Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 7/30

Judy, nice workouts. I am still hoping that the bee pollen helps the ragweed issue for me. I was doing well till the last couple of weeks then something hit. I think maybe grass pollen from going outside every evening to water may have initiated it. I doubt bees get pollen from grass. Also there is mold which is up there right now. I don't know how since it has been so dry. The allergies are not as bad as they can be though. I am glad it rained so I don't have to spend so much time outside. I did quit taking the Aller-Max though and I think it was helping. I was on my third bottle and realized it was the N-Acety Cysteine was the ingredient that was wiping me out a few hours after I would take it. Physically ill feeling. I read it has a sulfur component and I am allergic to sulfa. So it was not worth taking anymore. There is some Stinging Nettle in my greens powder and bromelain in my joint vibrance though which are both components of Aller Max. I just started back on Joint Vibrance since it is more of a complete formula of collagen, glucosamine, chondroitin, Vitamin C, curcumin etc. . Just a costly joint formula though as it only has 21 servings per container at 48 dollars. Sometimes I can find it a bit less.
Judy after Puss had a bout with bladder stones we had to switch to a special food. the vet thought soft food would be best but he wouldn't eat it. I tried other soft food... no luck. Then he started acting very interested in MY dinner if it had chicken in it. Costco sells a large pack of plain canned chicken with 6 or 8 cans wrapped together. That's what I use. it's "people" food not pet food. I add water to it to dilute the juice as I work thru the can. they are large cans and probably have too much salt but I think the dilution helps, and he is a good water drinker anyway. He's a tiny cat, only about 8.5 lbs so if he loses anything, he looks very thin. he has put on a little weight in the last month and looks better to me. he also will eat a little piece of white fish if I offer it to him.
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My workout is done. I did Step Moves, 45 minutes, 291 calories, heart rate 141 average/ 176 max, 4,017 steps followed by TO the Max, solid step, step tabata, slide and glide tabata, and stretch, 27 minutes, 179 calories, heart rate 120/163 max, 1,414 steps. I really thought the heart rate for this one and the steps was odd in that it seems more intense than step moves. I guess step move has a lot more travelling instead of step jumps etc.. Total workout was 72 minutes, 470 calories. Steps so far 6,105. I also used My yoga tune up therapy balls and the Neck portion of the upper body yoga tune up dvd. I did this before my workout. It helped a lot for those few minutes I used it.
Going to go soak in the tub for awhile and then see if I can tackle this phone situation along with some other stuff needing done.

Valerie, your cat is tiny. Maybe you could put the chicken in a mesh strainer and strain out the water and maybe rinse it. I used to do that with canned chunk tuna for myself.
Hello Everyone,
Today I did FT Total Body. 228 calories burned, average heart rate was 102 and maximum heart rate was 134. These stats are much lower than last week when I did the same workout. I'm not sure why that is.

Not much planned for today. This is the first day in two weeks that we have not had people here working on the house and I want to enjoy the quiet. I hope everyone is doing well.
Diane Sue, I have bad allergies, also. I take Benadryl, most of the timIe. t dries everything up, but it makes me very thirsty. I did my arms last night, and I was on a site that told me I needed to eat 2,000 calories a day to gain weight. I do not know how I would fit that in my body. Since I am so thirsty, I cut my allergy pills to 3 a day, and my eyes get red, so I have to use allergy eye drops. My allergies are worse up here, because there are so many lovely flowers, bushes, grass and tries. I love the bakery cafe two blocks away, and it is closed today, but I will go tomorrow. My lower body needs to be done today. I have a lot of typos to correct, but I can't stand this laptop.
we did our regular 26 mile ride this morning. 2 hrs and 15 minutes. I was tired from yesterday already, so now I am REALLY tired. I've done a lot of cardio in the last week. the temps were pleasant still this morning and it cooled down last night. tonight and the next couple nights might not be so fortunate.

the gate on our community entrance has been operational now for about 4 days. it has made a huge difference on traffic especially at night. wish we'd convinced people to go ahead with this years ago. amazing how much traffic going thru here was non residents. our roads are a closed loop so there is no reason to drive thru here if you don't live here.
Good evening ladies,

Today we skipped the Plyo workout and did our own thing. This morning was 2 BBS Dance workouts both about 20 mins each. Tonight was from SB bounce dvd, cardio bounce and booty bounce. I followed up with an 11m lower target. total was 71m / 460 cal.

Valerie...silly me! Never thought about canned chicken. That would be so much easier! Right now I am sautéing fresh chicken twice a day!! Nice hike this morning. Very nice the gate is up and making a difference.

