Push It

Toni---Trust me, I have to make myself use 20 for chest flys. As long as I don't have to do more than 10 reps. Otherwise, my preference is 15 to 17 1/2. I am soooo looking forward to the leg workout. I haven't checked out the weights used in the book yet. I think I have done the Leg Barre workout from LIC once. I am not sure how I will do with the leg conditioning drills.

Stacie--sorry about your car accident. At least no one was hurt. My stretch portion of the Burn Sets CBS was pausing or skipping (not sure how to describe) so I am not sure if something is wrong with the DVD. I noticed it yesterday.

Natty---I want to try the high thrust challenge. I hope to do it soon.

Today's rotation was Cardio Leg Blast again since it was up for the rotation. I wish I had noticed that before I picked this workout on Saturday. Oh well---at least I like the workout and I do find it challenging.

I forgot to mention that one of the things that we are trying to change in 2013 is cutting back on the junk food that we buy and allow the kids to eat. They can't eat it if I don't buy it. If I could start over I would do some things different---like rarely buy chips. My boys love chips but it is time to cut back and this stuff. I won't eliminate it all together but I want them to be able to choose healthier snacks so we talked about it over the weekend. I also told DS14 that it will help him when weight training season start also as he will be focusing on building strength, muscle and speed for football. Junk food only slows you down.
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Good morning,
Ride for me this morning.

You totally rocked those weights! That is awesome! No need for you to use your wrist weights! LOL!

Sorry to hear about the stretching portion on BurnSets; that's disappointing. I did not notice an issue but to be honest I only sort of follow it; a lot of times I do my own stretching and foam rolling.

I also wish I would have noticed where Cardio Leg Blast came up in the rotation.:eek: I've already done 2 leg workouts recently (Fri/Sun); that's why I'm doing Ride this morning.

It's great that you had the Junk Food talk with the kids; I'm sure they will even start to have more energy and feel better overall very soon! Do you watch The Biggest Loser? They have 3 kids on the show this season specifically to help battle childhood obesity - not that your kids are obese, it's just that so many kids are.

If there are planks in Slide and Glide then they must be after the cardio portion... I always stop it after the hamstring work. I'll have to look at the chapter menu because I wouldn't mind some extra plank work. Enjoy!

As for Legs, I mentioned that the standing portion is easier than Turbo Barre; I guess easier was not the right choice of works... It wasn't *as hard*. The only reason it's not as hard is because Cathe has us alternating legs between different exercises... In Turbo Barre, by the time we get to the other leg my supporting leg is about completely fatigued.

Stacie, So sorry to hear about your car accident. That sure can ruin a day. I'm glad you and your car are okay, and the other person, too.

I think the 15-versus-8 pound weights is a relief to me! There was one part - and I think that was it - where I thought "No freaking way - I'm going with 8s."

That is so disappointing that the DVD wouldn't play! Definitely a good thing you got the downloads. I wonder how many others are having trouble.

I am more hungry when I skip cardio! I know that some people do get very hungry with cardio but for me it really helps curb my appetite.

It is AWESOME that you even did the pizza press with any weight at all!! How do your buns feel? I really need to just break down and buy some 3# weights.

Gotta go ride - have a great day!
Yesterday I went to the mall w/Bella. My plan was to use my Old Navy gift card I got for Xmas, but I was just was not in the mood to shop. This time of year (Jan) is a weird time for fashion -- Winter clothes still in, but on it's way out. Spring clothes almost coming in, but not there yet. Oh well.

I forgot to mention that Tabatacise left me feeling a little "beat-up". No knee or back strains, but just an overall body fatigue. I was also RAVISHING the entire day on Sunday afterwards. Even with all the heavy weight training I've been this past month, I never felt like a bottomless food pit :p. I think this week I'm going to lay-off the hiit (except for Cardio Leg Blast :D)
and do some much needed walking. Yesterday I did Leslie Sansone 4 Fast Miles. It was AWESOME! I ended up only doing 3 miles, but I was sweating nicely and got a great w/o. This one has intervals of walking+jogging. I'll say it once, and I'll say it 1,000 more times, walking is THE BEST hands-down! So underestimated, but it truly works.

