Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 7/31

Good evening ladies,

This morning was the boxing with step portion of Summer 2016 Kickoff followed up with a Battle Rope Tabata workout I found on Youtube? Talk about a workout. Loved it.

Thanks for the DVD info Deb. I am ordering for sure. They really look great but will be passing on the cycle. I have more than enough cycle dvd's and with the Live workouts. It is one rope that is 40 feet. You anchor in the middle so you are using 20ft in each hand. I have a huge workout area. Pretty much have taken over 1/2 of the basement. It is completely finished and I do not feel like I am in a basement which I love. My company over this weekend were all checking out our gym and want to come over and use it. :) My rebounder is old and not expensive at all. I did use it a lot but haven't in years. They do sell workouts for them.

Valerie..Too bad the yoga class is so far away. I remember you really enjoyed it. I'll be buying the set but was thinking downloads only. Not sure if you would be interested in the download for the spin workout? If yes let me know. When you have the download it plays great it is just in digital format. It is not like streaming where you rely on internet. If I change my mind on getting DVD's I'll let you know.

Caitlin..congrats on your upcoming wedding! It is great you are still working out under the circumstances. Great job!

Lynda...great workout! That one wipes you and is a lot of fun! Oh I hope that red light works. Poor chickies. Glad you are having continued success with streaming. I am a little disapointed there will be no tower workout. Was hoping there would be one soon. Oh well I will still get use out of it. We have received a lot of rain too and we needed it.

Diane very sad about your daughter's doggies. Hoping and praying all will be well. Sounds like she moved really quickly which I believe will have saved their lives. I hate when I have a really great workout expecting to burn a ton of calories then look at me HRM and say "that was all????"

Hi to Judy and Josie!
diane sue hope they caught it in time. so scary. My dog stuck his nose into slug bait once, and if he ate any I could not be sure. he got something to make him vomit. that was a fast lesson to learn. back then, there was only one kind of bait and it was toxic. he did OK but I was much more careful after that. I have read that the current rat bait there is not a chemical antidote to reverse the reaction like the older warfarin types.

we rode a 33 mile road ride this morning, about 2 hrs 45 min. that really takes my energy level down for the day.

Caitlin, my niece was divorced and had no problem re marrying in the catholic church. maybe 3-4 years ago? I think she converted so maybe that is why they let it slide as her new second husband is catholic. DH and I did a JOP deal, and never regretted it. was so nice and simple and no church related stuff. Do what makes the two of you happy. that is so hard living... out of and around boxes.

Lynda, when we had the phone lines put in 28 years ago, the main internet was to my office on the second floor. DH's office was at his office building back then , not at home. times have changed. if we redid it, we'd do the main lines and connection on the main floor. back in 1990 the internet was not that important! so my office is on the opposite side of the house, second floor, while the basement has concrete walls and is as far away as it could be, 2 floors down and diagonally as far away as possible. Owls are such lovely birds... please try to defeat him without hurting him.

I didn't look closely at the presale and assume it is for the package and not individual disks, but I will take a look.
Lorie, that was the second time that my daughter was quick with one of the dogs. The older one had apparently come into contact with something that caused an anaphylactic reaction. She shoved Benedryl in the dogs and sped her to the vet. No wasted time. The vet said if her reaction had not been quick the dog would probably not have made it. They kept the dog overnight at the clinic. Living out in the country makes it a longer trip to the vet.

Valerie, I used to worry at our last home when I was trying to get rid of snails. There were so many cats and dogs wandering around along with tons of squirrels. I used to try to dump coffee grounds in the planters but it did not help much because the yard was huge and there were tons of planters. I did end up putting some stuff out that I found at the store that was supposed to be safe. I still saw some evidence of snails but not as much. Hopefully the dos continue to do well over night and then they should be pretty much okay. I would think all of the stuff they went through would be hard on their health though. I think the presale is all package deals with or without the cycle workout.
Good morning,

Yesterday I did Live Ice Total Body Compound. I think that is the first time I did that one...I thought it was going to be like the DVD, and since I had done that one a lot, I had not tried it. I liked it a lot better than the DVD.

Diane Sue, I agree....some people have to complain no matter what. I am sure there will be a lower body premix somewhere in there. Glad the dogs are far so good! I did end up ordering the shampoo from Dr. Becker...there was a 10% sale on everything ordered, and I had a $10 coupon, so it lowered the price a bit. I hope they work on the dogs. I agree, I think you should stop using the Ferminator shampoo on Gertie, it sounds like it is not good for her coat.

