Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 7/30

Today I did JS HiiT Walk and followed that with Ab Circuits Yoga Inspired Abs. I didn't want to do another RWH HiiT as listed on the rotation. I can feel the effects of the ab workout already.

I'm glad to know that most of you did STS without the 1RM testing. That's really what I did with the other rotation.

Deb, I hope Keegan gets better soon. You have had a difficult two weeks.

Diane Sue, I am having some allergy problems also, but nothing like yours. I hope you can get it under control soon.

Greetings to all and wishing you a wonderful day.
Good evening ladies,

Today I decided on a rest day. My last rest day was July 18 so I was long over due. my body needed it. I did not sleep well last night, woke up for my workout, but then fell asleep on the couch. Right then I knew it was going to be a rest day for me!

Deb...hoping Keegan is well soon. I do not know much about pancreatitis, but it sounds painful. Poor little thing. He is very fortunate to have you two. Nilla turns her nose up at times. Today when getting her chicken ready she was bouncing up and down like a 5 year old. My son was laughing because she seems so excited for dinner. I guess with older dogs that is how it goes, one minute they are an excitable teenager then next not so much.

Diane Sue...I agree with you about the music in older workouts. Was so much fun to listen too. Hope your neck is better. I can see how constant coughing could aggrevate it. Enjoy your time with your grandchildren and muffin :)

Carolyn...I think JS's Hiit was a nice substitute!

Valerie...I thought the same thing with the 1rm - way too much time. Good for everyone that has done this as I am sure there is benefits to it. It just did not interest me to do so. I was fine with selecting my weights and increase or decrease when needed. I was very good about writing my weights down. I found that helped. However, this round of p90x we are not writing anything down and going with how we feel.

Caitlin...I agree some people just have tiny frames and do not gain weight no matter what they do.

Have a great night all!
Carolyn, nice workout today. I don't blame you for not wanting to do a RWH again today. I have mostly done just the Low Impact on that series lately so thought the Plyo was a good choice for a short workout today.

Lori, I often think it is better to do workouts knowing what you usually push for weights and can determine if you are up to push a bit harder in a certain area or not. I log weights and will look sometimes if I have not done a workout for a long time and I want to set up so I don't have to change too often during a workout. Particularly when setting up the barbell. Logging helps in some cases, but I don't think it is entirely necessary. I suppose it would depend on what the goal is. It does sound like the rest day was needed.
We said good bye to Zelda tonight. This evening while putting out their food and cleaning their litter boxes I noticed there did not seem like much in the litter box for two cats. Mentioned to my husband he should check on Zelda and found that she had died in his office. was so very said. she was the same age as Nilla and Bob had rescued her when she was just a tiny kitten living in an alley. he was a restaurant manager in DC and his crew set up this trap to catch her. he has had her ever since. he is pretty broken up about losing her. we both are. she was a beautiful sweet kitty. :(

TimTim is on the left,she is 12. Zelda is on the right. they were buddies.TimTim will be sad and will notice her absence.


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oh Lori, I am so sorry. it is so hard to lose a good buddy after so long..... even if you get to kind of expect it might be a possibility. I had a kitty called Princess when I was a kid, and she looked a lot like Zelda. there is no way to dodge this, it's the price we all pay for enjoying their company for so long, it hurts so much when they suddenly are gone. . so she was about 17? we lost our Puss #2 at 17 also, very suddenly. He was such a huge personality. we are currently living with Puss #3 who is now 15 so I already am thinking about the inevitable. but I will always get another kitty. too many kitties without good homes to let it go for long. Hugs to you both.

I had a day off today. yesterday I did high reps and abs. we are in a very unpleasant weather pattern right now that we hope will moderate over the weekend. hot with smoky smoggy air that is unhealthy due to smoke. my DW plugged up again. we are thinking there might have been something wrong with the install since this is time #3 we had to deal with lines plugging and error codes.
Good morning,

No workout yesterday.

Valerie, Keegan is 9. He will probably need surgery, if these are indeed oxalate stones. Your allergies sounded horrible. Good that you were able to find out what you needed to avoid to help.

Diane Sue, I hope your neck etc feel better today.

Caitlin, I think it will take more than one fattening breakfast to gain weight...:). Have you started keeping track of your daily calorie intake? There is probably a board on MyFitnessPal for those that want to gain weight.

