Another winner for me that I know I will be using often. This is such an awesome selection of exercises using the pyramid system. I really felt each in my glutes & I'm sure I will be sore tomorrow
On the step ups I was thinking I probably could of gone up 1 increment strength wise, but the entire workout is very aerobic in the sense that your heart rate will be up. The pace is slightly slower which I loved because I could concentrate on going deeper & really using that mind to muscle to feel the work...and also because I was winded at times. I love Cathe's comment "don't rush the progress, don't rush the challenge". I'm so glad I didn't go up in weight for anything because it was perfect & I probably wouldn't of been able to finish all the sets. Towards the end, after the deadlifts, my back was getting a little sore (my issue), so I actually didn't complete all the calf sets & just went to the stretch which felt really good. This is another perfect amount of time with solid lower body work - thank you again Cathe for continuing to design such amazing programs for all of us!!!