Diane Sue...I would be soaking in the tub too after that workout. Loved the combinations. I can't believe your phone issues have gone on this long. Very fustrating I am sure. Funny you should mention Amy's over head light!! Ha! It bugs me too. But you are right. The workouts are free.'ll be back to working out soon enough. You've had a couple of tough weeks.

Judy...she really is so funny about loving me hand feed her. She is a little cutie and I totally spoil her. We have always been very consistent with her meds and appts. which both play a huge role in her longevity. How is your back? 100% hoping?

Carolyn...I agree with Deb you always do great with Cathe's rotations. Hmmm wonder why the difference in statistics with the same workout. Could it be getting easier for you and your body is adjusting? sorry about your allergies. I am very fortunate not to have allergies. I would love to have a bakery cafe close by!

Have a great night all!
My phone problem is fixed. I called AT&T and they accessed my phone and it was the SD card. I took it out and it works fine. She said the recent update was supposed to help with their SD card issue. Anyway, my SD card is a problem and they are sending me another one. I spent most of the afternoon clearing the phone I have to return and finishing setting up the replacement phone. She apologized for all of the phones I had to go through to fix this. I also got an answer from Samsung who seemed more than willing to honor the warranty if I needed them to and help any way that they could. It is just nice to have the phone working right. I will have to take the other to the post office tomorrow. I hate going to the post office. I use UPS whenever I can. They just don't have enough help for all of the area the post office covers.

Carolyn, it is odd how sometimes the stats are considerably different.

Caitlin, I could never take that many allergy tablets or that much Benadryl in a day . I would be out for several days after that. I have taken childrens Claritin and cut them in half. None of it helps that much and I don't like how it makes me feel. Most of my family members that take allergy medicines seem to still have the same symptoms I am having. I can't see a reason to take it then. I hope it helps you. I think it would depend on how calorie dense the food was that you eat to be able to eat 2000 calories. You could do that by adding some extra fat and a sweet potato or potato to a meal.

Lori, I put chicken in the slow cooker and then shred it with forks. I put it in freezer baggies and pull it out for whatever use I want it for. I like it on salad and if Gertie is not doing well, it is handy to have some to mix with some rice or something. It also works nice for my chicken pot pie soup recipe. I love that one and my granddaughter loves it almost as much as my taco soup. It has the taste of a chicken pot pie without the crust. I am glad to know I am not the only one bothered by the light. At least she fixed the rebounder coming apart.
All I can say about allergies is it helped to test for what I was specifically allergic to. I had minor sensitivities to a whole lot of things..... I imagine most of us do. my main one was grass pollen, and tree pollens. Once I knew what it was, I could avoid most of the time. Not mowing the lawn and quitting golf pretty much solved it. if having grass around the house was still an issue, I would have replaced the lawn with rocks and bushes. It was important to know exactly what the offending allergen was. If you don't know exactly, you might be blaming the wrong things and not fixing the right ones. I did this a long time ago. it was not an expensive procedure then.. If I am irritated occasionally, I can take a zyrtec. there are not enough drugs in the world for me to spend a day golfing. golf course grass was the WORST! I would be irritated for a week after one morning golfing.

Lori he seems to like the canned chickie better than fresh. I would still give him fresh minus any seasoning but this is pretty easy. animals seem to like predictable rather than variety, so the canned works for us.
diane sue that is lovely they finally got the phone problem taken care of.
Good morning,

Taking both dogs to the vet this morning, Kylee for hopefully final staple removal, Keegan for a follow up and looking at the x-rays where they said at the E-clinic that his bladder stones are back....:(. This is pretty devastating, since he has gone 6 years without a recurrence, we thought we had it beat with the diet etc.

Diane Sue, sorry to hear about your restlessness and poor Gertie's stomach issues. Maybe you need a couple of rest days? It could be overtraining? Especially with the neck pain. Then on top of that, all the phone issues...:(. So glad you finally got that resolved! 't you just hate technology sometimes? LOL about your grandson and Gertie's treats.

Judy, great that you are back with your workouts.

Valerie, I did not remember that your kitty had bladder stones...did she have surgery? Nice that they finally put up that gate, Glad it makes a big difference.

Carolyn, yes, enjoy the nice quiet while you can. :)

Caitlin, wow, Benadryl 3 times a day would have me sleeping all day. I can understand how your allergies would be worse where you are. You could try the 2000 calories for a couple of days, and see how it goes.

