Possible CTX rotation for February.

Hi Karen,

Yes, I am 5 months along with my first! :) I can't wait to meet him! We found out it's a boy about a month ago so I immediately ran out and bought a bunch of blue stuff!:+ We are planning out the nursery now...we picked up paint and I found a crib ensemble in Target that I really like. It has a matching area rug, window valence and wall paper border to go with it so I am really siked to start decorating even though we probably won't do much for a few months yet...

Have a great work out!

Due Date: 5/19/05


Wow Wendy,

You're five months pregnant and exercising. I wish I'd done that when I was pregnant -- it's been a while, and back then, people weren't into exercising like they are today -- I certainly wasn't anyway.

What an exciting time. I loved that time of my life -- I truly loved it. I knew that my kids would grow up and leave home (yes, they both have) and so I decided to treasure as many moments as I could have with them. Grandkids would be great. Most of my friends have grandkids, but I don't yet. I do, however, have four god-grand children, and that's fun.

Anyway, you're doing the CTX rotation. Let me know how it goes when you're pregnant and all. I'm so impressed with what you're doing.

Do let me know how it goes.:D

And have a terrific weekend.:7
Hey Karen,

Yes, I'll be starting a CTX rotation a week from today. I want to finish up the month with the current rotation I'm doing-it's "home-made" but I'm enjoying it.

I realized that I have tried every CTX cardio work out except for All Step...and that's probably the most difficult one-OOPS! I am wondering if I should take a stab at it this week on one of my cardio days or leave the "torture" as complete surprise for when I start the rotation!? I know I'm gonna be standing there with my mouth hanging open and a giant question mark over my head the first couple of times thru...lol...Maybe I'll do it a couple times this week...see if I can make atleast a tiny bit of progess before I start the rotation! lol

Trust me, Karen...If I were not ALREADY an avid exerciser prior to becoming pregnant I would so NOT be doing this stuff right now!:p lol
Since I was already over 2 years into exercising pretty much 4-6 days per week every week, I knew it would be okay for me to continue with proper modifications and I also knew that if I just gave it up while pregnant, I might never go back...and I didn't want that to happen! Plus I am sure that my exercise has helped to minimize my weight gain and has probably also kept me feeling better through my pregnancy as well. I do not intend to stop unless/until my doc tells me I have to!

I will certainly post updates about the CTX rotation here for you after I start!

Have a great work out!

Due Date: 5/19/05


Hi Wendy,

Hope you had a terrific weekend. That's terrific that you already had the exercise thing going for about a couple of years. And I bet the exercise has helped alot for your weight gain, as well as your peace of mind. It is my experience that the weight gained during pregnancy generally comes off pretty easily once the baby is born. I nursed for quite a while after my second was born and so the weight didn't come off right away, but it did eventually come off without dieting or anything -- just naturally.

All Step is the one CTX video I have done. It came with a step that I bought and it was the first Cathe I ever did. I came to Cathe from the FIRM workouts and so was not familiar with her step, but the truth is that I found that I could keep up well enough that it made a good workout. It was that tape that sold me on Cathe.

Then I had to find out all about her, and now I do almost all Cathe. Oh, by the way, maybe you know the answer to this.

This weekend, I did a Tae Bo tape and threw out my hip -- it's happened before when I do kickboxing and I'm thinking that I probably don't have my form down on the kickboxing. Do you know of any of the workouts where Cathe goes over form on kickboxing? Maybe some of her earlier tapes? Luckily lying in bed with a rolled up towel under my hips for about 15 minutes, put the hip back in place enough so that I wasn't limping...:eek:

Hope you have a great day. Now, it's to bed for me.;)
Hi Karen,

Sorry, but I do not know of any of Cathe's tapes where she goes over form for kickboxing. I had a kickboxing dvd by Kathy Smith that discussed form for each movement but I gave it away. I didn't like it-alot of the choreography was too advanced for me. I had never done an ounce of kickboxing in my life at the time! I can't remember the name of it but it's got a red cover and there is an asian athlete who helps her teach and leads a segement or 2. They are both featured on the cover...if you do a search on Kathy Smith, I'm sured you would find it if you were interested-I have seen it lately myself. The form instruction is really good on it.

Hope this helps.
Hope that hip get better quickly!:)

Have a great work out!

Due Date: 5/19/05


HI Wendy,

Thanks so much. I think I've seen that tape advertised in the Collage Video catalogue. I'll look it up. Although -- and this is probably not fair -- I'm not a great fan of Kathy Smith -- again, I sometimes get injured doing her workouts -- although now that I've done Cathe enough and know how to do the exercises correctly, this might not keep happening to me.

I really love that Cathe goes over and over form during the workouts -- I need it. Tae Bo usually does, too, and I normally really like his workouts -- must not have been concentrating on my form well enough.

My next door neighbor is also pregnant -- with her second.:) It's such an exciting time -- a new life on his way into the world -- just love it.