Valerie, I will get the total DVD bundle and you can have the cycle/spin one. I can understand why you are having some issues with technology in your basement. How difficult would it be for the cable company to change that? I would definitely ask for their opinion. The words you mentioned, besides ricotta etc.on the Soprano are really slang Italian/Sicilian. Most I used to hear all the time, growing up. Good idea to try the later yoga class, just to see how it is.

Caitlin, not sure who Billy Wright is? I may have missed it if you mentioned before. Sorry about your credit and that it is delaying your wedding. :(.

Lynda, I hope those lights work for the chickens! I didn;t realize they were outside at night...for some reason I thought they would be confined while it was dark. City girl!

Lori, your workout area sounds great! I was also expecting a Tower workout with this group...maybe she agreed not to do one right away with the company that produced the Tower since it may detract Cathe fans from ordering those workouts?

Hi to Judy & Josie,

They are coming to do the clad (?) on our house today. They are covering all the wooden eaves (that need painting and are starting to rot) with vinyl. Except for the front entrance way, there will be nothing left to have to repaint all the time. I can't wait for the leaded glass to be brought back so we can paint the porch and the door. :).
Thank you Deb. I will look closer at the presale .... am I wavering already?? I've thought for a long time I don't need more dvd's. except possible another spin one. DH and I both use those a lot and I like cathe's spin workouts best so far.
Deb, I thought chickens usually were inside at night too... in a chicken coop. I've had several neighbors with chicken and turkeys and they all had some kind of enclosure. a fenced area with a small building for the chickens to sit on their nests. nothing stops them from going outside if they want, and chickens aren't the brightest creatures.
We are getting some glass replaced too. we have vinyl windows and sliding doors. after 28 years the seals on the glass are failing on areas that get the biggest temperature changes. getting very cloudy because of moisture between the layers. expensive!. and the glass installers are on strike right now so it might be a while.

changing the wiring would be a fairly big deal. one of those things I don't think I want to start.

I didn't think of googling sopranos slang before.... that was a big issue on my first time thru the series. too much dialogue unintelligible. with subtitles ... mangled words = foods. I never heard most of it before but once you "get" that 'ree-goat' is ricotta, things fall in place.

diane sue there are pet safe slug baits now. Sluggo is popular. the older stuff (Corry's) worked better but potentially toxic. Hope all is good with the doggies. the climate here is mild, seldom freezes hard, wet a lot. slugs LOVE it here. I grow some things on my deck using miracle grow bagged dirt just so I don't get slugs in my lettuce.
Raining today so an indoor workout. grocery shopping first.
Hi everyone--

This morning I did live Metabolic Circuit Blast (46 min.). Another great workout.

Deb, these are not laying hens and they don't have nests or a coop. They do have a fenced in area (highly charged to keep out coyotes, raccoons, or fisher cats) and these moveable hoops over them for shelter. But the whole idea of free-range chickens is that you want to be able to move a shelter from place to place in the pasture to improve the pasture with their feces and to let them enjoy the bugs they find. A coop would not be a moveable structure. The chickens often do just stay under the hoops at night, making it difficult for owls or hawks to swoop down on them, but one or two may wander out and that's when the owl hits. Hawks are not a problem now because they are too big to take off with, but the owl just decapitates, leaving a chicken that is really almost ready to go--about 3 lbs. Kim raises them until they are about 4-4 1/2 lbs. He has thought about overhead netting, but he really doesn't want to trap some owl or hawk, so he is going to try these Nite Guard Solar Predator control lights.

Enough on chickens!

Diane Sue, that is terrible about the dogs. Kim has a metal container for the rodenticide he uses and he is very cautious about where he places his traps--out of reach from Max. I hope all is well and your daughter caught this in time.

Valerie, I wish you had someone like our tech guy, who has made a lot of changes to make things work better for Kim and now me. It's just great to have someone with expertise who is an independent trouble shooter and does house calls. Same thing with our Appliance Doctor.

Lori, I was hoping for some workouts that would use the tower too. Sigh! I am really ready to dismantle the thing. It just sits there unless I am doing some ironing and I hang things on it--hah!

