Pentagenarians & Beyond: 9/22/2024

Today I did my usual yoga/mobility practice for 20 minutes. I can’t believe it’s the first day of fall! Our weather does not reflect that yet, but I hope that it will get cooler soon. Today we will be in the low 90s.

Diane Sue, nice job with P30 Perfect Pump Upper Body. Enjoy your rest day.

Hello to Valerie, Cathy, and Judy.
Got back on the floor today and did all my therapy exercises. Felt very good, they help my back keep moving. some upper body weights. I feel I could have done them way before this but DH was riding herd on me and saying no. most of my stitches fell out tonight during dinner. feels like it healed very quickly but still respecting the rules. I have a dental appt wed for cleaning and to repair a mostly cosmetic filling that has a chip in it.

yes it's fall. we put a cap on our fireplace chimney and put the cover on the camper. we did not get the swifts( birds) in our chimney this year. this is the first time in at least 20 years, probably longer. no idea why. we cap the chimney during the winter but remove it in spring. we saw some swifts but they didn't nest so we checked the chimney for any blockages. we watched for the migration return this month but didn't notice it this year. we could have missed it.
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Today I did Rock’m Sock’m kickboxing, timesaver, which was 35 minutes and 261 calories burned. My average heart rate was 135 and maximum heart rate was 166. My workouts will be hit or miss this week. We have several things scheduled that will interfere with my workouts.

Valerie, great job with your therapy exercises and some upper body weights. It’s probably best to go slowly with getting back to your routine.

Hello to Cathy, Diane Sue, and Judy.
Yesterday was a rest day. Today I did Raw Lower Lift & Kick, 43 minutes, 141 calories, heart rate 103/137. I followed with CDorner Day 22 challenge Relaxing Lower Back Stretch day 22 and Upper Back and Neck day 24, 35 minutes, 46 calories. Total time was 78 minutes, 187 calories. No time for more today. Our e bikes arrived today, but still the front tires do not arrive till Thursday. We unpacked them outside to get them in the house. Too heavy to carry in. We were wondering why there was no front tire on both bikes and when I went on Amazon to say there was a problem, it immediately let me know the Fed X numbers and that they had shipped separately. I hope there is instructions and the right wrenches with the tires. They have wide tires. One of the neighbors came by on his bike as he was following his girls back from the bus stop.

Carolyn, nice work on the yoga yesterday and Rock'm Sock'm timesaver today. It rained and really cooled down yesterday. I am hoping it stays nice for a while anyway. Our forecast has us in the 70's most of the week.

Valerie, that is nice that you were able to get in some therapy moves and weights today. That is kind of sad that the swifts did not show up this year. It must have been kind of disappointing.

Hi to Cathy and Judy
Yesterday I did 30 Minute Kickbox Express and P30 Stretch. This morning I did Live Slammin' Cardio Express and Pyramid Pump Upper Body. That's about the only upper body I can match Cathe for weights, but some of it is really tough. Derek and Aliah got back last night around 8 and he had to get up at 5:30 for work. They did have a really good time in CO.

Diane Sue great job with Raw Lower Lift & Kick, and the stretching. Hopefully it's easy to add the tires to the bikes.

Carolyn great job with the yoga and Rock’m Sock’m kickboxing.

Valerie great job with the therapy exercises and upper body weights. Some migrations seem late here this year with the hot weather we've continued to have. I think the last of the hummers we've had have left. Haven't seen one for two days now. And in the fall we get thousands of cranes in the area, and they are still very few around. We have finally dipped into the 60's, but going back into the 70's for about a week, before we drop back down. We'll see some 40's next week, too, overnight.

Hi Judy.
Saturday I ran 3 miles and did 45 minutes of Yin Yoga. Sunday I did 45 minutes of lower intensity Peloton rides and yesterday I did 45 minutes of Peloton mobility and core work. I had an early morning appointment today so I will have to get my workout in this afternoon.

Carolyn-Great job with your yoga/mobility practice and Rock’m Sock’m kickboxing.

Valerie-Great job with your therapy exercises and upper body weights.

Diane Sue-Great job with Raw Lower Lift & Kick and the CDorner Stretch. I hope everything goes well with the e-bikes.

Cathy-Great job with 30 Minute Kickbox Express, P30 Stretch and Live Slammin' Cardio Express and Pyramid Pump Upper Body. It is feeling more like fall here with the lower temps.
Today I did P 30 Perfect Pump Upper Body. My time was 40 minutes with 145 calories burned. My average heart rate was 107 and maximum heart rate was 136. It looks like we are in the path of the newest hurricane. Heavy rain and winds are in our forecast for the next few days.

Cathy, great job with 30 Minute Kickboxing Express, P 30 Stretch, Live Slamming Cardio Express, and Pyramid Pump Upper Body.

Diane Sue, great job with Raw Lower Lift and Kick, and CDorner stretches. How disappointing that the bikes arrived without the front tires. You have a few more days to wait before you can try this new activity.

Judy, great job with running 3 miles, Yin Yoga, Peloton rides, and Peloton mobility and core.

Hello to Valerie.
This morning I did CDorner Hiit Style Step with dumbbells stopping at 20 minutes (workout is over 40 minutes), 91 calories. I was liking the workout, but I got a call from brother in law and my husband's sister passed away. Things altered the morning and I was not feeling cardio anymore. I did go back later and do Glow with Mira, Back and Spine Pilates stretch and mobility, 31 minutes, along with CDorner Neck stretch she did standing, for 13 minutes. Total time spent today was 64 minutes, 135 calories.
Did a hike yesterday. not a lot of miles but very steep. a bit like going up a steep staircase for a mile and a half plus. took us an hour and 45 min because it was sunny and hot, 80 degrees. the goal was a lookout thats under construction. the buildings are just wooden frame and are exposed to serious weather all year. 2 volunteers working on this one today. we went with our neighbors. the top was not as hot as the approach on an open ridge winding through trees but climbing. we sat in the shade of the building. a fun day. took 4 hours total to get back down dry loose gravel and steepness makes for a slow descent. last night I could not get windows to boot up at all. I need to replace this system, its not compatible with next windows version and is hard to keep running.

Judy I miss running very much. its not anything i can do anymore. enjoy it while you can.

all of our bikes have a lever you lift outward and rotate to tighten and then press back into place. sometimes the brakes need to be loosened to get the tire thru the space. u tube probably has videos that match your bikes. sorry about the sudden loss of your SIL. that puts a damper on the day for sure.

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