Carolyn, thanks for mentioning that Ab Circuit DVD....I keep forgetting that this one has some good ab/core work on it.

Lori, so sorry about sounds like she had a good life with you and Bob.. ((Hugs)) to you both and to Tim Tim....

Hi Judy!

Any plans for the weekend?

Take care,
Loei, i am sorry about Zelda. I know you will miss her.

Deb, sending prayers out for Keegan.

Valerie, that is frustrating to have problems with a new dishwasher.

Todays plan is to do Low Impact Circuit lower and cardio only and some FitbTower work. My neck and shoulder is improving daily. I am leaving thatvarea alone for now.
Deb, I was prone to tonsillitis as a kid. it didn't stop as a teen,young adult. the allergies didn't "cause" it, but my throat would be so irritated from drainage and coughing.... my tonsils got infected time after time. should have had surgery as a child but it didn't happen. I got sick and tired of being "sick and tired". I'd be down for 10 days to two weeks every time so decided it was time to get rid of the tonsils even if it was a bigger deal procedure as an adult. I did it, had allergy testing somewhere around the same time. even if I get allergy symptoms occasionally, it doesn't morph into a real illness where I'm sick in bed for days. I minimize contact with the allergen, take antihistamines if needed and it doesn't amount to much.
Gee, keegan is not that old.. I somehow thought he was an 'elderly" dog. would be great if things settled down without surgery.

the DW is having a problem. it isn't the DW itself, but it keeps saying the lines are plugged and won't drain. we think maybe the install left some debris in the lines but it is not something we want to tackle since we are warranty and we paid for the install.

we are stuck with an unpleasant weather pattern for a while. there are a lot of fires in British Columbia and the smoke has circled down here. it is bad enough here, I wonder how all the BC people can tolerate it. we are not doing any riding or outdoor exercise. the air is unhealthy to breathe.
I finished Low Impact Circuit doing the lower cardio premix and had to modify the overhead moves for the weight lower segments. I only used 8 and 10 #, 56 minutes, 358 calories, heart rate 142 avg./ 176 max, 4806 calories. I then did Fit Tower Legs, glutes, and core timesaver legs and core express, 33 minutes (28 actual) 81 calories, 361 steps. Total time today was 89 minutes, 439 calories. Total steps so far today 5,696.

Valerie, I would be miserable if I was where there was that much smoke. I hope you can get the problem with the dishwasher taken care of. Have you called them about it maybe being the installation. I am not sure which you would call for that, a plumber or appliance place.
apparently the smoke is "high level", as it doesn't smell actually smoky, but extremely hazy. unpleasant air quality. sunrises and sets are weird colors. more like smog. it is unusual for this condition persisting here. I feel for the people in BC who have dealt with this for months now. I would not exercise outside right now, so we will see if it clears over the weekend. the forecasts are not real clear about what will happen.

the appliance place is the service agency for most appliances no matter where you bought. they do the service for Lowes,. HD etc. it doesn't seem to be the DW itself, but the exit lines look like they go somewhat uphill. either that or it is a pump problem. I am so tired of DW problems. we made a service appt for a couple weeks out and hopefully it will work until then. there was some debris in the lines when they installed this DW so maybe all was not flushed out.
Today I did FT Bootcamp, 54 minutes and 251 calories. Average heart rate was 109 and maximum heart rate was 137.

Diane Sue, Low Impact Circuit is a favorite of mine. I often do the cardio only when I don't want the full workout. The music was definitely better on the older workouts.

Deb, Ab Circuits does have good Ab workout options. I also like the Ab section from Kick, Punch, and Crunch.

Lori, sorry about your Zelda. It's hard to lose a pet. I always record my weights used and I refer back to the previous workouts to see what weight I want for the current session.

Valerie, that smoke in the air sounds terrible. It's best to avoid outdoor exercise in those conditions. The dishwasher problem must be very annoying.

Hi to Judy and Caitlin.
Good evening ladies,

This morning was P90x Legs and Back. Chelsie stayed over last night so she bounced while we worked out. When I came home this afternoon I did a premix I made up from Power Jump Mix 51 and the bonus section from mix 50. Total time today was 90 mins /

We are doing better today. I was emotional at times but pushed thru. I was going to call in but I had stuff I needed to get done. I was leaving at 1pm so figured I would be fine and it would be a quick day. Thank you all for your kind words. have had a rough time the past couple of weeks with your doggies. Hoping Keegan is better soon and healthly enough to have the stones removed. Nilla is doing so much better. She is amazing! A completely different dog from the weekend.

