PYGFO's - Tuesday, 7/15


Good morning ladies!!! I have been exploring the Pacific Northwest for the past few weeks and just got back this weekend. No time for downtime though! I'm right back to work and getting geared up for the August RT. I hope you have all been well!
Hi Liann,

Welcome back! Your pictures were fabulous. I am always amazed at the beauty of our country.

I think this thread has been dead for a few weeks. Must be because you weren't here:p

I'm off to do Butts & Guts.

Hi to anyone and everyone who follows

I am still here! Not many PYGFOers around lately.

Liann...I am glad you had a good trip. I definitely say do what makes you happy (from OD)!! I think you would be great working in the field with animals.

Carolyn...Hello. Are you still going on one of the RTs?

I am getting sad again about not being able to go on the RT as it gets closer.

I posted last night and was practicing with an avatar. When I posted, it showed up, but when I viewed it tonight, it is just a box with a red X in it. Not sure what happened.

Have a great Wednesday!!
Good Morning,

Lara - Yes I am going on the July road Trip. I leave on Thursday. I am so looking forward to it. I am going to the step class on Friday morning also. I have a friend that is coming to the RT with me. She just started working out with Cathe about a year ago and is nervous about the whole experience.

How are things coming along with the baby? Not much longer, right?

Liann - I feel for you on the job thing. I dreaded my job and couldn't wait until I had my baby (10 years ago) so I could use that as an excuse to quit. Follow your heart and your gut instinct. What road trip are your going on?

Hello to anyone who follows
RE: PYGFO's - Wednesday, July 16th

Good morning ladies!

Lara - Good to hear from you!!! :) How's baby doing? You must be getting close! Not sure what happened with the avatar. :( If you want to e-mail me the pic, I can upload it to my picturetrail account and send you the link.

Carolyn - I am going to the August RT officially, but I'm hoping to go the Cathe's Friday morning class for the July RT to see some of my buds who will not be there in August. That is iffy at the moment though because DH was supposed to go with me and now he doesn't really want to go. We just got back from vacation this weekend and he is leaving for a 4 day business trip tomorrow, so he's not too keen on going on another trip next week. We'll see.
RE: PYGFO's - Wednesday, July 16th

Hi Girls!!

I have missed this thread! SO good to hear from you all again!
Today I ran and then did 4ds KB/BC and SM1. I'm trying to gear up for the extra cardio we will be doing on the RT!:p

Liann--I saw the pics from your trip and they were wonderful! You and your DH make such a cute couple! Are you considering going back to school to change careers? Hope that you will make it next Friday! I didn't get to meet you laast year and would love to meet you.

Lara--I have been thinking about you. How are you feeling? Do you feel lots of little kicks these days?:) We will sure miss you this year at the RT, but will be thinking about you.

Carolyn--When does your flight come in on Thursday? DH and I arrive at 3pm. Is there a big group from Atlanta again this year?

Take care.
RE: PYGFO's - Wednesday, July 16th


As far as I know it will Jodi and myself from Atlanta. I have a friend, Carrie, coming with us this year. Tess and Lauren were not able to make it this year. Our flight lands at 5:44 and we are renting a car. Hope to be at the hotel by 6:30. Are you and DH planning on going to Jai's for dinner? I'm not sure what our plans are for the night, we may be too late for Jai's. Maybe we can hook up and go somewhere (more reasonable) else for dinner.
RE: PYGFO's - Wednesday, July 16th

I knew that Tess wasn't going to be able to make it. I don't remember meeting Lauren. Glad that Jodi will be there. I think DH is overwhelmed by all of the Cathe craziness, so I better just stick with him on Thursday night dinner, but I have told him from Fri am-Sun brunch I am tied up with my Cathe friends!! We are going to NY City for a couple of days after.

RE: PYGFO's - Wednesday, July 16th

Hi PYGFOers. Sorry to be MIA. There aren't enough hours in the day for me to keep up with everyone I want to.

Liann, you better show up on Thursday. I'm still planning on it, even though Shelley can't come. My DH may come. I think it depends on what time I leave on Friday. I'm hoping to get off work early.

Gin, I'm looking forward to seeing you again.

Lara, how are you and the baby? When is your due date?

Carolyn, I hope to see you at the pre-RT too.

I've been working out pretty steadily since our vacation in early June. I've been eating pretty steadily too. Yikes, we leave for the beach in about 3 weeks, so I've been trying to clean up my act. Hopefully I'll be in "fighting" form for the pre-RT. I think I'm glad I won't be there all weekend though. My knees are starting to feel their age. Has anyone heard from Heather? Is she still planning on going on the RT?
RE: PYGFO's - Wednesday, July 16th

So glad you will be there next week! Sorry your knees are bothering you! Take care of yourself! As far as I know Heather is still planning to be there. She better be! I do miss reading her post.

PYGFO Update

PYGFO Sisters:

I have been missing in action and likely will be until after the Road Trip. I planned to start checking in again on the 4th of July. I forgot to start the thread that day, and work has been extremely stressful this week. I am in desperate need of a vacation, so I am thankful that I will have a week of vacation starting next Tuesday.

