Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 10/16


Good morning,

No workout yesterday, but I did do agility class with Kylee and she was really well!

Caitlin, your friend will be in my thoughts & prayers.

Valerie, that storm sounds you still had a TV antenna on your roof? Haven't seen one of those in ages. We had one here but had the roofers remove it the first time we had the roof done. I hope that bacteria is what I have and they can treat it with antibiotics.

Carolyn, a good Live low impact Hiit is "Crush it Low Impact". It is modeled after the ICE Hitt workouts. A good one.

Diane Sue, that new DR place sounds good. I hope you can get in there and be seen soon. Did you mention that all those family members had strep?

A workout, then more work around here. John finished stripping and sanding the woodwork going up the stairs, just has to put the polyurethane on it today and that is DONE!

Take care,
The storm didn't live up to the hype. it rained and was windy but not 70 mph winds. more like 30! I'm definitely not complaining... except that when the media over hypes something like this, it makes you less likely to believe them the next time. plus, I was worried about this storm. it sounded bad especially when they kept saying it would be MUCH worse than Fridays storm.
when we cut the cable last year, we put up an antenna to get local channels for news, weather. we can stream to our main TV. in the basement workout room, the antenna gets a couple channels to watch. without the antenna screen of death. streaming doesn't work down there at all. so DH ordered a new antenna to try. this one was big and tall but didn't hold up in the wind. need a smaller one.

diane sue, strep is one thought. also consider infectious mono. I had the WORST sore throat from that, and swollen lymph nodes. older adults can get it though most adults have been exposed and have immunity. just a thought. this is a WebMD link.

what are (all) your opinions of Low impact sweat? I'm not fond of the moves on the step. I was definitely whipped by the time I got thru it, even doing the step moves on the floor. because of my knee issues last year, I'm behind. finally getting thru these workouts but I don't remember any of your opinions. I meant to look at premixes to see if minimize use of the step.

ETA Judy, I missed your pics before. it looks lovely.
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Hi everyone--

This morning I did live Sweat, Jump, and Pump (55 min.). I really enjoyed this one--lots of variety, both low and high impact intervals, and some good work with both dumbbells and the band and disks.

Valerie, your storm definitely made the national news. I hope you don't get hit again that hard. I can see how the Sweat workout with the step might be difficult if you only have the high topper. I really prefer the step sweat workout to the first one because I feel like I get more cardio from it, even though I only use one riser.

Carolyn, I agree with Deb on Crush It Low Impact. It's a really good and fairly short workout.

Judy, what a nice way to spend your husband's birthday. Lovely pictures and the weather looked good too. I think this week is Indian Summer here--it might even go up to 80 one day.

Diane Sue, I hope you can get in to see the new doctor and get some meds to help with those swollen lymph glands. Take it easy, girl!

Deb, will the painting be done this week? We have someone working on our outside so it's not a problem, but I hope he will be done soon sanding and refinishing our wooden shakes.

Lori, I wish I had some good advice about Nilla and Gigi. I know someone else who had a similar problem with an old dog and a new pup. Poor Nilla! I guess keep them apart when Gigi goes too far and give Nilla her own space.

Sorry about your friend, Caitlin!

Hi to Josie!
Rest day for me today. I got up and had a low grade fever so I decided church and family brunch was out. I did the relaxation stretch, ball stretch , and upper body stretch from Barre Amped Stretch and Strength. I was hoping it would help with the aches. I tried some Epic beef jalapeno bone broth for lunch. It was not tasty like what I make is. I wish I could find good soup bones. I drank half and put the rest in some Bolognese sauce and sweet potato to not taste it so much. It should be good for mending. A plus with having a low grade fever means it is possible that it is an infection of virus. Plus if the nodes are not hard it is better.

Deb, I am glad that Kylee did well yesterday. The doctor asked if I had had strep recently. I am going in a day early for the next blood work and my daughter wants me to get a copy of both when I do it. I am supposed to have two of the younger grandchildren overnight Thursday and I do not want to keep them if my blood is still off and I am feeling ill. Particularly since we do not know what it is.