Valerie...I had my tonsils out at 8 years old. It was routine back then. My brother was 21 and had a really hard time. Yes have them come and look at your dishwasher. You should not have to deal with that. Hope it is fixed soon.

Diane Sue...great workout today! Glad your neck is feeling better. I modify when I need to and do not feel guilty. Today I did not feel like all the pull ups so did overhead presses. It was what felt good for me at the time.

Have a great night all!
Deb where are you this morning? hope you are getting some decent sleep after all this unpleasantness.

Lori, I almost got tonsils out when I was about 8 too but for some reason it didn't happen. I don't know why. my parents were not very decisive sometimes. I did OK with the procedure at about age 25 but it would have been easier as a kid. I had good insurance, and got to take about 2 weeks off work mostly because my job was in sales and all the talking was too much strain. It sure was nice not to get tonsillitis every other month!
no workout yesterday either. something will happen today although no outside stuff yet. still bad air quality.
Good afternoon,

Sorry I was MIA this morning. I have not been feeling well this week, and yesterday tried to get into my DR for an appointment. He could not see me until Tuesday am...the nurse suggested I go to their Same Day care facility. So when John got home from work, we went there. 4 hours later, after blood work, a CT scan, I was diagnosed with a mild case of diverticulitis. Unbelievable. I am on clear liquids for 2 days, then soft food only...and gradually going back to solid food.

Valerie, I hope your DW issues are cleared up soon. That air quality sounds pretty bad.

Lori, so glad Nilla is doing better.

Diane Sue, are the phone issues resolved?

Carolyn, I also remember liking the abs section from Kick, Punch & Crunch....that is the best kickbox workout that Cathe has least in my opinion...:).

Resting today, it rained almost all night, lots of thunder etc...

Take care,
Today is a rest day. I ran a few errands and am doing a little housework. One of our old neighbors who has moved away came by for a nice visit.

Deb, I was going to ask you if the digestive issues were better. I'm sorry to hear that you continue to have a different version of the same problems.

Lori, I feel the same way about modifying moves when necessary with no guilt. I have to remind myself that it is my workout.

Diane Sue, my husband has been having problems with his Samsung S5 phone for about six weeks. He went to the AT&T store today but they can't fix it. He needs a new phone. Unfortunately we didn't get insurance on that phone. We will go back together next week and sort it out.

Hello to Valerie, Judy, and Caitlin.
Good afternoon ladies,

This morning was supposed to be Kenpo X but I do not feel this is intense enough for me. I think some of Cathe's Live kickboxing workouts are better for me. I did the kickbox portion of the Live Birthday Bash followed up with Live Low Impact Cardio Hiit and ended with a Bellicon Booty Blast bounce. Total time was 90mins / 525 cal. Tomorrow Nicholas and I plan to take GiGi for a hike. She will love this. :). It has been a while since we have gone so looking forward to it. I am so sorry to hear this. Could all the stress, of what has gone on the past couple of weeks, have brought this on? Hope you are well soon. We also had some storms last night. Very loud thunder. Nilla seems to continue to improve. She really is slowing down though all and all. After this past weekend and then Zelda, I am starting to prepare myself that her day is closer than I realize. I am taking one day at a time and enjoying every minute that I have with her.

Valerie...My younger brother was 5 and we had them out together. We shared the same hospital room. He was so afraid and I remember trying to comfort him. For some reason we were admitted the night before and surgery was early morning. Guess insurance companies were different back then! So when my mom said her goodbyes we were alone for the night. Yes they say this surgery is harder on adults. Nice you were able to take 2 weeks off.

Carolyn..I like that! It is MY workout! My attitude is if I am getting a great workout and still pushing myself then I am ok with whatever modification is needed.