I'm so sorry to hear about the car accident. Thankfully you (or anyone else) were not injured.
Thanks for the heads-up on the w/o errors with the weights. Bummer on your disc not working :(. Perhaps you can contact SNM and get it replaced.

It's so funny how everyone is different with regards to what w/o's makes them hungry. I remember when I was working f/t, me and a few other co-workers were constantly talking about food. What we were going to eat for lunch, what what were going to have for snack, what was for dinner. It was if our whole life revolved around food :eek:. What was awesome was that because were were standing and active all day, we could pretty much eat whatever we wanted an not gain 1lbs. It would actually be hard to keep weight on (for everyone, not just myself). That's how I know all those steps are magical :).


ITA about the junk food thing in the house. I don't deny my daughter snacks like chips and chocolate, but I do limit what she can have. It's great you are looking out for your family and trying to bring them up as healthy as possible.


Glad you loved Legs too! Ya, the pulses are killer. I upped my weights for everything and was definitely challenged. I'm happy to say at least standing leg work is my strong suit :).
I find Barre incredibly challenging (as everyone knows from my rants and raves about TB :D). I think a balance of barre, floor, standing, light, moderate, heavy LB workouts, are all great! Variety, for me, has been the key to slimming my legs & glutes (I answered your question from OD just now).

Have a kick butt day everyone!
Good morning everyone! Last night was Basic Step....my neighbor has gotten so good at that one! I was very proud of her. She had every move down. I was excited too because it means we can start moving on to harder step routines. Her cardio endurance is still low but it's improving which is a good thing!

Last night we tried out the DVD that had the problems in the SAME DVD player we used the night before and it worked fine. I would have thought I was crazy had she not been there to see witness it as well. I have no clue what is up with that. My only guess is that something got onto the optical eye when I put the disc in and then fell off when I put it away. It was really bizarre. But at least I don't have to send the disc back!

Thanks for the kind words about the accident...I know it was just a fender bender but it was the first one where I was at fault.

I heard some bad news regarding my nephew that's in the Navy. Since he has been in, he has passed out three times. The first two times were after giving blood so we just attributed it to that. However, yesterday, he just passed out randomly and hit his head pretty badly on one of the desks. He was taken to the clinic they thought they detected a heart murmur. He is supposed to be at the hospital all day today getting tests run by a cardiac specialist. Keep your fingers crossed that the tests come back ok!

Remember when I mentioned that my neighbor mentioned working at the gym with her sons? I asked her more about that and she said the oldest one had actually said that he would pay for a gym membership for BOTH her and I for a year if she stuck with the workouts. I was really surprised by that! I don't know if I could accept a gift like that but it was really nice of him to even think of doing that! I need to make some more chocolate chip cookies for that man! :D I have been using her sons to eat the extra baked goods that are left after I send a package to my nephew. I would much rather give it away than have it sitting at my home where I know I will eat it!!!! :eek:

I think I have Legs scheduled for tonight and your review has me scared! LOL! Have fun with S&G...that's a good one!

I am in the same boat with the healthy eating. I don't buy many snack foods except for cookies at times. Tyler is so used to NOT drinking pop that it's like a special treat for him now to get one. It's hard to break those habits though and kudos to you for making it one of your goals for the year! I am trying to eat a salad a day but so far I think I am at a 50% success rate with that...

How was Ride? I have a gym here at work and at the my apartment complex that have spin bikes. I am eager to give that one a try!

I have to agree with you that styles are kind weird right now. My mom and I were noticing that the colors were kinda odd this year too. Hopefully the spring fashions will be better than what was offered this winter!

Have a great day everyone!
Stacie--- please keep us updated on your nephew. In my opinion, I think your neighbors sons are so thankful for what you are doing for their mom. She is overweight and you have been able to get her to commit to a healthier lifestyle and exercise when they couldn't or didn't know how. They are proud to see their mom working out and seeing results. They are very thankful for you. They want you to continue to be there for her and supporting even if at gym at their expense. She may not go to gym unless you go too and they know that.