Valerie, I like Low Impact Sweat. It is a bit tougher than I had expected. Particularly the step and the blizzard blast has jumping on and off the step. Yes, there is a premix that is just workout 1 which is the floor cardio. I use that with other floor cardio low impact workouts to make it a bit longer. Our media really get me worried and then we find the storms are in other parts of the state and there is a slight chance we will get them. But, people tend to forget what happens when those bad storms hit. I can never understand those people that are still out running around when they are warned to stay in if at all possible. Flooded roads and high winds are not to be taken lightly.
Thanks for the link. The doctor did mention mono and he asked about strep. But, he seemed to forget that he had mentioned them or something. No tests for that. I do not have a sore throat though. It was pretty raw a few weeks ago from all of the coughing but never really sore. We have purchased two antenna's but they are both indoor. Neither one works if the signal is gone. I have a sharper image radio that if I keep fresh batteries in it I can sometimes get television station audio for weather. Otherwise it is just a little crank radio in my emergency back pack. We have been without cable for about 3 years now. My husband is never happy during football season though. Our local teams cannot be seen. He has to use the internet that is always bad about working during this time.

Lynda, I feel the same way about the Low Impact Sweat Step feeling like a bit more cardio. Even when I use 5# dumbbells and an 8 in one part I feel the floor cardio is lacking a bit. That is why I add another floor cardio that is low impact to it. My knees are happier with floor cardio but I love doing step.
Good afternoon all!

This morning I did a rebounder workout from Youtube followed up with 18 mins of battle rope tabatas. Lao far enjoying the Jumpsport.

Thanks for all your advice with Nilla. We have been doing our best to keep them apart. GiGi has been better with Nilla today. GiGi was trying to get her to play next thing I hear is a little cry. Nilla must have bit her. GiGi is absolutely fine but now a little hesitant with Nilla. Perhaps this is want needed to be done. Let's see how long this lasts. Other than this issue she is really sweet and we are so in love with her.

Deb...I think stripping and sanding woodwork is horrible work. Hate having to do that job.

Judy...looks like your husband had a great bday. Thanks for sharing the pictures. Looks like I place I would love to visit.

Valerie...I remember you bought the antenna. Did you lose the entire thing? I have never done the low impact step. I remember buying it but think I sold it off.

Carolyn...the live Crush It workout Deb mentioned is a great workout. I think she could use a few more Live low impact workouts to keep things balanced.

Lynda...the Sweat, Jump and Pump looks great. I watched to clip yesterday. I will be doing this one soon. I saw on the news today that it will hit 80 I think on Thusday. Crazy weather!

Diane Sue...hope you are feeling well. I did one of Arnita Champion workout today. Was about 44 minutes. Really like her. Hard to believe she is in her early 50's.

Hi to Josie and Caitlin.

Have a great day all!
Today was a semi rest day. I did Cathe's Yoga Relax for a full body stretch.

Valerie, I like the Low Impact Sweat both one and two. The step increases the intensity but if I feel like it's too much I will remove one set of risers. I sometimes stumble if the step is too high when the move involves going over the top.

Deb and Lynda, thanks for the recommendation for the live Crush It Low Impact. I will look for that one.

I plan to order the Cathe calendar again this year. I have ordered one every year since 2011. I have the stickers printed from the website and use them to mark my workouts. The calendar is on the wall in my office and is one more way that I try to motivate myself. I made stickers for my non Cathe workouts.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful afternoon.
Diane Sue, have you checked with the butcher at Sprouts about soup bones? They might save them for you if they know that you are interested. I save bones from steaks or roasts in the freezer until I am ready to make broth.
always have difficulties with step. My feet won't do fast/ fancy footwork. I tried slowing the first reps to 0.8 speed and that helped me see and do what cathe did. sort of. I need to stop it , back up, and repeat it several times before I can decipher what she is doing. Have I said what a bad dancer I am? :( the high step is too small to use, too easy to trip over or land on the edge. I have a bigger step but it's not good quality and is possible to flip it. I hope there is a premix /mish mosh skipping the step entirely. I could potentially kill myself going on and off the step even at lower height. caroline , I know what you mean by catching the top edge of the step. Whatever. I will try LIS again maybe just do the moves on the floor.
Another day of resting a lot. My daughter came by to look at my lymph nodes. She was surprised the doctor did not do more or at least have a follow up visit. Like my daughter said it is so swollen you can hardly see my clavicle on the left side. She talked to her friend who knows one of the doctors that I have not seen in my office. She says this woman is good and called her and explained the problem. She got me an appointment for tomorrow morning at 9. My daughter and her friend both offered to go with me, but I really don't think I need that.