Hi to Judy, Josie, and Caitlin!
Today I had lots of interruptions . I started one workout and got through part of the warm up and was interrupted so I changed my mind on the workout. I ended up doing Kelly Coffey Cardio Kick Step boxing again. I really like that workout a lot. This was 71 minutes 497 calories. I did the kneeling ab workout but this time just used a rolled up mat under my knee and 2# dumbbells. I tried the bosu but it did not feel right. Kelly uses what looks like a half of a foam roller (flat on the bottom) I had started an ab workout and stopped when my grandson came over to see what we could do about his mail. Had a protein shake for lunch with me:D My daughter's dogs have made it past the critical time frame. I am so happy for them.

Deb, I am glad that you found a deal on the dog shampoo. I hope that it works well for you. I am pleased with how well Gertie seems to be doing with the Castor and Pollux grain free dog food. I am using a bit of the same in canned with it and bought the grain free treats for her cookie jar. She is so much more bouncy and runs up and down the stairs with her toys . I was getting pretty worried about her lack of interest in things and obvious digestive issues. She had gotten to where she did not come all the way up the stairs anymore. She would wait at the bottom or on the step that starts turning. Sometimes not at all. Or she would disappear and lie in her crate. Sprouts carries the canned food and some of the treats which is a plus since they are close and I don't have to go to Pets Mart for everything. They may carry the dry food but I think it would be small bags because most of their dog food is in small bags. There is a nice selection of healthier dog foods though. My son just had the new siding put on their house. It was costly but so worth it. There house is brick and siding. It was our house while our children were growing up. Lots of memories there. The pines in the front yard were live Christmas trees that we had purchased.

Valerie, I hear you on Cathe's spin workouts. I have some others but I do not remember when I last used one of them. I used to do an audio download one from Brook Benton that was free quite a bit before I got Cathe's . I have Tabata Trek or something like that from Mindy Mylrea. I think I have used it a handful of times. Time moves more quickly with Cathe's. I use Miracle Gro plant food and soil. I am not having luck with my tomato plant and pepper plant. That is all I put out in a corner bed in back. One tomato was growing and something has eaten into it. There was one small pepper and it disappeared. I don't really know why I keep watering and tending the silly plants. I have seen so many things lately on container gardening and was thinking maybe next year I will do something like that. I had used some seven dust on them a couple of times. I put a wire fence around the planter when I dust it, just in case Gertie messes in that planter. She really doesn't seem to bother with the plants anymore though. When she was a pup she was good at pruning my potted roses and hydrangea. My daughter's chickens have been left out overnight when someone forgot to close the coop up. They have been killed by predators. Also one of their dogs got one once but, after a scolding has not done it again. Labs are hunters so I would imagine it is a natural instinct. I saw a poor chicken running up the side of the road out by a field on the way to my younger daughters and thought the poor chicken has misplaced it's home. They generally stay in their space. It has been so hot and dry here I do not think I have much chance for slugs or snails right now. There is a spray that the fire chief in a town where my husband worked before called Tempo spray he recommended. Their city used it and it was supposed to be safe for the animals to walk on right away. I have always kept it in my Amazon cart as a reminder but have not purchased it.

Lynda, now I understand about your chickens. It makes sense that the netting might be a problem. My daughter's earlier chickens were a very small breed of chickens. Now they have some larger hens. They use them for eggs though. They tried eating some and apparently the family was put off by the taste. I don't really know why. They are funny. You get used to the fresh stuff and free range chickens and to me the other that you pick up at the store is not very good. It tastes wrong. I picked up eggs from Braums here recently and have decided that I will not get them there again. Very pale and not very good tasting. It might have been a mind thing but I felt they were not as rich tasting? I only buy free range eggs at the store when I do not get eggs from my daughter. I wish their bees would produce enough honey but they keep dying on them. That is a good idea to put the rodenticide in a container like that. I am sure they will be more cautious from now on, but what a way to learn a lesson.
Now I know it is not his fault, and the closing is next week, and I can't wait.

All I did today was upper body with weights; at least I am keeping body tone. I have to leave my very old cat Felix with my friend Bill Wright.

Hello to all the beautiful ladies. There is a beautiful Catholic Church in Catskill called the Church of St.Patrick. I also found better deals on wedding dresses on ebay that were more conservative than the sequinned ones in that store. Did you know your size is bigger in formal clothes than regular. I wear a size 1 to 3, and I had to find the size 10 which seems so huge to me but it fit. So I will get a size ten one on Ebay. I know I have to fix my credit rating first.
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Good evening ladies,

This morning was SB Lower Barre Sculpting Circuit. 27 mins and that was all I did. Left the house at 6:30am today. Long day today. I am loving our new CEO so I do not mind.