Have a terrific day -- hope your workout goes great.:p

Speaking of the devil...I think Kickboxing is on the menu for tonight! lol I usually do CTX: Kickbox with some upper body work added on but I bought Cardio Kicks at the same time and still have yet to try it so I may do that one instead. Kickboxing is definately a great total body work out-no weights are even neccessary! I add in the weights with CTX Kickbox cause the cardio is short but if I decide to go with Cardio Kicks tonight I think I'll leave it at strictly that. :)

I am counting down to my due date on every calander I own!:D I am so excited!

Have a great work out!

Due Date: 5/19/05


Hi Wendy,

How did the kickboxing go yesterday? Did you do that in your rotation?

Yesterday, I did Bootcamp, which has some kickboxing in it. I took it easy on the side kicks, cause of the fear of throwing out my hip again, and it seems fine today. Yea!

However, I am very sore from the workout and so have changed my rotation a bit this week. I'm just going to do a short cardio and then stretch today.

Counting down the days. That is so cool. How many months are you again? I know I read it somewhere on the posts, but I've forgotten.

I really am excited for you. It's one of the most enchanting times in a person's life. What fun you are going to have.

Have a good one.:7
Hi Karen,

I did the kicks and punches segment from cardio kicks yesterday along with some upper body and abs work. Cardio kicks was okay. I like CTX kickbox better so far though.

Bootcamp is one I do not own yet...it is ofcourse on my forever long "wish list" though. I think the next thing I will purchase though will be the Body Blast series.

Glad to hear your hip is better! Be careful not to hurt it again, okay?!:)

For me, tonight is supposed to be a rest day but I think I will work out tonight and rest tmrw night so it's Leaner Legs and either Upper Body Split from CTX or Upper Body add on from Basic Step tonight. Either way, my muscles will be screamin' at me later! LOL

I am 5 months pregnant now. I'm watching in awe as my belly gets bigger by the day it seems and my belly button is disappearing with each passing day! I've been getting the gurgly feelings when the baby moves...the fluttering as they call it....kinda feels like gas, lol. If my hand is on my belly, I can even feel the movement that way at times. Very cool!

You mentioned you planned on doing just a short cardio routine tonight. That's good. Sometimes you need that "break". I do that at times myself. Sometimes I want to exercise but I just don't have it in me to go all out.

Okay, well, gotta run for now!

Talk to you later!:)

Have a great work out!

Due Date: 5/19/05


Hi Wendy,

Reading your posts is making me want the Body Blast series. I'll get a little taste of them when I get the Time Saver DVD -- which hopefully I'll be getting sometime soon. They really sound like fun.

You know, you're right. That short cardio I did yesterday was just the thing -- not too long, yet I felt like I worked out -- and then of course the stretching is good. It's hard for me to include stretching in my workout plan, as I'm usually wanting more of a workout, but I know it's important, and I have noticed that I'm able to do the moves better and better each week.;)

Five months...wow. That's right, you'd be at the stage where you can feel the baby move. I remember that feeling and remember watching as my feet disappeared from my view...

I also remember feeling like an elephant my last month of pregancy -- I actually waddled. I remember one fellow who knew me only when I was pregnant, and in running into him later, after my kids were a little older, he didn't even recognize me. (I gained 50 pounds plus or minus with each of my kids). Lost it all, too.

I say this in humor looking back on it now. Elephant or not, I loved being pregnant and loved every minute of the time with my kids. It is a magical time of life.

Now, to this day, I love form fitting clothes and I think it might be because when I was pregnant, my husband and I were not well-to-do and so I had only a few clothes I could wear, which quickly became very old, if you know what I mean. I became so sick of them, that to this day, I like my clothes nice and fitted...go figure...:+

Have a wonderful day, Wendy.:7
Hi Wendy,

That's so cool. You have some great workout DVD's to look forward to. I didn't get CTX, for much the same reason that you didn't get TimeSaver. There are so many times when I can't fit in a full workout, that I know that the TimeSaver DVD will be used. Probably over and over and over.:+

That's a great idea to preorder those two tapes. Out of all the new ones coming out, there are three that I know I'm going to want. The one on stretching, IMAX3, and LowMax. And since I know I'll be ordering those no matter what, I might as well preorder them.

What a great idea.

Oh, I know you'll be able to fit into your clothes after the baby is born. The weight comes off really easily, actually, except for about 5 lbs, and with your workouts, even that 5 lbs will probably be gone.;)

I'm going to check into the preordering now. I've been waiting, but again, I think you have the right idea. Might as well preorder those that I know I'll be getting no matter what right now.

Have a terrific day!:D :7
Hi Wendy,

It really is fun, isn't it? I wait for them and when I get them, it's like having Christmas in January.:p

Oh, have you done the weight workouts from CTX? I was looking at them and they are of a length that would work for me. They sound like they could be good ones? If you've done them, what's your opinion?