Thanks to everyone for cheering on my new goal of less junk food for the kids. If I could start over I would do things differently. At least I'm trying now. My kids are pretty active and are not overweight but I know many kids who are. I am hoping these changes will impact their lifestyle when they become an adult.
Today was CBS + core 1 + scarecrow 100 rep challenge. I had to cut the core work a little short, but I got some in. Loved CBS. Those shoulder circles were TERRIBLE. I will only be using 2s for those in the future. And the scarecrows...holy cow. I used 2lbs with this one also. I did get through all of the reps, so that was good. I hope to increase that move to threes by the end of the program.

Love your healthy diet modifications for the family! I'm trying something similar. I don't buy a lot of junk anyway because my son is a picky eater and he's never eaten enough real food to give him much snack food. But I still need to do better with the variety of foods and veggies :)

I am not surprised to hear Tabatacised wiped you out. That one looks super tough. Enjoy your rest :)

Hope things turn out well for your nephew!!

Thanks for answering my question on the OD forum :). You are right. Squats are a fabulous exercise!!

Thanks for answering my question. I was hoping you would! I think a little of everything is the way to go, which is one of the reasons I love the new Legs workout. It's a little of everything and then you can do full workouts of each type to advance in a particular area. Well I guess it's missing a couple things(Plyo and heavy lifting) but thats in Cardio Legs :)

Yes, the planks are after the leg conditioning drills. I can't wait to do them :). And you make me want to get a spin bike when you talk about Ride :). I just don't have the room :(

I just re-read this and see I responded to Tasha twice, which reflexes how tired I am right now...LOL! I'm too tired to fix it, so please forgive me for my rambles tonight :)
My posting will be short because I need to email customer service. I was so frustrated this morning because Burn Sets kept freezing up. I literally had to stop my workout restart the DVD and it froze multiple times. I just took out the book and finished my workout with out the DVD. Today was Burn Sets Bi's and Tri's.
Hi everyone :)

Yesterday Bella and I enjoyed a nice 1hr walk outside. It was incredibly warm for Winter! I felt spoiled, but very appreciative.

My w/o was Xtrain Legs (barre only) + 100RC Hip Thrusts + Core 1. Just to see my form and how high my leg was going up for the barre, I popped my mirror right in front. To my surprise I found my leg up pretty high :D. I did that entire barre section with NO breaks, NO modifications, my leg rarely dropped or fatigued. Dare I say it was on the easy side? For the 100RC Hip thrusts, I used a 25lbs barbell, as I'm afraid to strain my lower back. I think my form is good, so next time I will go up to 30lbs. As for Core 1 :)o) I was whining like a little child. Anyone else starting burning 5min in??? I did not complete the entire section. Yup, I wussed out.

Sorry about the disc. I see many people are having those problems :(.

I will be doing the Scarecrows this week :eek:. I was amazed that I was able to do the same weight as Cathe for those circles! For someone with weak bi's & tri's, I have no idea where my shoulder strength comes from :confused:.
I'm pretty certain Jai incorporates some heavy leg work in her routine. You should ask in the Ask Cathe section! She has been very active here lately.

I hope your nephew get's some good news on his test results :).
How cool of your neighbor's sons to offer to pay for a gym membership for BOTH of you! I think they understand the tremendous effort you are taking in helping their mother. I doubt anyone else has ever done that. Are you going to accept the offer???

ITA with your post on OD :). I won't touch that topic with a 10-ft pole. I'm not into "on-line" heated discussions. I think everyone is entitled to their opinions and beliefs, but some replies just makes me do a :rolleyes:.

Have a great day!
Good morning!
Man was I pumped for some reason; woke up super early (3:30) and couldn't go back to sleep so at 4 I decided to just get myself in gear.