Diane glad to hear the doggies are doing well and past the critical point. So happy! I have changed my mind many times when doing workouts and not always from being interrupted. I have more than enough spin workouts. I was on the fence aboit going all downloads and no dvd's until I saw only $40 for the downloads. Felt this is a great deal so that is what I will preorder.

Valerie...funny you are wavering with the new workouts. I thought sure I was done buying and I have recently bought KCM's newest DVD, SB's DVD, new tower with DVD's and now these new Cathe DVD's. I guess it just never ends! Great ride yesterday.

Caitlin...great the move is on!

Deb...I agree Live Total Body Compound is better in my book too. We are very pleased the way our workout area came out. I was hoping for a new tower workout too. A little disappointed but I like that the cross barre is easily adjustable. My wall mounted barre is permanent of course and I do have a portable barre but the cross barre is not easily adjustable at all. Plus it is not strong enough for pull ups. So hoping I will get lots of use out of it even with no new dvd's. We have vinyl siding and very happy with it.

Lynda..I love that metabolic workout and have done it several times. Hahhah funny using tower as a clothes hanger. I bet it is perfect for that!

Hi to Josie and Judy!!!
Lorie, I ordered the new Kelly Coffey too. I keep picking up an Ice workout. At first I thought that I did not really want them. The thing is the pre-order is such a nice price and I know would save me a lot since purchasing one at a time later adds up. I was trying not to purchase and have been using gift money for them. till Kelly's new one.

Caitlin, I am glad to here things are working out with your closing and plans.

It is supposed to be very hot tomorrow. I think we re going to flee the house for lunch and a movie where we can be cool. Sitting in a house at 84 degrees really makes me feel exhausted for some reason. I don't accomplish much at all. They are saying from this weekend in to next week it will reach 101 in some areas. I wonder what the heat index will be? I was going to get my 8 year old granddaughter and take her to the pool, but her mother has started her school along with the public school days and she adheres to the program. She got a new curriculum to start with her daycare this year as well. Maybe Thursday I will take my five year old grandson. The private school he goes to does not start till the 18th.
Good morning,

No workout yesterday. The house project is going well. I hope they are done by Friday. I feel like I have to be here in case they have a question.

Valerie, you should look at the other DVD's in the sale...they are pretty close to the best ones that she offers with the LIve subscription....really good total body workouts. 6 Cathe DVD's for $59 is steal! Also, no step ones, no Kickboxing! I do understand why you feel you have enough DVD's, I feel the same way. :). For some reason even though I do not do a lot of the old Cathe ones, I just don't want to sell them just yet.

Lynda, I don't think I have done that LIve workout....I have to look at Lori's printout where I keep my is more cardio ? did you have to modify much? LOL....on stopping the "chicken talk"....I really like to hear about what is going on with the is fascinating to me.

Diane Sue, So glad the dogs are looks like they didn't get a chance to absorb any of the stuff, good that your daughter was so quick to do the remedies. Amazing that Gertie has changed so much with the new food....I bet she has a problem digesting grains, and now she feels a lot better! I don't think I have that KCM....I must have passed on the sale of that one...not being a fan of kickboxing that much. the core work does sound interesting though..Just go ahead and to the you said, you may buy them eventually...and the price is so great when you preorder. Schools start really early there....ours do not start until after Labor Day.

Caitlin, will the wedding be in the Catskills at your new home? How long will it take to fix your credit rating? Is it just a time thing?

Lori, so glad you like your new CEO...that can make all the difference in how you feel about your job in general. I bet you were really tired...that was a long day yesterday! All this talk about barres and where they are and how used...mine is basically just holding my barbell...and I drape my yoga mat over it. I am looking forward to using it eventually for a real barre workout. :).

Hi to Judy & Josie,

Take care,
Deb I think cardio slam says variety of high and low impact off and on the step.
Kelly's Cardio Step Kickboxing is an older workout before 30 minutes to fitness. I loved the very first one which I do not have anymore so much that I continued buying Kelly's workouts. I think this was the second Step Boxing workout. It has the step vertical the first part, then horizontal the second. The last segment is all on the floor. She suggests on the abs that you can use hand weights but not more than 3 lb.. at the same time I purchased that one I also purchased a cardio sculpt fitness one that is good as well. It is a weight and cardio circuit. They do have some premixes. I am sure that you are going to love the changes in your home.
Yesterday I did X train burn sets bi's and tris, plus core 1. If I maintain two x a week upper body, I should get back to the weight level I was at a couple years ago. Instead of 15's I backed down to 12's for this one and that was all I could handle.

a question... I have a bad time with triceps push ups. when I lower myself, my elbows swing outward and I can't seem to get my arms positioned so that doesn't happen. my shoulder blades seem to run into each other when I try. I seem to have reasonably good triceps strength for kickbacks, pull overs , dips. anyone have any ideas?

