Red face after cardio - anybody?


My face gets red when I do cardio - it always has. I don't care too much while I am exercising but it will stay red for a good hour.

Does anybody else have this problem and have you found anything that helps other than a cool shower?
Yes, I look like a ripe tomato and it stays that way for a good hour, sometimes a little longer. :eek:

I've never found anything that effectively diminishes the "glow" of cardio. I've tried standing in front of a turbo fan, applying a cool cloth to my face, and drinking LOTS of cold water, and none of it helps. If you find something to hasten the process let me know. :confused:
Red is good for me--I go purple after an Imax! I'm a red-head with very fair skin. I turn dark red and sweat buckets. I could wring out my 2" sweatband after any workout--occasionally, I go through two bands.

That's one reason why I don't go to the gym. I don't even have to be breathing hard to be red. Everyone is always coming over to check my pulse, LOL! I like my downstairs by myself with my fan going full-blast (even in the winter).

And it does take forever to return to "normal." A shower is the only thing that gets it down faster. Drinking cool water helps, though. I'm in deep trouble when menopause hits.

Not very helpful, but you're not alone.

I'm the same way and always have been. My mom actually had to send in a note to the school when I was younger because everytime I'd be in gym playing dodgeball or something and they'd keep making me sit down because I was so red but I was really fine. I get the purple face when I run and it stays like that forever. :eek:
It could be worse. HALF my face gets bright red. The other half doesn't. And it's a straight line right down my nose. I look like a bizarre mime. :eek:
yes I get very red. I have had people ask me if I am okay. They think I have high blood pressure and shouldn't be exerting myself. It's ironic my BP is 105/60.
I also get red cheeks when I drink wine-:eek:.

Debbie, I always get a red face too. To me it means I've worked hard and it's showing it's glow.LOL:D

It could be worse. HALF my face gets bright red. The other half doesn't. And it's a straight line right down my nose. I look like a bizarre mime. :eek:

lol!!! you poor thing!

i always get red.. this morning i ran 5 miles before work and was still red when i got to the office. we're having a heat wave and the heat always makes me red.
*raises hand* another red-faced chick here - you are definitely not alone. I flush with booze, spicy foods, hot foods, hot showers, going from hot indoors to cold outdoors and vice-versa. And of course I blush randomly from embarassment :eek: and also I'll keep a "glow" from, well, special attention from DF! :eek:
My entire face turns red after an intense cardio session...except for a pale area on my upper lip (not a great look!). It sometimes takes quite awhile to get back to normal. Ice cubes help a little.
I go red with exercise as well. I once had an instructor stop his step aerobics class and come over to ask if I was alright:eek:!

This has always happened to me. I have had many instructor come over and question me and my colour. I find that I stay red longer when I don't properly cool down and run to the shower and just keep on moving. The only time I don't get really red is when I do a slow run otherwise it is red red red!
I have reddish/blonde hair and lots of freckles, I think that contributes.
You are NOT alone!
Oh this thread makes me feel better! I'm pretty dark skinned but I get pretty red after say an IM2 or BM2's cardio portion. One time DH saw me at the end of it was like, "wow, that can't be healthy!" So, I always felt very self-conscious about it -- glad to see others like me!

I almost spit my tea out reading some of the responses! I get red too. Me thinks it is my english/irish heritage. I no longer buy red or pink exercise tops.....just cool blue. whenever I wear red, I get the "are you ok" question. I sweat buckets too, and that's why I exercise at home too. :p
*raises hand* another red-faced chick here - you are definitely not alone. I flush with booze, spicy foods, hot foods, hot showers, going from hot indoors to cold outdoors and vice-versa. And of course I blush randomly from embarassment :eek: and also I'll keep a "glow" from, well, special attention from DF! :eek:

I could have written your post. Total duplicate:D
I only have two colors, pale white with freckles and red with freckles. :p The red face lasts quite a long time after my morning workouts. It fades some over the morning but it is still different enough that some of co-workers call me out on the mornings that I dont workout because they can tell the difference in my skin color lol ;)

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