It is time for a quick update on my journey. The last time I checked in with y’all was after my reunion with the Texas Road Trippers Memorial Day weekend. I starved myself for a week on an extreme detox diet (600 calories a day) that was supposed to break a food addiction if I stuck with it for 6 weeks. I lasted a week, and the only thing I lost was my mind. I did not lose an ounce after all that suffering. That pushed me over the edge. No more diets for me. I started June with a food feast and had a severe relapse with binge eating later in the month. The extreme cardio boot camp class I did in May pushed me over the edge and left me weary, worn, and tired of trying. I was depressed and suffering from overtraining and burnout. I did not exercise at all for 30 days. Not even gentle exercise. I was on the edge of a full-blown eating disorder and was tempted to start purging again after a day of binge eating from hell because I hated feeling so stuffed, but I thankfully found the strength to walk out of the bathroom and not go down that road again. It was a very scary time for me. I had not binged like that since I started my fitness journey 5 years ago, and I had not been tempted to resort to purging in at least 10 years. I accepted the consequences of my reckless eating, gained 30 pounds in 30 days (a record for me), and hit my top weight and size again.

By the grace of God, I started my fitness journey afresh and anew on the 4th of July. The warm-up of Rhythmic Step kicked my butt that morning. My body was in shock after gaining so much weight so fast and returning to Cathe after a one-month hiatus. I had never attempted one of her workouts at my top weight before because I started with the FIRM. I was huffing and puffing, and my feet and knees were crying. When I started working out with Cathe, I wished I had started my fitness journey with her. Be careful what you wish for! I had the unexpected opportunity to start over again at my top weight after a sedentary month. I made it through the first combination of Rhythmic Step on the 4th of July, stretched, and rested. I knew that I needed to treat my body with gentleness and respect and give my body time to acclimate to working out with the extra weight.

I am starting each morning with Bible study and prayer, taking baby steps, eating intuitively, and exercising gently. I am cheerfully finding a healthy balance . By the grace of God, I dropped a size in 10 days and lost 2 inches in my waist and 2 inches in my hips. Yippee! I do not know what I weigh. I packed up my scale on the 4th of July because seeing my top weight again was discouraging and distressing.

My endurance is returning one step at a time, and I am confident that I will be ready for Cathe’s step class next Friday morning. It will be my first attempt at a full-length workout as I have been enjoying her shorter premixes this month. I am still a lot bigger than I was during the Road Trip last year. Here is a picture of what I will look like in an 18" airplane seat (cuter than ever and fluffier too):

Notice the tail spilling over the edges. I may need to butter my buns to slide into my seat. LOL! I am willing to be uncomfortable for a long flight to see my friends again, make new friends, and enjoy all the fun that awaits me in Jersey. I just hope my seat will contain all of me so my neighbor does not have to suffer too.

I am looking forward to seeing some of y’all again and hope to see everyone at a future Road Trip. Hugs to Liann, Carolyn, Lara, Gin, Robin, and all the other PYGFO sisters. I promise to get back on track with check-ins after the Road Trip. I am working overtime at the office and running around after work getting ready for the Road Trip. I love y’all bunches and miss checking in. See you in the new forums if not sooner. Feel free to e-mail me using the address in the Who’s Who book. It is faster and easier for me to respond to e-mail.

Liann and Robin, I am so disappointed about Shelley. I hope y’all will be there! Pretty please with sugar on top!

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).

It is so good to hear from everyone again!!
Yesterday was KPC and MM. Today was 4DS LIS/HIS cardio. I have been keeping up with my workouts as much as possible. I hope I can keep going strong a few more weeks!! We had a 4D ultrasound done last week. It was pretty amazing. Our DD was camera shy though and kept turning away from the camera. I have 6 weeks left. I am hoping they go fast! As we could see from the ultrasound, she is very crowded in there!! I haven't gained that much, but my doctor says she is measuring right where she needs to be. I am getting NERVOUS about the whole birth process! I leave for my sister's wedding in Chicago next Wednesday and will get back the following Sunday. I already don't like flying, and now I will be nervous about going into labor on the plane. I just want to make it back home before she arrives. and your friend will have a blast together. She is lucky to be going with you since you are an experienced RTer!!That Friday morning step class will be so much fun. If I get to go next year, I will definitely plan to go to the Friday class.

Liann...DH and I worked on the avatar a little tonight. I don't think we got it to work though. You would think he would be able to help me more with it (he is an engineer and built one of our computers!!), but no luck. It got late, so we gave up. We are going to work on it tomorrow. If we don't get it to work, I may take you up on your offer. That was very nice of you!! I hope you are able to make it to the Friday July step class. Everyone will be so happy to see you.

Gin...I am feeling well. It is getting a little uncomfortable though. My doctor said I should feel very fortunate to have had such an easy pregnancy. I really do feel fortunate, but I am ready to meet her now:) I think I should thank Cathe for helping me through it all. Without all of her DVDs, I probably wouldn't have worked out as much. Good job on the cardio!! You will be more than ready for the RT }( due date is 8/28. What beach are you going to for vacation? We went in June, and I already miss it and want to go back!! I hope your knees are ok!!