Actually the reason I'm wavering a bit on the new workouts is that our plans for the second house are moving ahead. we have water!. next power to the build site. DH and I will have an exercise room there too, and we will need stuff for it. I would prefer not to buy large bulky machines, and most Cathe workouts use minimal expensive equipment. so I'm thinking. the price is very good, I agree.
DH uses the barre more than I do and stores the barbell on it. I use it occasionally but it's always a project to unload all the plates he has on it. I use the dumbbells more.
Hi everyone--

This morning I did live Upper Body Sculpt (51 min.). Another one where Cathe uses the tubing quite a bit. Excellent workout and I wanted one with no cardio after the last three days of sweaty workouts. This is the one--dates all the way back to July 2014.

Diane Sue, that's great news about the dogs. So fortunate this did not turn into a tragedy. Kim cannot stand the smell of store bought chicken. He thinks they smell like ammonia. He has no problem selling his chickens very quickly. I love their flavor. Eggs from free range chickens, you're right, are a much deeper yellow and have so much more flavor. I especially like the eggs from Araucana hens. Kim always buys some at the farmer's market.

Valerie, actually Cathe had a suggestion in the workout I did today that seemed to hold the elbows in. Place your hands outward at a 45 degree angle instead of palms straight down. It does seem to hold in the elbows a lot.

Deb, I don't know if you sold Turbo Barre from the LIS series, but you could use your tower for that one. It's pretty long if you do the whole thing (74 min.), but there are shorter premixes. I had to modify on that live I did yesterday, and even so, I think I have been doing too much impact lately because I look at the other live exercisers and keep thinking, if they can do it, I should be able to, because I look in better shape than several of them. Kim agrees when he takes a look every now and then.

Lori, you have so many options for doing barre. I figure, if I dismantle the tower, I will just pull out a chair. I don't have an exercise room, so the tower is increasingly looking like an eyesore gathering dust for me. It was really only in use for STS, which I sold awhile back. If I really wanted to do pull-ups (which I don't), Kim set up a place to hold a bar. But I am so bad at them, I never even try anymore. My sons use this when they are home.

Good luck, Caitlin--hope everything works out for you!

Hi to Judy and Josie!
Hi Everyone,

Monday I did Leslie Sansone Walk at Home and Walk Strong Express workouts and KCM Body Training 1 (no equipment).
The Leslie Sansone workouts were new to me. I had ordered a couple of her dvds when they were on sale.
Yesterday I did a 90 minute Spinerval. Today I did XTrain Super Cuts, Core 2 and Burn Sets Chest & Shoulders.
It's been so hot outside and I haven't been keeping up with my C25K training like I should. I need to get back at it.

This weekend we looked at a few open houses. Chris thinks it's time to look at moving so we can have a little more room. Our condo is small and we are running out of space. I doubt that we will moving before next Spring but we just want to see what is out there.

Deb-I agree, 6 Cathe DVDs for $59 is a steal! They all sound good to me too!

Valerie-I have that trouble with tricep pushups too. Sometimes I substitute close grip bench press for the pushups.

Diane Sue-I'm so glad that the dogs are ok! I like all of KCM's older workouts too.

Lori-I have changed my mind a few times when doing workouts too. I got the new SB dvd yesterday. I will try it later this week.

Caitlin-I hope your move goes well! Good luck to you!

Hi to Josie!

I took a photo of Chino and Shadow yesterday. It looked like Chino was sticking his tongue out at me :)


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Today's workout was Ice Low Impact Sweat warm up and workout 1 and stretch, 28 minutes, 174 calories. I then did Pyramid Upper Body, 57 minutes, 250 calories. I finished with Shiva Rea Power Yoga Flow, creative roots segment, 13 minuts, 41 calories. Total time was 98 minutes and calories burned 465.
Pyramid Upper weights 12,10,8,10,12 reps each exercise

chest fly 15, 20. 22.5.30,15
alternated with chest press 15,20,22.5,20,15

pullover 17.5, 20,25,20,17.5
dumbbell double arm rows 17.5.20, 25, 20,17.5

rear dumbbell delt flies 5,8,10,8,5
side lateral raise 5,8,10,8,5
front raise 5,8,10,8,5

double arm kickbacks 8,12,15,12,8
overhead dumbbell press 15,20,25,20,17.5

hammer curl 12,15,17.5,15,12
bicep curl 12,15,17.5,15,12

Judy, how funny. It does look like Chino's tongue is out. You got in some nice long workouts.