Have a great evening all.
Today I did Step Jump and pump mix step and pump, 47 minutes, 296 calories, heart rate 131 avg./163 max, 4,173 steps. I also did the abs and planks from Step Jump and Pump 8 minutes, 20 calories, 53 steps. I then did Suzanne Bowen Barre Amped Bounce, booty bounce, cardio bounce and stretch, 34 minutes, 117 calories, heart rate avg.110/ max 169, 1,506 steps. Total time was 89 minutes, calories burned 433. Steps so far this afternoon 7,788.

Valerie, that makes for longer service waits when there are not many places that do the work.When we lived in a smaller city we had two choices. One was terribly rude to me when I called and told me they do not work on front load washing machines. I always used the other after that. She did not even say it nicely. She cut me off to tell me that. The other was always good and would send someone out as soon as possible and would send a bill. The same went for the plumber that we used there.

Deb, I am so sorry that you are ill. I hope that clears up quickly. You have had enough stress recently. Yes, the phone seems to be fixed. They sent me a new SD card to replace the other and it is functioning so much faster. I did not realize that it was running slow before even when it was working. Apparently the last update was partially to fix the SD card problem. Mine was corrupted from the update. Hopefully this does not happen again. I will still be worried when update time comes. At least I know now what the problem is.

Lori, going in to work probably helped a bit to get your mind off of your loss. I like the Kickboxing workout in P90X3 better than the other workouts. I just wish he didn't throw me off on some points as to which side I am to be working on. I am sure Gigi will love going for a hike. Gertie goes crazy whenever I touch her leash. She loves to go out for walks.

Carolyn, we gave one of our grandson's my Galaxy S5 and he is loving it. I told my husband to hold onto his that is in the drawer just in case I need a phone after all of the trouble I have went through. Samsung seems to try to bend over backwards to try to help. I am sure they want them to work correctly. AT&T was finally helpful when I called and let them access my phone to help. Even in the store, they couldn't run diagnostics on it for some reason. I really feel they do not try to hard at the store. I am sorry you didn't have the warranty. We usually never purchase though. We have never had breakage or many problems over the years. It was a fluke that we did purchase. I haven't had to use it yet though. I have been under warranty through all of this. Up till the 17th then it will have to be the insurance. That costs a lot anyway. You pay monthly and for an S7 it is 250 dollars for a replacement. Most of this whole year under warranty has been replacing the phone over and over. I have spent so much time with techs and researching I feel I have learned a lot if nothing else from it.
I am much better about doing something other than what the instructor does than I used to. For some reason I always felt I had to push to do exactly what they did. A bunch of injuries later it is much easier to remember to not push it if it doesn't feel right.
I remember being at a children hospital in a room 5 or 6 beds. most of the beds were for tonsillectomies, but I was in for repeated bladder infections.. nothing came of it and I grew out of the problem, but it WAS unpleasant watching all those kids come back from surgery, spitting blood and crying. was glad then that I didn't have to go through it, but in the long run it would have been better to have tonsils out at the time.
diane sue, this place has a large number of service techs and we have been happy with the results. we decided it was easier to buy thru that appliance store rather than Lowes or HD because it eliminated a few steps in getting warranty or out of warranty service. we've decided DW's will need service! appliances????!!!

Deb, so sorry!. I also have diverticulitis but have never had any symptoms or problems. it showed on a colonoscopy. I don't worry as long as I keep my fiber intake high but that is hard to do that on liquids and soft foods. does this mean you can live on chocolate milk shakes for several days? ;) Hope it's not too unpleasant.
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Hi Everyone,

Today I did High Step Circuit and Stretch Max. I also got caught up on lots of house cleaning and laundry.

Deb-I'm so sorry that you are not feeling well. I bet stress brought on the diverticulitis. You have had way too much stress recently :( I hope you are feeling much better soon.

Valerie-My husband also has diverticulitis but no problems from it.

Diane Sue-Great workouts! I'm sorry about all the phone problems you've had.

Carolyn-I'm going to have to check out the ab section from Kick, Punch & Crunch. It seems the older ab workouts are better for me than some of the newer ones. I don't think I'll ever be able to do the Strong and Sweaty bonus abs without a lot of modification.

Lori-Things were a lot different when we were kids. Now insurance companies do everything they can to keep people from staying in the hospital. I never did have my tonsils out, but I remember lots of kids did. I've been very fortunate, I've never had to stay in the hospital. Chris was in a bad bicycle accident when he was 7 or 8 and he was in the hospital for a few weeks.


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