Push Ups - Straight Leg or Bent Knee

I worked on getting to straight leg pushups before realizing that the problem was more a lack of core strength than anything else. I really didn't feel my pecs working during straight leg because I couldn't get down low enough to engage them. I've decided that doing them from the knees with good form is all that matters. If I get to the point where bent knee pushups aren't giving me a good burn in the pecs, then I'll need to work getting my legs straight. In the meantime, I need to work on my core!
Out of the ... let's see, was it 136? ... pushups on Disc 1, I think I did 8 on my toes! Like some other posters, I ended up doing granny pushups for the last few of the first set of 30. Otherwise it was knees for me. I can't do pushups with my hands flat on the floor (wrist problems) so I use those little padded pushup bars which allow me to keep my wrists straight and stay a little bit elevated.
I can do about half on my toes (I happen to think that is pretty good). When I say half, I mean if Cathe says we are doing 16 reps, I do 8 on my toes, then drop to my knees. Next set of pushups (when I am a little rested) I go back onto my toes. Each workout try to get 2-4 more pushups on my toes for the whole workout. If I miss a couple of reps, because I cannot keep pace on my toes, I just do not worry about it.
1. Start by making sure that you can do the whole workout on your knees going all the way down. As petramom said, range and good form is more important than on your toes.
2. When you can do all of them with good form on your knees, try to get the first 1-2 pushups of each set on your toes.
3. Keep improving!
I agree with jillybean, if I could do the whole workout perfectly the first time I tried, where would I see improvements?

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