Please Give Me Your Feedback Here

Cathe Friedrich

Calling all Cathletes! Guess what? I’m back at it, cooking up a new series and I’d love to hear from you!

I have browsed through the suggestions forum and marked down the suggestions. Additionally, I’d like to ask for your suggestions here on this thread so I can keep all the comments together.

Now that you’ve had some time to play with the new Lift, Move & Restore series, I’d love some feedback on what you’re hoping to see next? What would you like to have a sequel to this type of series? If so, please be more specific. Was there anything that you had hoped for in the last series that wasn’t included? What would you like to see more of, less of, the same of etc.? What kind of intensity level are you looking for? What kind of concerns would you like me to address as far as your exercise lifestyle is concerned?

If you’d like to see something other than a sequel or another type of lift move and restore concept, please let me know that as well. All suggestions are welcome and the more detailed you can be the more helpful this is to me.

I’m already developing concepts and choreography for new types of workouts and I want to make sure that they check all the boxes of what your heart is hoping for!

Please comment in this thread with your ideas! I can’t wait to hear from you!IMG_8214.jpeg
Would love a metabolic series. Love the time efficiency of metabolic workouts working my muscles while elevating my heart rate. I can’t do much heavy lifting due to orthopedic issues so find I can maintain my muscles and keep cardiovascularly fit with these types of workouts. 45-60 minutes or if the main workout is 30 minutes, having add ons to make it longer or more challenging like ICE would be great. Maybe a lower body workout that really focuses on the posterior chain much like your live holy hamstrings workout.
I'm hankering for some new low-impact cardio - kickbox/boxing, another floor Cardio Party, a HIIT - maybe as a spin and other cardio machines (spin, treadmill, rower, X-C, etc). And include some brain fitness stuff in the Cardio Party 2.

I'm still liking the idea of a low impact Bootcamp with boxing for cardio, standing core, barre & boss bands for lower body & boss bands for upper body. Another metabolic weight workout would be nice.

Another specific Glutes & Legs with the Barre or FitTower along with the small ball & bands for more intensity. Or add in leg weights.

One thing I like about the LMR series is that the Fusion workouts are on the shorter side which allows for lots of different add-ons for variety. Or not, if one wants a shorter workout.

To make these easier on the knees, minimal pivoting (or put it on a gliding disc/rag) as well as low impact. And of course more mobility & stretching for recovery.

Thanks for asking! :) I'll add more as I give it more thought.
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For more intense weight work, I'd like 5 workouts; one endurance-based Total Body ala Power Hour and Hi Reps. One UB/LB split for hypertrophy as in Gym Styles. Then another UB/LB split for strength like in Slow & Heavy.

I'd like a well-balanced series that includes weight work, low impact cardio & recovery workouts.
On Strong & Sweaty Cardio Slam, the very last section uses only the step topper, no extensions. It's a short section, but fun that also allows for good intensity. Perhaps a longer cardio using just the step topper. One like ICE Low Impact Sweat or Ripped with Hiit that has two shorter workouts that can be done individually or together.

I enjoy the Live cardio workouts that alternate kickboxing with low impact hiit. The workout goes back and forth....a little kickboxing, then hiit, then back to kickboxing, and then hiit again. However, perhaps instead of kickboxing that incorporates some kicking just have boxing drills. I also love doing the live 40/20 hiit workout where we do a hiit exercise for 40 seconds, (or 20 seconds on one side and 20 seconds on the other side) and rest for 20 seconds.

I would love, love, love a dedicated dvd of different stretches. For example, a 15 to 20 minutes routine dedicated solely to legs, with each stretch being held for around 25 to 30 seconds. Another routine, perhaps 12 to 15 minutes, solely for the upper body, (arms, shoulders, upper back). Yet another short routine just for neck stretches, (looking side to side, up/down, tilting left/right, neck rolls, and the stretch that looks like you're sniffing your armpit). Perhaps even a separate routine just for the hips, hip flexors, butt and low back). The bands could be used with these, or even the ball. A premix that adds them together for when you can or wish to do one long multi-body part stretch.

Thanks Cathe!
I would love a hybrid STS/LM&R with heavier weights mixed with balance and mobility. And I'd love another kickboxing or other low impact cardio workout - the bonus cardio on LM&R was the perfect add on to my weight days so I can get my active minutes in.
This is exactly what I like too. I love both the STS, STS2, and the new LM&R series. The BOSU is also great for balance, maybe that could be included in a new workout? I love variety, but I use mainly DVD's. Another heavy-lifting series like the original STS with balance, recovery, and cardio would be perfect!
I would love a rebounder workout! They are kinder on my aging knees but fun and gets my HR up. I also would like a bosu ball workout where you use the bosu as a step workout but also use the bosu for balance, strength and core training. I like the bonus jump rope, using the balance disks, barre work, core work with the stability ball and small ball, fabric bands, and the dreaded disks. I too love IMAX (Imax3 is my favorite). Whatever you do is great...
I would like a STS 2-LMR fusion serie. As cardio I would like some cycling and step.