I did Burn Sets Bi's/Tri's and then did 3 sets of ball roll-outs for my abs and lats. After stretching I decided to pop in Intensity and did the step portion... and then stretch some more.

My biceps weight selection was undulating! LOL! I started with 15s - after the 1st set I dropped to 12s. Then I went back up to 15s for Failure and hit my 10 reps.

Towards the end of Concentration curls I had to drop down to 10s!:eek:

I'm skipping Ripped class tonight so I can take the girls for a nice walk before the rain comes. Whisper is still on light activity (because of his foot/toes) so Craig will have to take him separately.

Tomorrow morning is Cardio Legs (instead of Ride) and in the evening I'll go to the Zumba class (just for some fun).

Way to rock those legs! Barre, glutes, and walk - it all sounds great! You're doing so well with the glue thrusts - that is awesome:cool: BTW, I'm glad you're enjoying the unseasonably warm weather. We're having some nice 50s here instead of 20s - almost a heat wave:) I'm considering Leslie's 4 Fast miles! Thanks! When the weather is nice and I want to get outside I think it will be perfect for me!

"wining like a little child" LOL! That is hilarious! I've been advised not to do situps (because of my back) so I don't do the core exercises in the DVDs (hence my Rollouts, moving planks, etc.). Good luck with those - stay strong - you will get better!

Thank you for your support in the OD. I agree, on-line arguments are too much drama; sometimes I just have to say my piece/peace but then be done with it:)

That is SO FRUSTRATING! So sorry to hear about it! I don't understand why some aren't working properly, but good for you for sticking with the workout and getting it done... couldn't have been close to being as enjoyable, though, so I admire your dedication!
The Customer Service support is great - I am sure they will get you set up as quickly as possible:) Maybe you can talk them into a free download or something:cool:

Toni, I'm with you on the scarecrows and arm circles - they are a fantastic addition to weight training!

Spin bikes have wheels on the front so they can be easily pulled out of the way and stashed to the side of a room -- fyi in case you ever consider getting one down the road.

Cycle Max is fine but I had a hard time motivating myself to do it because I just really am not a spinning fan (kind of boring)... but Ride is a lot more interesting and I'm diggin' it... I think the music is better, and that probably is one reason; the timer feature is a great addition, and I really like the way the drills are presented and sequenced. Plus of course, I need to do more low impact work than I used to.

So sorry about your nephew! That is so scary! I hope his head is okay. Please keep us in the loop!

As for Ride, I think my favorite aspects of the workout is that it is completely cardiovascular and so easy on the joints; I feel the air in my lungs and sweat like crazy. Sure, I guess it does work the legs, but I don't consider it specifically a leg workout; tension on the muscles change throughout the workout and a lot of momentum is used for cardio.

ITA with Heartymax regarding your neighbor's sons wanting to do something nice for you, and to keep their mom motivated. I understand your hesitation of accepting their generous offer, but I think they really want to do it.

Another question, however, is whether you really want it and would use a gym membership - that would probably mean less home workouts with all your workout programs.

In fact, maybe her sons don't understand that you work out at home because you really like the workouts - way better and more versatile than what you would get at any gym... So maybe that's worth talking about before allowing them to make the purchase.

I mean, look at how far your neighbor has come - and the convenience factor of working out at home is a huge advantage. I can relate to that, and even though I do go to the gym once a week it's mostly just to keep things interesting, active, and social in a fit environment... not specifically to get in shape.

Have a beautiful day!
Good morning everyone! Last night was the standing portion of Legs + the Bonus Barre + 100 RC biceps. The standing leg portion was really good. I thought it would be easy because the weight were lighter....nope not at all. I will say it's not as hard as some of her others ones but that's a good thing in my opinion. I like too how it wasn't lunge heavy since those tend to flare my knee up. I can see myself doing this one often! My one complaint is that there wasn't a premix with just the standing portion and the barre work. Of course, next time I can whip that workout up using the downloads! Hooray!