Valerie, if you go to the timesaver premixes on Low Impact sweat there is a workout 1 floor work only premix. I think it is number 4. I do better with the step than I do when I have the mat on the floor like Ripped with Hiit Low Impact and the floor portion of Low Impact sweat. It seems I always end up catching my foot in it and trying to kick it out of the way. When I used to use the puzzle mats I just used them as markers.

Carolyn, I had not thought of doing that at Sprouts. The other Sprouts store sometimes had some packaged up in the frozen meats section of the store. It seems most of the time I purchase meats they are boneless. When we purchased the side of beef before I would do that too. Also we got the beef bones (my husband thought the dog would like them) and I used them for broth. It is funny that even the Epic Bone Broth is thin. When I made it, it was gelatinous when I refrigerated it and heating it melted it out. The Epic brand is refrigerated and quite expensive for the little 2 serving jar. For some reason it kind of tasted like vinegar. I did use a little vinegar when I made mine but I could not taste it.

Lori, maybe that little nip will make Gigi leave Nilla alone. Gertie was quite tenacious in what she wanted to do. It was quite disturbing. She is not like that anymore. I had to be stronger willed than she was. My heart went out to Mudd when she was being chased. Anita Champion is quite inspiring. I should do her more. I am not very good about wanting to use You Tube and Streaming. It takes me more time to set it up when I could just throw in the DVD and do the workout.
Good morning,

No workout yesterday. Lots of HouseMax and laundry. John finished the looks nice.

Valerie, glad the storm wasn't as bad as they predicted. I guess you will be ordering a smaller antenna? I think when I did Low Impact Sweat I always did the one without the step, because I do not remember any step that I did in the ICE workouts.

Lynda, no, we are far from having the painting completed. Lots of repair work to do. I wanted to mention a good PBS show that I started watching called. Foyles War. Unfortunately, it is not free on Prime, but is one of those Acorn productions. I think you may be able to get it on Netflix. Starts in 1940....WWII....really a good one. Only 4 episodes per season, but each is over an hour long with no commercials. I got the DVD at the library.

Diane Sue, I am glad you are seeing a different doctor.

Lori, I agree with Diane Sue....maybe Nilla has shown Gigi that she does not want to be bothered. If she does it a couple more times, Gigi may take the hint and leave her alone. That is what happened with Keegan and Kelsey. Kelsey didn't want to play all the time, and she let him know it. He would walk by her leaving a big distance between them...:)

Carolyn, I ordered the calendar too...have had it for years.

Maybe a workout, then going to work a few hours at my cousin's. Class tonight if I make it...

Take care,
Today I did Rock 'm Sock 'm kickboxing. The rotation that I am doing has kickboxing every Monday and I really like kickboxing. Kick, Punch, and Crunch was my favorite workout for a long time. House work is on my schedule today.

Valerie, the first time that I did Low Impact Sweat I did not expect the step in the main routine, but I did it anyway. I did some moves on the floor. The mini step will probably work for sprint shooters and many of the others as well. You can also choose the timesaver premix with cardio 1 only.

Hi to everyone.
diane sue, glad you have an appt today. that sounds like something that should be looked at. I misunderstood and thought it was your sore throat plus some swollen nodes that was the problem.

we did some yard clean up yesterday. the tree that came down was a large water birch. the bark gets slippery slimy when wet. and it's very hard to handle. you try to roll it and you slide off the bark, gloves get coated with sliminess. we cut into rounds and roll them toward the gravel road. will then roll them downhill, split, and stack for firewood. then move it back uphill after it's dry in a year. it was a lot of work! much bigger tree than we thought at first. we aren't done. 'rounds" aren't always exactly round and don't want to roll at all or roll crooked. I am pretty sore today. odd position, rolling,pushing, and lifting big blocks of wood.

various weather sites are apologizing for the misdirect on the last storm, and explaining about how all computer models were wrong and how the storm tracked further north off the coast before veering into BC. oh well. better than being caught unaware.