Lori, I think substituting something you really enjoy for that Plyo workout was a good thing! I don't think I did them either when I did P90X...I probably subbed with the treadmill. You have taken such good care of Nilla, and spoiling is okay! She deserves it. How is Gigi doing?

Have a great day!
I should add that Puss is such a tiny little guy, a tablespoon of shredded chicken a couple times over a day is a lot. the cans work really nicely for this. If we have chicken not seasoned, I use a bit of that instead. we don't eat it often enough. No Lori, I would not cook him a tablespoon of chicken 3x a day! regular grocery store canned or pouched chicken is pretty expensive. we use it for backpacking sometimes. the Costco cans are bigger and less expensive, and work fine if you can refrigerate the leftover. I use about a can a week for Puss so it turns out to be less expensive than canned cat food.
Deb he had a stone a couple years ago. he got switched to a rx urinary stress diet. there was a soft food available but he wouldn't eat it. He didn't require any procedures and must have passed the stone. until recently he only ate kibble. they wanted him to eat soft because there is more fluid intake. he gets a lot of liquid with the chicken, but is a good water drinker anyway. we are happy because he seems to like it so much. comes running when I tap on the bowl. That is fast healing for Kylee. Lucky you didn't have to go to the collar. that was a total PITA, more fuss than the surgery itself.

I would be asleep at the switch taking Benadryl during the day. the OTC 24 hr meds work well and I have no side effects for me. I very rarely need it but at least they don't make you sleepy.
Today I did RWH Low Impact HiiT One. It was just the right amount of time since I needed to leave the house early today.

Since we talked about STS a few days ago I have been thinking about trying it again. I looked back at my workout logs to see what rotation I did before. It was a 12 week STS/Low Impact Series transformation rotation. I never completed all of the 1RM testing so I have been doing a few on my strength training days. I don't know yet if I will do STS but I want to get more of the 1RM tests done.

Have a great afternoon.
Good evening ladies,

This morning was Shoulders and Arms. We both really like this workout and we went up a bit with our weights from last week. Tomorrow is Yoga and we have decided to do our own thing. Friday is legs and today was arms so thinking just going to bounce tomorrow.

Diane Sue...Yeah!!! Your phone is fixed!! Great news!!! I found a Sharon Twombly workout on youtube that I grabed. 0 to 60 low impact or something like that? It looked fun. While on youtube I found 6 more PowerJumps that I did not have. Was a great YouTube day!! Chicken Pot Pie without the crust sounds yummy!

Valerie...I had a can of chicken so I gave 1/2 to Nilla and she loved it so I will alternate this with the fresh chicken to make it easier for me.

Carolyn...We are looking forward to STS. I need to look at the workouts though and make sure we can do it together. Not sure what equipment is needed as it has been a while. Thinking just a bench and dumbbells? So far P90x is working well with the 2 of us. When we get to meso 3 - I know he will not want to do Plyo Legs. I going to suggest we bounce in place of the plyo (doing similar moves) then do the weight interval. I have 2 jumpsports so this may work and he likes to bounce. I did not do the 1RM Reps and unlikely I will do it now. Just my preference. I just use what feels right.

Deb... hoping your dogs do well today. Any chance the stones will disolve or he can pass them? It is good you doscovered them before he has a full blown attack. GiGi is doing great. She is turning into such a sweet fun dog. We love her so much. She is better with Nilla and seems to know she was not feeling well.

Have a great night all!
Today I just wanted cardio without any weights to get the heart rate up. I find if I keep moving my joints do not get stiff and it actually helps more than if I did nothing. I did Low Max, 70 minutes, 463 calories, heart rate 143/174 max, 6,082 steps. This was fun since I have not done it in a very long time. I love the music so much more in older workouts. I find getting a low impact workout without having to use weights, mountain climbers and other stressful moves is hard to find in newer workouts. I also tend to get more steps in the workouts without the use of all of those other moves and weights. I then did Kelly Coffey Body Design just the yoga segment 13 minutes, 99/125 max heart rate, 55 steps, and YouTube Sarah Beth Yoga upper back tension relief and shoulder and neck tension relief, 11 minutes, 15 calories. I have always liked these two workouts and found them helpful and short. She has some new ones I need to check out, but they required more time. Total time was 94 minutes, 507 calories. Funny, Fit Bit had my calories higher than Map My Fitness today. I don't bother with map my fitness for yoga. It gives me double to triple the calories I get from Fit Bit.