Update of my nephew: He posted a status on Facebook that said that his tests came out that he was mostly fine. I tried calling him several times and didn't get an answer. I have no idea what the mostly part is. Tonight I will try again.

Thanks for the advice about my neighbor, her sons, and the gym membership. I started working out from home because I wanted to sleep more and I was able to do the workouts while Tyler was sleeping. I would feel awful picking him up from the school daycare just to then drop him off at the gym daycare. I guess I'll cross the bridge on how to handle that one if the offer is ever presented to me instead of just as a chat between mother and sons. I think you guys are right though that they are happy that she is doing something and that she is slowly losing weight. I will say that they still poo poo the at home workouts. At first they laughed when she said we were doing weights until she mentioned that I do sets of bicep curls using 20lb weights and that I track the weights we use for each workout.

ITA with you about those shoulder rolls. Cathe is very creative on how she tortures us! I don't believe I have seen those in any of her other workouts.

I can totally understand your frustration with the skipping discs! It really really really annoys me too when a disc skips and you can't even follow along with what they are doing. It's great that you were able to finish the workout anyway but I don't blame you for being upset about the disc. I still need to preview all of mine and make sure they work.

Great job on the barre work! It's hard to get legs up high for that one so it's fantastic that you were able to! I haven't tried any of the core portions yet...but they are on tap for this week. I think tonight or tomorrow.

Last night I was walking the dog and had the intensive urge to run. I thought of you and your 4 fast miles DVD. I might have to look into that. It's the mention of the jogging portion that caught my eye!

I think you worded your post nicely in the OD. It was firm yet still polite. I stayed out of that one since I actually have mixed feelings about the BL. I see both ends of the argument to be honest. However, I don't know why discussions get so heated sometimes in the OD. Sometimes I won't post things because I don't feel like arguing with people.

Have a wonderful day everyone!
Speaking of wanting our families to eat healthier, I came back because I wanted to share a tasty recipe with all of you :p. This recipe is very economical, inexpensive, easy, healthy and delicious! If your family is a big fan of Asian food and curries, they will LOVE this! I recommend if possible purchasing as many items as you can from an Asian food market. I find the prices to be cheaper than your typical grocery store. Selection is a lot better too.

Green Curry Crock Pot Fish w/Soba Noodles

-small container of green OR red curry paste
-any filet of white fish (I used cod & haddock). Sole, Talapia, Halibut, all good!
-assorted veggies cut up: zucchini, asparagus, peppers, onions, carrots (sliced thin as it takes longer for them to cook). Or any veggie you prefer!
-coconut milk (you can buy it in powdered form and add water. It is cheaper and lasts longer) OR low sodium broth. A few cups depending on how "saucy" you want your finished product to be. Don't forge that the veggies will add water too. This is mostly trial/error.
-Soba noodles. You can use any noodle (rice works well) or use any type of rice if preferred. Buckwheat Soba is a bit healthier as the fiber content tends to be higher.

1) Add the curry paste and coconut milk or broth in Crock Pot. I used 2Tbls paste, but you can use more/less depending on how spicy you guys like it :eek:. We like stuff spicy in my home :D. Some other herbs that work well with Asian Curries is bay leaf, ginger, garlic. So add them if you like :p.

2) Add sliced veggies and fish to Crock Pot.

3) Set the Crock Pot on low. Cook for 2-4hrs, or until fish is cooked. This does not take long, so it might be sooner. What you will find is that the fish will be so tender that is starts to come apart.

4) Cook noodles or rice separately.

5) Serve finished curry fish over noodles and viola! Enjoy :p
Stacie- I understand the advantages of working out at home and I totally agree with Jennifer. How could I forget that. If you don't think it will work for your schedule, let them know. I know I couldn't fit it in my schedule. Funny how people look at us funny when we say we workout to DVDs. If only they knew LOL
Jennifer----I don't know about you but my biceps are talking to me this morning:D The joy of heavy lifting. My muscles felt like this in STS so I know it is a good thing. I changed weights as needed also. Sometimes I kept the heavier weight if I thought I could get 8 instead of 10.