Carolyn some moves like sprint shooters were fine, but any moves where you travel angled or lengthwise on the step and jump up / knee up are not workable. you are always hanging off the edge. have to watch your feet all the time. my feet tend to getting tangled up anyway so I keep footwork simple. I will take a second look at the mixes on the disk for about an hour that uses the step less. so many mixes to pick from. otherwise most of the moves were good.
I used to do KPC regularly. always liked that one. did it too many times though and got tired of it.

deb, we ordered an antenna last week. we'd tried smaller ones before, never got them to work but will try again. If you put one up and it doesn't work, you can always return it. DH thinks that' s fine because I get assigned the return process. does not look like even a large antenna would catch much air but it sure didn't last long and that was a fairly typical fall/winter storm on Friday, not a hurricane.
I was surprised about the significant step use in LIS. it was a factor in bootcamp too. I have hardly used some of these workouts because of my previous knee issues. am making up for lost time before the next set is released. I always order a calendar too and need to get that done.
serious grocery shopping needed. whenever it looks like a power out situation coming, I whittle things down to minimum.... the cupboard is bare.
Hi everyone--

This morning I did live Boxing, Hiit, and Core (48 min.). I liked this one a lot. It was filmed back in August and Cathe kept talking about the heat. I think it slowed her down a bit, which was good for me on the intervals, where she alternated between high and low impact.

Deb, thanks for the recommendation. I will check to see if it's available on Netflix streaming. It sounds like you are doing a lot of renovation.

Diane Sue, if my neck was that swollen, I would probably head to the emergency room. I hope you see someone today who knows what they are doing and you get some help.

Carolyn, I always liked KPC but if I remember correctly, my heart rate seemed pretty low and steady--not much cardio. I think you would like the one I did today.

Valerie, that work sounds pretty intense. My husband always complains about the weathermen around here exaggerating everything or just not getting it right.

Lori, I think Nilla might have found a good way to discourage Gigi. A few nips now and then to assert her seniority.

Hi to Judy, Josie, and Caitlin!
No workout again. I feel pretty weak for some reason and all of the energy is zapped out of me. My daughter went with me today so she could look at things and it was helpful since I am sure I would have missed something. This doctor was kind and meticulous. Also a bit at a loss without more tests. My white count is up a bit which is good. I still have the fever though and the swelling She ordered more blood drawn in the lab to be checked and the hospital is supposed to call in awhile to schedule a CT scan of my chest and neck. I hate being sick. I miss my workouts but it is not an option right now. My daughter told the doctor that is it unusual for me to go out of the house anywhere without makeup and to not exercise. She mentioned that she seen me exercise with the flu and the day I got pneumonia. Maybe I am just a bit more cautious though. I want to feel good more than anything else. I was so out of it when I got up that I laid on the couch upstairs for a bit before I took my bath. I climbed in the tub and forgot to take off my Fit Bit till I noticed I was washing my hair and running water over it. Fortunately it was okay. I don't even wear it to bed normally but I forgot to take it off. I had chills when I went to bed. Speaking of which it feels like summer again. High of 90 predicted today. Oh, and my daughter said the CT scan should have been done long ago with all of the neck pain I have had for the last few years. Every other doctor just gave me stuff to mask it and said it was probably arthritis.

Deb, your mention of the woodwork reminds me that I need to do that up our curving stairs. The woodwork boarder is about 10 inches high. It has scratches. Same with needing to paint the walls up there because Gertie chases the laser light up and down the stairs. I told my husband maybe he should shine it on the carpet and not the walls.

Carolyn, Rock'm Sock.'m has been on my want to do list for the last week. I really do like it. I don't get the steps with it so much as other workouts but it is fun.

