom handle it (again, she should know the full history). I think you shouldn't cross him off the list since it may be he rarely checks in at FB. I often wonder why my brother even has a FB page since he checks in about once a month!

Things were just left in an awkward place all those years ago but if the electricity is still there you're going to want to know before becoming all obligated to some other guy. I could say a lot about the success of arranged marriages I know of compared with the 50/50 "success" rate of marriages that start off as "love-matches" but... it doesn't get any better than an arranged marriage that begins with real attraction! If it doesn't work out, deal with that when it's an actual fact. Don't get depressed yet. Tell your mom and let nature take its course.

Btw, sounds like a very American chick story to me!
He hasn't written back and I'm fairly certain he's not going to. His profile is private, but he and I have enough mutual friends that I can see (with minimal cyber-stalking, haha) that he's been on FB since I wrote him.

I've been feeling a whole lot of emotion this past week, since writing him and waiting around. Depression at first, at him not writing back. Feeling rejected for the upteenth time. Sadness turned to anger - towards him for still begrudging me after so many years and not even being remotely interested in reacquainting himself with an old friend. Anger at myself for foolishly putting myself out there. Yes, I took a risk and I know it's all very brave and whatnot, but I'm tired of being the brave one, always the first one to make a move and be vulnerable in front of someone...and it never turns out well. I guess it's not so much this specific guy as it is just feeling overall tired of feeling rejected all the time.

And then I look at my options -a- I keep looking on my own. On the one hand, seems fine b/c I'm still in school and I have plenty of opportunities to meet people...but then again, I'm a grad student and the majority of muslims at my university are undergrads. case in point, I'm mildly attracted to this undergrad I had class w/, but feel kind of icky knowing we were born in different decades :confused: (though only a few years apart...still!) b- give in to my mom and let her send me profiles of guys from various south asian matrimonial sites...which she's actually been doing and won't stop doing no matter how many times I tell her not to. however, I feel rather nauseated every time she sends me an email. I'm expected to decide if I'm interested based on a picture, his profession, and sometimes his nationality. And I just can't, and she doesn't get that. :( I know tons of people, muslim or not, go online to find their matches, but I just don't feel comfortable with it. It seems awkward, and in the case of muslims, the whole family's always involved from the very beginning (from both sides), which I think ups the awkward factor. c-give up all together. after all, if I've experienced mostly rejection up to this point, it's probably bound to happen the rest of my life. And it's exhausting. Sooo exhausting. I don't want to deal with it anymore. But then again, being single is also exhausting. Everyone coupling up, having babies, dealing with a highly emotional mother who's obsessed with getting her daughters married...people asking me why I'm mom's friends/relatives judging me for still being single....also very exhausting.

To conclude, a- I feel screwed any which way I turn. b- I'm exhausted.
Oh, Farah, my heart goes out to you, it really does. I felt EXACTLY the way you feel right now...right around the time I met my second husband (online, btw :D).

I know how bleak everything feels. Try to trust that the best thing will happen.

One thing that may be a bit out there...but that I think really worked for me was to write down exactly what my hopes were for a man. I know you've done your pro and con list but this is a little different. It's like writing a recipe. Write it in the present tense as though you are describing a man right in front of you who makes your heart sing with joy. I did worked...but then stand back because the universe DOES have a pretty wicked sense of humor.

In the meantime I will be hoping for the best for you.

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