Lynda, I was looking at my worksheet for the Pyramid workout today and thought how it did not seem like that workout was 10 years old. I have a folding chair in the corner that I pull out for barre and chair work.

Valerie, triceps pushups always seem much harder than regular push ups. Would it be easier if you did something like the see saw push ups with the hands closer together? I cannot go near as long as I can on regular push ups before I am on my knees. I am not a real fan of any push ups. I hate plank triceps kickbacks and renegade rows. I do them when they are on the workouts but I have put workouts back on the shelf when I remember that they have those moves.
Good evening ladies!

This morning I did Jessica Smith 20 min arms followed up with a 10 minute battle rope workout. Only 30 minutes and boy I was worked! Love these kind of workouts. At lunch we did 21D Barre Legs. Felt great to workout with the ladies again at lunch.

Deb..I finally ordered a 20lb weighted bar today from Amazon. What weight do you have? Different weights? After all my research I felt I got a great price at $31.79. No tax and free shipping. Hahha with the barres. Right now I only have two but each have their purpose! That is why our workout area needs to be so large. I like what I like!

Valerie...I agree with Deb the new Dvd's are at a great price. Awesome that your home is moving along! I was going to recommend the exact same thing for tri pushups. Not sure who told me to do it that way or if I just discovered by accident. Really keeps your elbows in. In today's JS workout we did tri pushups.

Diane Sue...I guess we are all the same. Just can't say no to a good workout.

Lynda...the only pull ups I do are modified with me on the floor under the bar like the modifier in the STS workouts. No desire to do an actual pull up. I have not done that Live workout but will look into it.

Judy...I have a few Leslie Sanson workouts. Used to do them with the lunch ladies a while back. I'll have to say they did get my heart pumping at times. Chino is adorable!!!! Loved that picture. My SB workout is supposed to be delivered tomorrow. We leave for the Cape for the week on Saturday and would love to take it with me. Will be great to do there. So exciting looking at new homes. Good for you and Chris. I think you have a weighted barre also. What weight do you have?

Hi to Josie and Caitlin!
Good morning,

I spent most of the day grooming dogs, and listening to hammering, banging, and loud music. Even some singing included in there. The workers. :).

Diane Sue....I love KCM and her workouts...only not step or kickboxing...and the 2 combined? Nope..LOL. I'm with you on those plank tricep moves or rowing while in a plank...sometimes I just go into a full plank and don't do the DB part.

Valerie, 2x upper body, and all the outside stuff you do sounds like a good plan. I have the same problem with tricep is hard to keep my elbows close to my body like you are supposed to. Also have shoulder parts are rubbing against each other in there...I thought it was only me! I will try the tip Lynda mentioned the next time.

Lynda, thanks for the tricep pushup tip...I also have the problem with doing dips off the step etc. Yes, I have Turbo Barre...the premixes on there are not that short :( I keep saying I am going to start doing it, but it has a huge dread factor for me...that is why I was looking at the new workouts that come with the new tower...(thanks Lori!)...I am always amazed at the people in the Live workouts..they seem so strong and can do everything Cathe does. I rarely see anyone modifying things.

Judy, How exciting looking at new homes etc! Great workouts. I know that Lynda just loves Leslie's voice....:). Love the cute! yes it does look like he is sticking his tongue out at you. LOL.

Lori, good that the Ladies are back to their lunch workouts. :). That is a great price for that body bar! I have 15 and an 18 pound body bars. I also have a regular bar set at 20 that I leave like that....and then use the Troy bar with those great clips when I need to go any higher. That is the one that sits on my Tower. Looking back, I kind of wish I would have gotten the 20 pound weighted bar...

Hi to Josie & Caitlin,

I am going to try to get a workout in today, John is home today so he can answer any questions, and watch the dogs while I get a workout in...he does have a 6 hour webinar he has to do though..ugh...reminds me of work. Better him than me....

Take care,

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