For lifting, please bring more unilateral, balance and coordination challenges.

Big metabolic moves which take us at out breath while lifting. Example 1 : single lunge, followed by a triceps extension. Example 2 : squat holding dumbbells as we squat down we hammer curl or biceps curl. These challenge our stabilisers.
Please more of those combinations lifting HEAVY. Many of us can do those.
Please sprinkle in some stretch session using discs or sliding clothes --- just as you did in slide and gliding disc. some elastic plus weight combos.

ETA : Please bring in some intensity, not by tightning the rest period but by playing with the the weight load. Combination of lifing moderate to heavy with balance, coordination. make us move on various plane. bring more of those side lunges and single leg deadlift.
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Perhaps a separate tri-set lower body and a tri-set upper body weight workout that incorporates both bilateral and unilateral moves. Using moderate, [not light nor super heavy], weights. Some intense body weight only moves thrown in here and there for even more variety would be great. Keeping the workouts under 55 minutes.

How about another "bad to the bone" Barre workout like the bonus on Killer Legs!
I'd love more low impact cardio. I can't do step as much anymore, but I still love low impact cardio and always like more options.
I really love the new Lift Move and Restore series, I'd be very happy with a sequel to that but with a little more cardio included.
Thank you so much for asking us, Cathe!

Another vote for STS 2.0/LMR sort of re-visit, with a bit more cardio added in. I see lots of asks for Kickboxing workouts, but I'd actually like another fun, well-choreographed step workout, too, like Step Moves, Party Rockin Step, or Step Boss. Steady-state cardio, please (just not a fan of HiiT). Or if including cardio provide maybe three with varying levels of intensity. Maybe a super intense HiiT workout, a steady-state step workout, and then a "lighter" kickboxing workout with options to up the intensity.

RE strength training, would love to see another "To The Mat" focused lower body workout. For the rest, I agree a segment of full body, upper body, lower body, and then parts workouts with the same strength and hypertrophy focus as STS 2.0. I don't know if it would be feasible, but actually parts workouts for lower body, too - like how you did a focus on quads/outer thighs in Lean Legs & Abs, and then hamstrings/glutes in Great Glutes.

I also like the suggestion of a metabolic workout, too. I really do enjoy Super Cuts and Metabolic Blast. I'm good with lighter weights, though curious how you'd approach such workouts with heavier weights as suggested by Nick, earlier. I suppose so long as the pace is slow enough, it's possible.

More mobility workouts in the same vein as what you did in LMR. Loved your pacing and combos of moves to keep things interesting.

A full workout with balance discs.

Also, I really appreciate when you bake in the core work and include a full stretch at the end of workouts instead of having them as separate add-ons. (Ie: if I want a shorter stretch, I can always just stop the workout after the cooldown.)

Also, if we can keep the props to a minimum. I feel like each new series has required me to buy more "gadgets", and while yes, they're useful, they're also a pain to take out, put away, and also find storage for. I don't have a dedicated workout room, just my living room, so space is a premium. Keep it to just hand weights (or barbell with hand weight modifications), a mat, and a step. (Balance discs would be needed if you did the balance disc workout suggestion, of course.)

Looking at my ask, this is quite a few workouts, lol:

1. Full body strength (including core)
2. Upper body strength (including core)
3. Lower body strength
5. Body parts biceps
6. Body parts triceps
7. Body parts back (including core)
8. Body parts chest
9. Body parts shoulders
10. Body parts quads/outer thigh (including core)
11. Body parts hamstrings/glutes
12. "To the Mat" lower body workout (including core)
13. Full body metabolic (including core)
14. HiiT cardio
15. Steady-state step cardio
16. Kickboxing cardio (including core)
17. Mobility/restoration
18. Balance workout (including core)

Oh yeah, and a great, comprehensive rotation that utilizes all of this along with the emphasis on recovery days as you see in the 12-week STS 2.0 rotation. Perhaps, in a longer rotation, include a week or two using the de-loading theory. Suggest using existing workouts in the set, but use weights that are 1/4 to 1/2 the weight of your usual weight selections.

Hope that was detailed enough. Haha - thanks for all your consideration. It's all your other inspiring work that inspires the above asks!

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