Tasha----what kind of legs do you have? I know there is no way I could lift my leg as high as the crew or keep it up as long. Can I borrow your legs when I have to do that workout?

I don't have the RIDE workout. I had planned to get on the elliptical but I figured why should I do that when I can test out Tabatacise for my cardio today. OMG---need I say more. That is one good workout. I took breaks when I needed it but I actually like it. Not to bad on the knees. I did 5 minutes of Core 1. I am still trying to master the banana move. I am so proud of myself as it is TTOM and I worked through to get in a tough workout today.
Good morning ladies! Last night's workout was the second part of Supercuts + HC Getting Started. My neighbor did great with Supercuts until the last pushup / situp combo....that fried her. I think the next time we will do the entire workout. I need to move it though. I shouldn't have put it after legs. The ironic part is that I even said in my review of Supercuts to NOT do that and it's exactly what I did! :eek:

Thanks for the recipe! It looks yummy but I know my son would have no part of that. Such a picky little kid! You are lucky Bella hasn't hit that stage yey!

Fantastic job with the tabata workout!

You and Jennifer are sooo right about the in home workouts. People really do think they are easy and that the gym is so much better. I had thought that P90X would have changed that mindset but it hasn't. I think that might be why my neighbor wants her son's to watch us workout. I even offered to lend one of the Rushfit DVDs to the youngest son. I didn't in the end because Rushfit is not a cheap program and I would hate for one of my DVDs to get lost and/or damaged. He did ask me if I did Insanity because he has a friend that does it. He confessed that he doesn't think that she is that good shape despite doing it. I told him I will not touch that workout because I feel it's too prone to injury.

Have a great day everyone!
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Hello. Skipped yesterday. It's TTOM and I wasn't feelin' it yesterday morning. Luckily I started my week a day early this week, which means I had an 8 day week instead of a 7 day week. I can still fit my last two workouts in for the week and still be on track. I was supposed to do SG today as a 'recovery' workout, but since I had a rest day yesterday I did Afterburn. I felt really strong in the workout until I got the that last set of dragging planks...I was tired!! I skipped that set and finished the rest of the workout :)

I'm doing SuperCuts tomorrow...very excited about it!! And I totally agree about Insanity...it's madness!! I never did a full rotation of it cause it was just too much jumping and now you couldn't pay me to do it. There is virtually no warmup for that workout. One of the things I love so much about Cathe's workouts is that she does a proper warmup. When I'm done with it, I feel stretched out warmed up and ready to go. I hate going full press into a workout and I'm not ready!!

The bananna move in Core 1 after all those crunches is UNFAIR!! I have to stop and rest before I can do them. I get a cramp if I try to go right into them. That is a really good move.

My husband would freak out if I told him I wanted a spin bike :eek: But I think it would be a nice addition. Maybe I could fit it into the basement...hmmmmmm.

Totally jealous of your barre work ability!! I'm going to do 4 weeks of Turbo Barre next month, but I don't think I'll even come close to getting to where you are in those four weeks!!
Hi everyone :)

Yesterday's w/o was a 2 mile Leslie walk. Today's w/o was Xtrain Burn-Sets Bi's & Tri's + 100RC bi's. DH was watching Bella, so I was fortunate to be able to do this w/o at 11am. I had extra energy so I added BM2 step cardio only. I had an awesome workout :cool:. This was my first time doing Burn Sets and I absolutely LOVED IT :eek:. No one does weight training like Cathe. NO ONE.

In light of The Biggest Loser new season, I see Jillian has a new workout coming out called Hard Body. You guys know me, I'm a sucker for JM :D. I would personally die to have her as my personal trainer, yelling and all. I guess I'm one of those people that would get motivated by someone brutally pushing me and not being so nice about it. I know, I have serious issues :D.

