Deb, she lets the dog do whatever it wants. I know it ran off one time and some unknown lady grabbed her or else she would have been gone. dogs are better companions when "socialized" and learn how to act. you give them an order like "sit" or "stay" & that keeps them from doing whatever pops into their head, like nipping. it makes them feel secure because they know what they should do. I went to an obedience class at the Y and learned a lot. I did 15 minutes twice a day and he learned everything in a few weeks. anyway, I will talk to her again and see if she ever did anything. the bigger the dog, the more important it is, although I think small dogs should be trained too, for their own safety. those are some interesting explanations for dog behavior. good explanation for why they bark at the mailman!
it wasn't supposed to be so hot yesterday, the forecast was for 60-ish. Ha. it was 85 in the sun. a nice breeze helped, but I don't sweat enough to cool anything off. they get the forecast right down in the lowlands but the mountains, not so much. One interesting thing yesterday.... this has happened other times too..while we were hiking down, we saw fighter jets fly by way below us. we have some military bases here and although they're not supposed to do it, they fly up the river valleys and thru the mt passes.
they are flying so fast and low that you can't hear anything until after they're gone. sometimes the sound is so intense it can knock you over, especially if you aren't forewarned. this ooked like a "toy" plane flying thousands of feet below us. no sound until after he was out of sight. one time long ago we were on a high ridge and a plane flew right past us so close we could clearly see the pilot, his helmet and stuff in the cockpit as he approached. he was SO low and close to the ground following the land contours. happened so fast we could hardly believe what we'd seen. the blue angels are here for this weekend, so maybe the military jets had to fly elsewhere.
shopping today. thought we were going to OR coast on sunday but some other things came up re the new house that need to be done Monday, so we will wait a week or two.