Preorder for the whole set done!!
Order # 62755, wherever that may put me in line!!!!
Preorder for the whole set done!!
Are you sure about the shipping price? That seems awfully high. Did you notice that there's a drop down box to choose shipping preferences? Others have mentioned that they were charged much less -- around $6 or $7 for USPS.
I think you misread the terms. In order to qualify for free shipping your order had to total $99 or more. The DVD & digital download bundle qualifies for free shipping, but the DVD only package does not because it is less than $99. They offered a 20% discount on other DVD's and if you bought enough to bring your total to $99, then you would get the free shipping.maybe I read wrong again but...I thought the 4 dvd pre sale had free shipping??? I had to pay almost 10$ for mine....did I miss something again?![]()
Hahaha!!! I'm nt laughing at you, I'm laughing with you!*sigh*
Order number 63023. Didn't stay on that fence very long, did I?![]()
Me too! Was so excited today. Had to plan my workout around it! So excited! Does she really mean THIS October..two months from now? YAY!