I'm glad to hear you got some good news about your nephew. Please keep us posted.
I had no idea that your neighbor son's were kinda downplaying at-home workouts :(. I think wherever you chose to exercise (gym, home), as long as you do it, it's great and beneficial. Exercise DVD's are NO JOKE that's for sure! I truly think people who underestimate the power of workout DVD's, don't really have experience with them -- or they are being somewhat ignorant. I know my at-home exercise workouts and equipment has gotten a few giggles here and there :(. Trust me, we probably work harder than most people at the gym :rolleyes:. Don't get discouraged! Keep doing what you're doing because it's wonderful :).
Great job on you w/o's btw!

Thanks for the compliment. Remember though, I've been doing barre often. I did one entire month doing Turbo Barre weekly. To advanced with Barre, you need to be consistent. I don't have special legs, just legs that got acclimated to barre. Anyone can do this :).
WTG on doing the entire Tabatacise :eek:.

OMG you are rocking the Xtrain w/o's!! Actually everyone is doing such a damn great job since 2013. So proud of you AND everyone on this check-in :).
My Burn Set's Bi's & Tri's experience sounded a lot like yours :eek:. That workout totally kicks a$$.
Have fun at the Zumba class! Sarah from my other check-in goes often with her mom :).
How is Whisper? Poor little guy. I hope his toe/foot continues to get better :).
Hello fit and fabulous Cathletes,

I did Cardio Legs (such an awesome workout) followed by the 100RC Scarecrows. I wanted to increase the weight from 2.5#s so instead of adding my 1# wrist weights to the mix I decided to see how far I could go with my 5's. After 20 I went back to my 2.5# plate and skipped the wrist weights. I wonder how I'll feel tomorrow.

Tabatacise instead of the elliptical? Way to change it up! Very impressive especially since it's TTOTM. I'm glad you like it:) (the workout, not the other:D)

How are your triceps?
My biceps are also talking to me! Triceps are whispering a little. I know I worked the Tri's hard so I don't know why they don't feel as DOMSy as the Bi's - any thoughts about that? Maybe I need to do the 100RC using a lighter weight to see if that gets them good. I do recall them feeling it after Total Body Trisets Upper Body... probably was that plank position with 1 arm kickbacks.

Thank you so much for the recipe - it sounds awesome! It might even make a good Super Bowl dish. What do you think? In addition to Chili of course. I copied the recipe and plan to make it. I love that it's inexpensive and easy; that's what won me over:D

I looked into Leslie's 4 Fast miles - it's a DVD; Do you know if there's an audio track? I want to add it to my iPod so I can take the workout outside. I looked but didn't specifically see that one - only some with music but I'm not sure if Leslie cues over the music or not so I'm hesitant to order it.

Good to hear your nephew is out of the hospital; that's a good sign:)

That's a good point about P90X being a well-recognized challenging home workout program; it does seem that people would realize how great home workouts can be. I wonder if most people are still so equipment-focused and possibly don't realize that an entire gym is so not needed.

I don't blame you for not loaning out your Rushfit. Not only could something happen to it but chances are that it would be out on loan when you really wanted it.

How are you doing - how is Jasmine doing with working out? How is the baby?

Tata for now!
I truly did not want to get out of bed this morning. Usually I am out of bed and headed for my workout when DH leaves for work. Well, i was still in bed this morning. I am glad he woke me up though. Then I opened up the rotation and saw that Hard Strikes was on deck. Well I was not in the mood for Hard Strikes but I did it anyway. I was supposed to just do the cardio section but I did the conditioning drill too since I noticed it had a lot of core work in it and I could use some more core today. Hard Strikes is okay---but right now it is my least favorite of the workouts. Then again, I have never cared for kick boxing style workouts. It won't be a dust collector though. Those plank snatches are no joke by the way.

DS14 has been home sick all week with a virus. I took him to the doctor earlier this week. He has never missed a week of school before.

Jennifer--I do love Cardio Legs too---it's a kick butt workout.

Tasha---my biceps were singing to me the next day after doing Burn Sets.

Stacie---I agree with you on Insanity. I can pass on all that jumping. Other than on this forum, I know very few people who have actually finished the program. We were watching the informercials last year and DH made jokingly made a comment about "getting a piece of that". I know he wasn't serious so we just joke about it for a while.

