Tomorrow I am going to try to get some strength work in and maybe some of the bounce workout. We have someone coming to give another price quote and my two older grandsons are coming over to chisel tile and do concrete in the bath and pull carpet in other areas of the house and tile in the kitchen and entry. It looks like it may be a busy day. I diced up veggies for my Paleo Slow Cooker taco soup so maybe I can get it in the crockpot before I workout in the morning.
Valerie, I guess we all have those areas that we have to make adjustments for. I generally do not like to wear tops and dresses that are not someone stretchy because they tend to pull tight across the shoulders. My feet do not tolerate many styles of shoes and heels are rarely something I will put on. My preference is slip on sandals and athletic shoes. I doubt wearing flat shoes would make the legs larger and heels would make them have shape. I used to feel in terror over tornadoes. Anymore they do not frighten me like they did.
Carolyn, my husband was complaining yesterday and wondering if he was getting allergies. I think it was more all of the stuff he was breathing chiseling up tile and pulling carpet though. I am getting new air filters and filters for my air purifier, but don't want to put them in till the mess is finished. I am hoping mine will continue to not be bad this year. I am sleeping without coughing and that alone is amazing.
Judy, that was a nice workout combination. I always read about the devices at night. Generally I do my nutrition information, get ready for bed, then read a bit on my tablet and play word with friends. Then I am off to bed. That is probably not ideal. We have an ionic breeze in our room and I put a wash cloth over the blue light on top because it is so bright it bothers me. It is bad enough having two alarm clocks and the red light from the television and the Roku stick. My husband turns the Tread Climber off at the switch on the bottom because it is another distracting light. All of that is enough to keep someone awake at night. I put the sheet over my head when I go to sleep. I just purchased a new alarm clock for my husband that shines on the ceiling

And the other two are going. I was turning mine to face away from the bed anyway. I wake up before my husband most of the time and if I need up earlier I use my phone or tablet. I take a magnesium and calcium a couple of hours before bedtime. I don't know if that helps much or not. I went back to Sprouts today to pick up some more Aller Max since I forgot it yesterday. It was a bit less price wise than Amazon. This is probably because they have had it marked down the over the whole last month.
Lori, I am near time for bed and I have 10,209 steps on my Fit Bit. I am always happy when it vibrates and I see the fireworks on the screen. It was sort of shooting rainbows before the update. I like the fireworks better. I also like that it vibrates as a reminder to move if I have not moved 250 steps per hour. It does this for 14 hours allowing for sleep and rest time. It kind of helps goals because it will show green for each area you meet your goal. Today my whole thing of floors, miles, calories, minutes of exercise, and steps were all green and it pops up and tells me that's a lot of green

Anyway, some of the new features have helped make me want to try to enhance the goals and get more steps in. I think I should get my Fit Tower before long. I saw that it had finally been charged to my bank account. I didn't see a way to track it and was wondering about it. It will be fun trying it out with my SB workouts and other
Caitlin, I have been doing cardio slam without my mat or just using it as a marker in front of me because I don't like doing some of those moves on and off of it. I end up with my feet tangled up in it. When my large puzzle mats did not glide across the carpet at my last two homes, I used those for markers rather than using a mat. I don't mind the mat so much for the Ice workout but I don't like it on Cardio Slam. It is not really necessary as long as you jump and hop far enough.