People's biggest excuses!

I think a lot of people too just don't like to work out, note: work. If it was called rest and relaxing out, they would be more prone to do it, I think. Not that they are all lazy people, mind you. But they work, most of the time, 40 hours a week. They are tired when they get home, and think, I'll workout tomarrow. Then tomarrow comes, they are still tired, so they put it off again. It's just not a priority in their lives. DH is in that rutt right now. He's always too tired to workout. Yet once he's been working out for a while he says he feels better, then he falls off the wagon again and stops.
That's just another thought besides the time thing. But, also people want to see emmediate results. That one has almost gotten me before, you don't see any changes in a week and then you just give up. They aren't thinking of the internal changes that are taking place in their body. They want the fat to melt off, and lose 10 pounds in a week. Then they can stop working out and just look good.

What is the biggest excuses you have heard from people on why they don't work out???? I don't have time or oh, I am not athletic at all.

Why do you think exercise is such a low priority to some people, or not a priority at all?? Because they never got hooked on it. To get hooked you have to see results.

When my daughter became a teenager she gained a lot of weight. I could not get her to cut back on eating, eat right or workout. I have been excercising most of my adult life, she hated that I was in better shape than her. I finally bribed her (with a shopping trip) into doing some of my Cathe workouts and I guaranteed her that she would see results (and have fun)in 6 weeks. She did the workouts 6 days a week for 6 weeks and she saw the results. It was not long until she cleaned up her eating habits. It has been a year now and I can't get her out of my excercise room. Her confidence has soared. I kept telling her to think of it like this - "Would you ever think of not brushing your teeth or showering? Excercise is just as important." This Mom is very happy that her daughter idolizes Cathe. I hope that she has made a lifetime committment.:)

I always hear people say they don't have time! I get up at 5:30 am to make time, just because its so important to me. Most people just groan when they hear what time I work out. they think I'm crazy! I do understand how they feel.

If you have kids, work full time then - there IS little time to work out - except really early or really late. I prefer early because that way its done and I don't have to think about it for the rest of the day!
>What is the biggest excuses you have heard from people on why
>they don't work out????

#1 is definitely "I don't have enough time"

>Why do you think exercise is such a low priority to some
>people, or not a priority at all??

I think often people don't do things about their health until they are forced to, like when they have a heart attack, then start a physician-approved exercise plan afterwards.

I think many people haven't gotten past the stage where exercise can feel bad to them. When you've been exercising for a while, you learn to enjoy sweating and that sore feeling in your muscles the next day. I think people who are not into exercise interprete both of these things as discomfort or negative things. Has to do with the pleasure principal: doing what gives the most pleasure and avoiding pain.

Excess weight or health problems develop gradually, so people don't notice that they are getting fat, or that they are less healthy than they could be.

Habit. If you get into the habit of working out (which most people don't), it comes naturally. If you are in the habit of not working out, you won't.
The biggest excuse I have heard is the lack of time. There are many others such as "don't how", "too intimidating/difficult", "afraid of injury", "don't see a need", "too tired already".

I think exercise is low priority for some people because there are truly many other priorities in life, such as raising children, making a living, taking care of family, and have adequate rest.

I didn’t start regular workout until 2 years ago. With 2 young children and a demanding full-time + job, there just didn’t seem to have enough time or energy in the day. The final awaking came when none of my clothes fit any more. I started to get up early in the morning when the children were still asleep. Early morning workout seemed to provide me a better way to overcome my time barrier.
By the way, I do believe that whatever people's so-called "excuses" are, that the actual reason they don't exercise or don't do it much is because they haven't yet found something they love.

I believe that there is a sport or activity for pretty much everyone, but you have to try different things to find it. For example, my DH joined the gym with me but hardly ever went. Then he discovered outside bike riding, and he loves it and has no problem motivating himself. For me, weight-training is fun and enjoyable, but I have to force myself to go bike riding because it feels so dangerous in New York and it always hurts my knees.

I honestly think some people don't even realize that there's something out there that they may enjoy because they haven't enjoyed other things they have tried. To me, excuses just mean you haven't found your passion yet! :D

Biggest excuses -
1 - no time
2 - it's too much effort
3 - I don't need to exercise because I don't want to/need to lose weight
4 - I can't afford a gym/there's no gym nearby

Personally, I think most people don't want to put in the effort. Yes, it does take time and motivation to work out regularly. It's easier to sit on the couch, watch TV, surf the Internet and eat junk food.

Low priority -
I don't think enough of us were taught at a young age the benefits of exercise and how fun it can be. When I was a kid, I never thought of running around playing tag, riding my bike or rollerskating as "exercise"; "exercise" was gym class and all the humiliations that went with torture games like dodgeball. "Exercise" was something to be endured to get through the school's P.E. requirement. I wish I had established an exercise habit when I was younger, because then it would be part of my daily or at least weekly routine. Inactivity is a hard habit to break.