Toni--I haven't done Super Cuts yet. It is scheduled for next week and I can't wait.
No zumba yesterday after all for various reasons.

Wow was I energized after Hard Strikes this morning:D

I found my box of "heavy hands." I must have bought them about 15 years ago and had completely forgotten ALL about them.
They are in a plastic case which was stored towards the bottom of my exercise equipment rack.
It was funny - all of a sudden I thought "I HAVE HEAVY HANDS:D"
This means that I actually do have 1#, 2#, and 3# hand weights; not only that, though, they are very comfortable.

Having said that, I did Hard Strikes with my 2# heavy hand weights. Wow - sure punched up that workout a notch and it was PERFECT. I think fairly soon I will be ready for my 3# heavy hand weights.

BTW, if you do this workout with hand weights, be careful you don't hit your hip with the weight; I did it one time on both sides:eek:

Please be warned -- apparently the flu this year is so bad that people are going to the hospital. In addition, it's becoming a rampant epidemic and spreading quickly.

I decided to get the flu shot (yesterday); it takes 2 weeks to fully kick in. I haven't had the flu in over 15 years and have never had a flu shot before... but the media freaked me out enough to get one. I'm just hoping my frequent hand-washing, salt water gargles, and regular sinus rinses continue to keep me healthy.

Heartymax, I am so sorry to hear about your son being so sick that he missed a week of school. It's hard knowing our babies are sick and there's nothing we can do to fix it.

I'm proud of you for sticking with the workout that you weren't too thrilled with, and thank you for the tip about the plank snatches - I will have to check out the core. In this series it looks like there are a lot of situps, which I won't do, so I've been avoiding the Core work on the DVDs.

How were your triceps after Burn Sets?

Awesome workout! Don't you just love those days?! I am about in love with Burn Sets... the rest period isn't as long as the Slow & Heavy so the time goes faster. Then a BM2 cardio premix - you were pumped up:D

I think Jillian's style in the one DVD that I have is fine (Killer Buns and Thighs); she's still a Drill Sargent but certainly not mean to the girls in her DVD; pushy, sure, but nothing outrageous... I guess she's using a more forceful style with the people on BL. Let me know how the Hard Body DVD is! BTW, I don't know about you having serious issues because there are plenty of people who like Jillian's "in your face" style:)

Your Barre work is amazing and I know you have been working on those drills (in Kick Max, too) for a long time. I remember you said that it takes a LONG time to notice a bit of results; I'm proud of you, girl!:cool:

Afterburn is STILL one of my favs:) Good for you to choosing it; no worries about skipping the dragging planks - you had accomplished so much already.

Have an energized and healthy day
Good afternoon ladies! Today has been pretty hectic at work and in a little bit I even have my yearly performance review :confused:. Last night's workout was the Hard Strikes Timesaver premix with no conditioning drills. I liked Hard Strikes -- I thought it was a good workout. I was able to use the new gloves too! :D

So sorry to hear DS is sick. I hope he feels better soon! Jennifer is right about the crazy flu epidemic going around. My neighbor was telling me it had been all over the news yesterday too.

Great job getting HS done even though you weren't really feeling it!

Speaking of AB, have you looked at the XTrain rotation with LIS? I was thinking that one might be a good one to do next. Oh, I noticed that Cathe put AB in a beginner rotation for someone. I was actually really surprised by that since the level of difficulty with that gives me a bit of dread factor with it.

Great job on the barre work! Those drills still kill me. I will say that I had zero knee issues with the barre work in XTL which was awesome. I think I do need to give Turbo Barre another go.

AB is hard...I would feel bad about not doing those planks at all! Especially with TTOTM!

Sorry this post is kinda sort but I have to start getting ready to head over to my review. Have a great day everyone and GO BRONOCS!!!! :D

P.S. My friend/sitter posted this picture on her Facebook page. Isn't he totally dreamy?


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