Heather...It is so good to "see" you again!! I will be thinking about you as you continue in your journey. It sounds like you are doing the right thing and listening to your body. I think the RT is just what you need!! It will be nice to see old friends, and meet new ones!! I look forward to seeing your return to the forums when you are ready. Take good care of yourself and enjoy your vacation!!

I think it is time for the little one and me to go to bed!
Oh, hurray, I am SO glad to see that this thread was revived.

I am back on the other side of the ocean! As soon as I got here and we got our internet reactivated, I got on looking for the PYGFO thread. And there wasn't one! :-( I was afraid that this thread was permanently dead, with so many of you going on this year's road trip and making new friends. I was about to put out a plea for someone to adopt an orphaned pygfo who couldn't go on this year's road trip! x(

Getting back into our house after being gone almost a year has been a PROJECT. We did have house sitters, but still, the house has just needed total deep cleaning. Plus we have to unpack all the stuff that we put away that we didn't want used, plus all the stuff that came on the container, plus all the stuff in the 16 trunks we brought back with us. Yikes.

Nevertheless, I've taken time to pull out my Cathe workouts and have been elated to work out with her again after all this time. I thoroughly enjoyed the 6 months I got to spend going to the gym, but I have MISSED Cathe. And now that I can compare the two, I still don't think that we miss out in any way by working out with Cathe and not in a "real" gym. Sure, we may not be able to do true strength training, especially for lower body, but I think we are just as fit. And while for guys like DH, sacrificing true strength training is tough, I'm happy to do the endurance work in stead!

And I have missed you ladies as well. I'm happy, happy again to be back with Cathe and back with you. Although this weekend will be a little tough, knowing how many of you are back together. Enjoy it for me girls!

Hugs to all. No time for personals. I've got to get back to cleaning and unpacking!

Heather! I'm so relieved to see you here. I know you have been having struggles and was afraid you may have dropped out of Catheworld all together. Stay strong, girl. You are back on my prayer list.

Laura, glad to hear you are back "home" safe and sound. And that you have your computer hooked up. I know what you mean, not being on the RT this year. Last year was wonderful, wasn't it. I'm thankful I'll be able to see some folks at the pre-RT.

Lara, we are going to VA Beach. We have family about 30 minutes from the beach. Then we are going to North Carolina for a few days. We have good friends who live about 40 miles west of Nags Head. We'll probably go kayaking with them.

Carolyn, yeah, I'm really disappointed not to be seeing Shelley. Her SO is between jobs right now and I think she didn't feel spending all the $$ was responsible. I'm hoping to get a chance to see her in the fall though.

Hi Liann, any decisions about the pre-RT? Hope you get your cute little butt there!

Gotta go to work. I'm thinkin the forums will be going down today. I hope they aren't down too long...
Heather - I'm soooo glad to see you posting! Thank you for the update! :) I had been wondering how you were doing and hoping that you were still going to the road trip!

Lara - How exciting to see your little girl on "tv". ;) Glad to hear that your pregnancy is going so well. I have 2 sister n' laws who are both due right around the same time as you. They are both ready for it to be done too! I hope I get to meet you at the RT next year! :)

Gin - Thank you for the picture compliments! ;) Yes, I am trying to go back to school. I sent in my application yesterday to Purdue and am waiting to hear back. If they accept me, I will start August 25th. It will be a distance Veterinary Tech course. The first year, you just take online classes but then you start doing practicums at various veterinary offices - large animal vet, companion animal vet, etc.. It will take me years to complete the degree since I will only be able to take a few classes at a time, but I think it will be worth it. I plan to stay at my current job another year or 2 and then try to find some type of an assistant job at a Vet. Hospital while I work on getting my degree and passing the state boards.

Carolyn - I am so sad about Shelley canceling too. I was excited about getting to meet her. :(

Laura - Hi girl!!! Glad to hear you made it back safe and sound and that the unpacking is going well. I was only gone a few weeks on vacation and my house looked so foreign to me when I got home. I wonder what it must have been like for you being gone that long! Sorry you had so much cleaning to do.

Robin - I still plan to head out to NJ. Things keep getting complicated more since DH might have another business trip next week. He is trying very hard to get out of it because he HATES traveling. If worse comes to worse, I may just drive up really early Friday, go to the class and lunch and then drive straight back.

Well, I guess I had better go get some work done. :p

Today was my rest day. It was unplanned, but I haven't had a rest day in awhile. I have tomorrow off, so I will try to fit in cardio and weights.

Laura...It is good to hear from you. It sounds like you have been very busy. I am glad you have been able to do your Cathe's!! I hope you are settled in soon.

Robin...I have never been to VA Beach or NC. I have heard it is beautiful. I also haven't ever been kayaking before. It sounds like a lot of fun though.

Liann...Sounds like you will have 2 little new additions to the family soon. I know they have to be ready. I can't believe it is almost time for her to be here, but when I think about it, I have been pregnant forever!! Do you know if they are having boys or girls?

I hope the forums aren't down too long and that I understand how to use it when its back up!! I am sure the new forums will be amazing.
Have a great Friday!!!

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