Have a terrific evening.:D
Hi Karen,:)

I have yet to do CTX as it was "meant to be". I have done the cardios, I have done Leaner Legs, and I have Upper Body Split, but I have not done a FULL work out as it was put together with the cardio, one upper body part, etc. Doing Upper Body Split was tough (for me anyway!). Judging from that, which is just the compilation of all of the weight work in CTX, the upper body work is very thorough. She works each body part to a "FRIED" state! lol

I start the CTX rotation tommorrow. I'll be doing one full ctx work out per day plus adding one extra upper body part per day. I'll have one rest day per week and Leaner Legs is done alone, with no upper body training at all on that day but I think I'm gonna add my own 30 mins of cardio on that day. I'll probably use my gazelle for that. I'll end up working each upper body part 2x per week. One of the other posters here is doing it with me. She has already started and said it's a challenging work out! I can't wait to start!:)

I can't wait to get the Body Blast Series!!! I have not even tried EVERY work out I own yet! LMAO! I have the Cardio Hits CD off of which I have successfully completed Power Max. Tried Step Fit once (only half of it, tho) and haven't even attempted Step Works yet.lol

I just did Circuit Max for the first time last night! That was the only other one I hadn't tried yet. OH MY GOODNESS! THAT was tough! Even modified down to a pregnant woman's level, TOUGH TOUGH TOUGH! But, ya know what? I loved it! It was hard at times to figure out how to modify some of the moves but the work out over all I felt was excellent!

Ok, I'll stop yammering on now. lol:p

Have a great day!:)


Have a great work out!

Due Date: 5/19/05


Hi Wendy,

I'm just so impressed that you keep working out when you're pregnant -- I know that's going to really be helpful to you when the baby starts to come.

Isn't Circuit Max fun? It's one of my most favorite workouts, but you are right. It is intense. It's what I love about Cathe -- on my own, I wouldn't push myself so hard -- that's why I love her workouts. I groan and sweat, and love it.

Since I don't have the CTX series or Body Blast, I don't have any info in which to evaluate them. Just reviewed the new DVD's I got last night -- the Pyramids and TimeSaver. Both look to be incredible workouts. I'm so glad I have them. The TimeSaver I'll do probably during those times when I'm on tour here locally with a new book or at conferences or something like that -- traveling. Sometimes, however, hotels don't have DVD players of Video players for their clientele and so then I'm on my own. But I know that DVD will really come in handy. I can see, though, that to get a full workout, one would need to do every workout on it that week -- plus I would add a day of nothing but anaerobics, as well.

I'll be doing Pyramid lower body today. I'll let you know how that goes.

Well, I don't have much time left to get those DVD's that I want from the new series. Like you, I'll be getting IMAX3, Low Max, and the stretching video. Because the others are around 70 minutes long, I'm going to save those until such a time when I start reaching for the longer workouts.

Have a wonderful day, Wendy, and a great workout. ;-) May your day be filled with all good things.:) :7
Hey Karen,

Well, the start of my CTX rotation is being delayed. I apparently hurt myself somehow about a week ago. I was still working out though coz it wasn't affecting it but thursday and friday during my work outs I started feeling pain so I haven't exercised since.x( I have no idea what the heck I did! The pain is in my butt of all places-lol- and only on one side. It's not a constant pain or ache but more like a sharp intense shooting pain or cramping that comes and goes depending on how I move. OUCH!!! I'm giving it a few days to see if it will resolve itself. If it doesn't I may call my dr. In the meantime I am suffering from exercise "withdrawals" and wouldn't you know it...my Body Blast series is scheduled to be delivered today!!! See now this is how I being punished for buying it!!! lol

How was Pyramid Lower Body? Do any other new ones? How about the Timesavers?

Have a great work out!



Hi Wendy,

And good morning.

I wonder if you might have done what I did to my butt -- I called it hip, but it definitely was a pain in the @#!. (excuse my typing) Mine was also a shooting pain -- particularly when I walked.

And if you did throw your hip out, you might try this remedy -- given to me by my hubby. Lie down and put a rolled up down just under the butt -- you might have to adjust it to get the best position for you.

What this does is it gets the spine back into alignment very gently.

Don't go to sleep doing this, though -- easy to do, although I have done that once or twice. Just lie there with it for about 15-20 minutes, and see if it might help.

This saved me a visit to the chiro, truth to tell.

Oh, I did the Pyramids at the end of the week. Oh, my gosh. My calf muscles thought they would die. And my groaning on PUB had my husband coming into the room to try to do them with me -- and even HE had a hard time -- and he's tough -- works construction. How I love the Intensity series. Simply love it.

The Timesaver I'm saving for those weeks when I really don't have time to workout -- I did preview it and it look terrific.

One thing that might help, too, come to think about it, is to stretch. Do you have a good stretch tape?

Anyway, Wendy, have a fabulous day, and I hope you'll be better soon and able to workout.:)
TY for the advice Karen! I will try that tonight after work! I'll do the pillow thing and then pop in the stretch tape I have and see if they help. I am dying to work out ! I was gonna do an upper body weight work out only and see if I could handle it but maybe your suggestions will work and I'll be able to start CTX after all! I'll keep you posted!

Have a great work out!




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