Today I did CDorner All Standing to the Beat 80's 90's music high or low, 29 minutes, 171 calories, heart rate 143/173, 3,307 steps. I then did Flow with Mira back pain relief, 34 minutes, 52 calories. Total time 63 minutes, 224 calories. I really do not think my heart rate was as high as 173. I was never breathless like that.
Carolyn, I hope you do not have any damage with the storms. Those high winds can do a lot of damage. My brother lives in Florida about 30 minutes from the gulf. I have not heard anything from him to know if it is hitting there. Nice work on Cardio Quick Fix yesterday.
Valerie, it is a shame you need to get a new hot water heater. The tires and other parts came today. My husband already has my bike put together and wires attached. He added mirrors that he bought. There are specific videos on Youtube that they sent me a list of and one for the tire on the bike. It was just the fron tire.
Judy, nice work on the Peloton Ride, Peloton Rowing, and restorative yoga Wednesday.
Cathy, nice work on the Zoo walk Wedneday.