You will find unique information and specials on all of our different web properties, including our: 1. Forums, 2. Blog, 3. Website 4. facebook, 5. and Weekly Newsletter. So yes, you should always "Like" us on facebook and subscribe to our free weekly Newsletter to stay completely informed.
Before facebook and blogging forums were "king" and the only way for us to communicate with our customers and fans, but the Internet world is constantly changing and a company like us has to keep up with it.
One important recent change is that Google has now released it's new Panda Search engine which punishes duplicate content on a website. This means if we were to publish the same information on different pages of or other websites it could hurt our search engine ranking as Google frowns upon any duplicate content nowadays. We also want to give you a reason to visit our facebook fan page and to read our newsletter and this means posting unique content in both of these vehicles.
Today, facebook is "king", and we will be using our fan page more and more to promote and keep you informed about our newest videos. We also are getting ready to re-launch CatheTv as more of a video Blog. Forums are still an important part of our website, but social networking sites like facebook are now what nearly every business I know is using to communicate with their customers and to promote their products. Ask a teenager nowadays what a discussion forum is and I doubt they will even know, but they definitely will know what facebook is.
As for pictures from the new workouts, I doubt we will post very many in our forums. I know we used to do this in our forums, but in the last few years we have found that with the exception of the first few pictures posted in our forums that most of the pictures received very few views or comments. This wasn't the case on facebook and in our blog where interest was much higher. Pictures and videos just seem to work better on facebook where we feel it is just a better delivery vehicle for them.