With the cutbacks in school phys ed programs, and the increasing numbers of Americans who don't exercise regularly, the prospects don't look good for the next generation.
1. Time! People already have their days packed and are reluctant to give up activities or sleep.

2. Low priority for the same reason, time. High priorities - kids, work, spouse, housework - suck up all the time.

- Shopgirl :)
Thank you!

Thanks everyone for your replies! They were very helpful. I am currently working on my pre project design paper and doing literature review and an outline for the seminar.

Have a great day!!! and Thanks again!!! :7

RE: Thank you!

I just wanted to add, one thing I've heard around my office, is the weather. Once it warms up..... too cold, it rained, it's too windy.
Susan C.M.

Thanks for letting her know! I did get mine at Wal-Mart. I just read through everyones responses.

Thanks again.

I didn't read the whole thread, but the one that comes to mind (other than "Time") is "I don't like to sweat". Yep, I've heard it!

Hi, Beverly! I agree that it's time and for some people, particularly women, it's difficult to prioritize the sort of self-care that they need because they give so much energy to others. For years, I worked around my family, ran in the dark, worked out only at home. These days, I order them pizza and head out, knowing I'll come back more mellow and ready to give them my best.

When you are selling something, in this case exercise, you have to think of ways to overcome objections. Okay, it's tough sometimes, especially in the beginning, but the benefits are many. Leaner, stronger, more enegetic, able to eat anything within reason and those wonderful endorphins are just so much better than, fatter, weaker, more tired, might as well just apply that directly to my hips and cranky from inactivity! LOL!

What a wonderful thing to do! I know you are going to rock!
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Just wanted to mention that I have both the Super Step Bench and the Original Step. Although I love the Super Bench for weight work, it is not as stable for stepping. The Original Step works well for both: stepping and weight work. Thought I'd just mention that to you. Beverly, have you noticed it is unstable at times? I even find it unstable for things like dips off the bench. It tends to lift or tip. I like it for incline work and also use just the topper (5 and 1/2 inches) for step at times.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Nancy, I agree!

I think you've hit the nail on the head.

I know I'm a living example of this. I'm not an athletic person by nature -- NEVER did sports as a kid, had glasses and knockknees and generally felt too clumsy. I also spent mucho wasted money on health club memberships when I was in my 20's and everybody who was ANYBODY was joining a club. I never felt comfortable going and it was way too easy after a 14-hour day as a puppy lawyer to go grab a snack and a toddy with friends instead. It was only when I discovered home exercise videos worth doing (and for this I must credit the original FIRMs Vols. I - VI) that I found something that was fun, brought me a great feeling of success and visible rewards, and was easy to commit to doing.

And then, of course, I found Cathe's tapes. That's when, for me, this became a passionate commitment. I still have fall-off-the-wagon weeks or even months when I get burned out or hit some kind of doldrums, but my interest in being fit -- and especially being fit with Cathe and all of you -- always comes roaring back at some point. :) Kathy S.
RE: Shannon!

Hi Debbie!

I do not use the Super Step Bench for step workouts. It's not very stable. I do agree with you. I do love it for weight work though. I have a reebok step for stepping and I just got the High step and my family room looks very interesting with three different steps!


Your family room sounds like my workout room. Hubby & I both have the Super Steps and High Steps. I also have the Original Step, not to mention many other toys. I am literally running out of room to workout![/img]
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi Beverly, great topic!

I've spent over 15 years as an aerobics instructor, trying to get people to enjoy exercise. I think it is just a fact that only a small percentage of the population actually enjoy it. I always have a few people that come to class regularly and exercise on their own, but most of the people only make it once in a while, or start with a bang and quit with the same intensity. It seems that most people just don't like the feeling of exercising. They huff and puff and sweat and feel exhausted and to top it off they get sore. It just isn't fun to START an exercise program and most people never get beyond that point to reap the rewards. People also have unreasonable expectations of their bodies and of exercise in general. Beginners need the patience to go slow and to stick with it. Put that in with the perception that they have no time for it and it's a sure recipe for failure. I've spent a lot of time trying to get people to not fail at exercising but in the end it is their own decision.

I've been struggling myself in keeping up with regular exercise. I've always exercised even though I'm quite familiar with that feeling of starting up after an extended break. It's no fun. I've only been a devoted *Catheite* for a few months. I had all of Cathe's first "Step in Motion" step videos... geez when was that? way back in the 80's :)
but only recently re-discovered her again. Dang! it took me long enough. I haven't been as consistent as I like because I've been ill since last summer (!!! yes since August!) with West Nile. So that's my personal answer to your research question. Illness has been why exercise can't be a priority for me every day. I'm trying to keep a rotation going but I have to just see how I feel each day.

aka Pam

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