Today I just wanted cardio without any weights to get the heart rate up. I find if I keep moving my joints do not get stiff and it actually helps more than if I did nothing. I did Low Max, 70 minutes, 463 calories, heart rate 143/174 max, 6,082 steps. This was fun since I have not done it in a very long time. I love the music so much more in older workouts. I find getting a low impact workout without having to use weights, mountain climbers and other stressful moves is hard to find in newer workouts. I also tend to get more steps in the workouts without the use of all of those other moves and weights. I then did Kelly Coffey Body Design just the yoga segment 13 minutes, 99/125 max heart rate, 55 steps, and YouTube Sarah Beth Yoga upper back tension relief and shoulder and neck tension relief, 11 minutes, 15 calories. I have always liked these two workouts and found them helpful and short. She has some new ones I need to check out, but they required more time. Total time was 94 minutes, 507 calories. Funny, Fit Bit had my calories higher than Map My Fitness today. I don't bother with map my fitness for yoga. It gives me double to triple the calories I get from Fit Bit.
Deb, I hope things went as well as they can at the vet today. I will probably have somewhat of a few rest days next week as I am going to have 3 grand children, 17,9, and 3 and their dog Muffin which I think I have mentioned before. Gertie will be excited for the activity

My one complaint with muffin is she whines and it sounds like a baby crying. She is part rat terrier and beagle. She looks mostly beagle though but longish hair. It feels like something pinching in my lat up to my neck. The coughing and allergies are worse today.I had a terrible time through two stores and the post office. I drank bottled water and ate cough drops the whole time. I really think the coughing is making me tense up a lot.
Valerie, I had some allergy testing years ago. My husband reminded me, because I had patches of stuff taped to me and I couldn't get them wet when I bathed. I remember as a child in England, being so miserable. They had so much foliage there. My nose starts dripping with my allergy mask on when I am outside trying to do yard stuff. I am glad that we have gardeners for the front and mostly concrete. Speaking of Benedryl, I gave my husband some so he could sleep when we were visiting family. He had a terrible time from just one dose, staying awake to make the trip home. Neither one of us take much in the way of medicine. No prescriptions and an occasional Excedrin or Advil. That is about it. I picked up some Manuka lozenges in hopes they at least sooth the throat from all of the coughing.
Carolyn, I started doing the one rep max stuff and never finished the first time I did STS . I will probably have to do something shorter tomorrow as my 3 year old grandson will be here for awhile in the morning. I will need to get done and showered before 9. No sitting around in the morning before I workout.