Pentagenarians & Beyond: 9/22/2024

Today I did my usual yoga/mobility practice for 20 minutes. I can’t believe it’s the first day of fall! Our weather does not reflect that yet, but I hope that it will get cooler soon. Today we will be in the low 90s.

Diane Sue, nice job with P30 Perfect Pump Upper Body. Enjoy your rest day.

Hello to Valerie, Cathy, and Judy.
Got back on the floor today and did all my therapy exercises. Felt very good, they help my back keep moving. some upper body weights. I feel I could have done them way before this but DH was riding herd on me and saying no. most of my stitches fell out tonight during dinner. feels like it healed very quickly but still respecting the rules. I have a dental appt wed for cleaning and to repair a mostly cosmetic filling that has a chip in it.

yes its fall. we put a cap on our fireplace chimney and put the cover on the camper.

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