Judy, thanks
Lorie, I think rest is important for me right now. I don't want to make things worse. I did do a couple of days of a little of SB lighter stretching but have done nothing since the fever showed up. I used let Gertie out and then crate her in the mornings at first. She dr a nk water like she had never had any before. Housebreaking was tough. I think she was our on the street too long. Once that was done there was no problem other than letting both dogs come in the workout room. Pour Gertie does not understand why I am not working out. Each morning when I go upstairs after cofffee she positions herself on her upstairs mat in the workout room and waits. When I go back downstairs she waits a little longer because I sometimes have to go back down to get my agenda book. It takes a bit before she gives up and comes searching for me. I saw that paper SB workout. It looked like a good one. I have thought about going ahead and getting the one month trial offered with the dvd I purchased. Of course it would be a waste while I am sick so I will wait.
I am glad that your class went well last night.
Valerie I guess I misread your post. I know you mentioned the logs being hard to control. It makes sense now. We had to dry up firewood at one of our homes after a huge ice stom. You could sit in the house and hear branches hit the roof . We had a lot of trees. It was work dragging them them out and cutting them to keep and cleaning up so many bags of leaves. Moving your logs and loading will be another big job.
Thank you for the concern. I have accepted th a t I need to rest. I think that I should have c a ugh up on some much needed sleep by now. It seems odd that I have so much soreness all over. Flulike symptoms along with the rest.
I am glad that I chose to have my daughter go with me. I was a bit nauseous and dizzy and she was able to ask questions that I would not have. Also she knows my history. Even if the ne c k CT scan does not show why the lymph nodes are swollen and sore I needed my neck checked out. If I am lucky it is some weird virus that will go away.
Deb, they have not given me antibiotic because they do not know what it is. If it is viral the antibiotic would not help. Seriously I don't know why they didn't try though. It doesn't seem like it would hurt anything.
Lorie, I think rest is important for me right now. I don't want to make things worse. I did do a couple of days of a little of SB lighter stretching but have done nothing since the fever showed up. I used let Gertie out and then crate her in the mornings at first. She dr a nk water like she had never had any before. Housebreaking was tough. I think she was our on the street too long. Once that was done there was no problem other than letting both dogs come in the workout room. Pour Gertie does not understand why I am not working out. Each morning when I go upstairs after cofffee she positions herself on her upstairs mat in the workout room and waits. When I go back downstairs she waits a little longer because I sometimes have to go back down to get my agenda book. It takes a bit before she gives up and comes searching for me. I saw that paper SB workout. It looked like a good one. I have thought about going ahead and getting the one month trial offered with the dvd I purchased. Of course it would be a waste while I am sick so I will wait.
I am glad that your class went well last night.
Valerie I guess I misread your post. I know you mentioned the logs being hard to control. It makes sense now. We had to dry up firewood at one of our homes after a huge ice stom. You could sit in the house and hear branches hit the roof . We had a lot of trees. It was work dragging them them out and cutting them to keep and cleaning up so many bags of leaves. Moving your logs and loading will be another big job.
Thank you for the concern. I have accepted th a t I need to rest. I think that I should have c a ugh up on some much needed sleep by now. It seems odd that I have so much soreness all over. Flulike symptoms along with the rest.
I am glad that I chose to have my daughter go with me. I was a bit nauseous and dizzy and she was able to ask questions that I would not have. Also she knows my history. Even if the ne c k CT scan does not show why the lymph nodes are swollen and sore I needed my neck checked out. If I am lucky it is some weird virus that will go away.
Deb, they have not given me antibiotic because they do not know what it is. If it is viral the antibiotic would not help. Seriously I don't know why they didn't try though. It doesn't seem like it would hurt anything.