Deb, I hope things went as well as they can at the vet today. I will probably have somewhat of a few rest days next week as I am going to have 3 grand children, 17,9, and 3 and their dog Muffin which I think I have mentioned before. Gertie will be excited for the activity :) My one complaint with muffin is she whines and it sounds like a baby crying. She is part rat terrier and beagle. She looks mostly beagle though but longish hair. It feels like something pinching in my lat up to my neck. The coughing and allergies are worse today.I had a terrible time through two stores and the post office. I drank bottled water and ate cough drops the whole time. I really think the coughing is making me tense up a lot.

Valerie, I had some allergy testing years ago. My husband reminded me, because I had patches of stuff taped to me and I couldn't get them wet when I bathed. I remember as a child in England, being so miserable. They had so much foliage there. My nose starts dripping with my allergy mask on when I am outside trying to do yard stuff. I am glad that we have gardeners for the front and mostly concrete. Speaking of Benedryl, I gave my husband some so he could sleep when we were visiting family. He had a terrible time from just one dose, staying awake to make the trip home. Neither one of us take much in the way of medicine. No prescriptions and an occasional Excedrin or Advil. That is about it. I picked up some Manuka lozenges in hopes they at least sooth the throat from all of the coughing.

Carolyn, I started doing the one rep max stuff and never finished the first time I did STS . I will probably have to do something shorter tomorrow as my 3 year old grandson will be here for awhile in the morning. I will need to get done and showered before 9. No sitting around in the morning before I workout.
Good morning,

No workout yesterday. We took both dogs to the vet...Keegan's pancreatitis is more serious than originally diagnosed. I won't get into details, but we are very lucky that he is alive. Our vet did a complete ultrasound of all the organs, including kidney, liver, bladder pancreas etc...

Valerie, struvite stones can dissolve which is a good thing. Oxalate cannot, and must be surgically removed. We are watching those at the moment, treating the more serious things first. He is certainly not well enough for major surgery at the moment.

Carolyn, STS is great to do, even if you are not using the 1 Rep max testing.

Lori, that is great that Gigi is better with Nilla...all it took was a little maturing...good that you now can use canned chicken, along with fresh to make it easier. I have fresh boiled chicken for Keegan and he will only eat it out of my hand...if its in a bowl he turns his nose up...go figure.

Diane Sue, your allergies sound exactly like John's....coughing more than anything. He is constantly drinking water and has cough drops with him at all times. I agree, maybe the coughing is what is causing neck pain and tension.

Have a great day!
Deb that is good news that your pups are doing better. How old is Keegan? Will he need future procedure to remove the stones? People get calcium oxalate stones.a friend of mine just went thru this but she passed the stone. She has to adjust her diet and drink more fluids. passing a stone is pretty rough . Amazing something so small . Can cause so much pain when caught in ureter or block the bLadder

When I lived in the Midwest I had trouble with summer allergies. Air conditioning helped a lot but not spending time on "lawn" grass is a lifesaver for me.The Pacific Northwest is very much like England in climate and plant growth. We are very very green When I moved here and started having the same symptoms I got the testing done. I used to get very sick with post nasal drip going into tonsillitis over and over. I got my tonsils out when I was in my mid 20's. That helped tremendously! plus no lawn mowing and finding activities other than golf. I also got desensitization shots because my allergy was pretty specific. It really helped me a lot I still don't mow or golf but am not bothered any more

Carolyn I started doing the one rep max testing decided it was taking too much time. just started sts without it. I adjusted as I did the program. kept detailed notes and found "educated guessing "was good enough. I did the whole thing several times skipping most of the leg parts because I was doing hiking and running
Ripped With Hiit Plyo Hiit 1 this morning. 28 minutes, 187 calories, heart rate average 136/ max 179. I have my 3 year old grandson coming in a few minutes

Deb, I am so sorry. I hope things will improve. My husband keeps telling me it has to be all of that hard coughing. I think I scare people away when I am the store because they think it is some illness or something. I was sore all over when I got up yesterday till I got moving.

Valerie, I checked allergens for our area today and the only high one is mold. Maybe it is something inside the house too. Just vacuumed lamp shades and cleaned thoroughly. I am at a loss at the moment. I even had a pineapple that I bought home once set off coughing ans sneezing till I washed it.
iendI only take 3 a d I ay, and my friend, Bill, takes many more. I had a fattening breakfast in the bakery cafe this morning, and no matter what I eat I can't gain weight. It bemuses me to think that people would love to have my problem. I have an MS in Psych, a This nd I am sure I am not anorexic, and I do not throw my food up. I think I inherited, and my mom and her pretty sisters were all very thin. This laptop is the worst computer I ever used, and cannot correct my errors.

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