Valerie, that tree clean up would be lots of work for sure. Dragging it all uphill sounds like quite a job as well. I heard on the news about them miscalculating the last storm they forecast. I hate returning things. Plus I generally tell my husband when he gets something from Amazon make sure it is prime so I don't have to deal with someone else. I don't mind going to the UPS store around the corner but I hate going to the post office and waiting in line. Plus there is the packing it all back up. I HOA requires permission to hang outside antennas or anything else outside above the fence line. That being said, the house across the street has a Direct TV antenna. I wondered how they got around that rule. When we had Direct TV at our last home it was not hung on the house. It was on a pole in the planter along the driveway. Probably because the house was almost 3 stories high. We paid someone to put the Christmas lights up on the eave in the front.
Diane Sue-I'm sorry you are feeling so bad. I hope you get some answers today and find out what is causing your neck pain and swollen glands.
Good evening ladies!

This morning I was able to get a little workout in. GiGi slept in this morning! :). I did a paper workout from SB's blog. Needed to keep my workouts upstairs to listen for the pup. Since we are keeping the jumpsport up stairs well that is what I did. It was really enjoyable and hoping this is a taste of what is to come with her dvd's. Alternated between jumping and barre. Was about 15 minutes so I did it twice for a 30 minute workout. This was my only workout today.

Diane Sue....I hope you are felling better soon and they figure out what is going on. I am the same way. Even when I am sick I want to work out. I have learned though as I get older sometimes rest is better.

Valerie...I do not mind step as long as it is more athletic than dancy. Once we get onto all the turns I am lost! Sounds like that was really tough yard workout. house sounds like ours. Always a project to do. We have a house that was built in 1964 so there are so many projects! I guess it could be worse.

Carolyn...kickboxing is my favorite workout. I have a heavybag and do most of Cathe's workouts using it whenever possible. Very easy to incorporate. I have not done much lately due to my shoulder. It was bugging me a couple of months ago so I needed to hold off a bit. Hope to start up again soon.

Lynda...I have done that workout and also liked it.

Hi to Judy, Josie and Caitlin!
diane sue, we don't have to "drag" it uphill..... we roll the rounds downhill. they must weigh 60-80 lbs each. will split it while it's wet.... easier to do it wet vs dry. will stack it, dry for a year. then drive our truck down when road is dry and carry it uphill in the back of the truck! of course, we need to get from the pile into nto the truck bed and out again, so not effortless. we did another couple hours today of cutting and rolling. you would think downhill would be totally a slide, but the rounds aren't always even and go sideways, stop, bunch up. it is a lot of work to get them a few hundred feet down. lots of lifting straightening, carrying , rolling. I'm pooped.

Please ... take time off until this is sorted out. I don't think you get benefit from working out when you are ill with something, and if anything, it works against you. energy should be directed toward getting better. It's a good thing to have someone, especially a medically smart & aware person, go with you. very hard to keep track of everything ...two heads are better than one.... take advantage of it. get some rest. your muscles won't disappear over night. sometimes the best thing ( and sometimes the hardest thing) is to hunker down and rest.

we need to return the antenna we tried. DH could not get it to work at all. going back to a model we tried a year ago, and if that doesn't work, who knows what's next. I'm ready to go to the new cable program that gives local channels for $20 a month. but you know who doesn't want to do that.

Lynda the papers here made a lot of reasons and apologies for getting it so wrong. they tend to side on the sensational though. if we had TV reception, maybe they downgraded the forecast but we were pretty much disconnected for a day.
Good morning,

A good class last night, and we got out early for a change.

Carolyn, KPC is still my favorite Cathe kickbox workout, and I also like the one in 4DS a lot. Others, not so much.

Valerie, it must be difficult to put an antenna on a roof...does you DH go up there by himself and do it? I definitely say that rolling of the wood is a workout on its own.

Lynda, that Live kickboxing sounds pretty good. We are actually just having the downstairs, stairway and upper hall painted. There is a lot of repair work though. I can't wait for him to do my the entrance way where I removed the wallpaper, the door and outside around our leaded glass windows.

Diane Sue, have they given you anything for the infection?

Lori, good little girl that Gigi! Our house was built in 1924...yes, lots of projects. :)

Making dog food today, I have to first go out and get the ingredients etc.

Take care,

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