Party Rockin Step 2


I have put off doing the Party Rockin Step workouts because I am afraid of Cathe's step choreography. When I find ones I can do--I LOVE them, but then other workouts like Step Blast and Low Impact Challenge have left me with PTSD.

I finally did PRS2 this morning and I LOVE IT! It is the best step workout to date! What fun! And pretty intense, too, for a steady state workout. Now I want to try PRS1, but I am still afraid, since I know that one has the more complex choreography than PRS2. BTW--I had no problem with the choreography in PRS2.

Those of you who have done both, how does the choreography compare between PRS1 and PRS2? And how does the choreography in PRS1 compare to Step Blast and LIC?
I just did PRS1 again today for the 3rd time. It is more dancy step but Cathe does give alternate moves. For example, the new reverse turn step, just do a rock front and back like she shows first. For me, this step seems to move faster and it feels like my feet are moving faster (I'm not sure if that makes sense). I've been able to pick up step pretty easy because I count out the steps, esp. if they seem tricky. I did make some mistakes the first time I did it, but I also watched it ahead of time. It does not have as many power moves as PRS2 but it does get your heartrate up and sweaty. Just make sure you pay attention when Cathe says when to turn into the step or out, it does make a difference. I wish you luck on it and hopefully you'll have as much fun as I have. By the way, PRS2 is my second fav. step next to Intensity. I LOVED it!!!!
I love all of Cathe's step workouts, especially PRS1&2. I've done these 2-3 times now. Before I tried them I expected them to be seriously challenging and maybe a little frustrating? What I found them to be was extremely fun, somewhat challenging because of the fresh new moves (love this!), and not at all frustrating.

I'm really not very good at remembering details from all the workouts, but I feel that the level of choreography on both of these are similar. And running through all the segments at the end is the hardest part and will take me another time or 2 to "get". I remember LIC to be similar to this, i.e. having to go through it 3-4 times to get it all down. I've had Step Blast too long to remember learning it.

If you love PRS2, you're going to love PRS1! Go for it girl! :D It's so much fun!
I've been trying to get over here to post about these workouts! FINALLY. I just want to say that I haven't had this much fun with a step workout in years! The Party Rockin' Step 1&2 are pure step heaven - and the premixes - oh wow! I could step all day with these DVDs. Thank you, Cathe!
PRS2 may finally be the dvd which convinces me to keep on trying step!
That's major praise from a clutz like me ;) If you all reckon PRS 1 is almost as easy - I may try that one as well. :eek:
I've started learning this one and it's so much fun (I've up to combo 4)! I really like the shorter combos, too. This is one I could probably do fairly well the entire time through, but my preferred way of learning new step DVDs is to do them a combo at a time, tacking the DVD on either at the beginning or end of a workout session.
me too! I finally had the chance to try PRS#2 and loved it! So much fun!
Since I had to rewind a few times to really *get it* I have been putting off PRS#1... Thank you for giving me the courage to go ahead and try PRS#1!
Ok, I tried PSR1 this morning and it was as I feared--complex choreography. Too complex for my tastes. I was lost during multiple parts of it. So glad I did it on a rest day instead of one of my regular workout days. It could have been a decent steady state workout--if I could have gotten the steps--but I have two left feet, so it just wasn't happening. And Cathe knows it, too--she comments on all she's "throwing at you" several times and even says you'll need to rewind to get the steps down once!

I'm not interested. I workout to get a great workout--not to dance. I want to be able to get an intense workout the first time through--not have to take extra time to learn choreography just to do a single workout.

So I will stick with PRS2--which I love and is just my speed. PRS1 will get filed away with Step Blast and Low Impact Challenge.
I agree, jengollf - I couldn't get PRS1 either. When I realized I was getting frustrated and tripping over my feet during the warmup, I took it out, put in LowMax, and got some exercise. I don't want to spend my workout time staring at the tv in frustration. Maybe I'll try it again when I'm in the right mood.
I recommend learning the complex ones a little bit at a time. When I have a new step workout, I'll tack on one combo/segment after my regular workout. It took me probably six weeks to slowly learn all the combos in Step Blast. I, too, have had problems getting Low Impact Challenge and I admit that I temporarily gave up on it since discovering the very doable premixes on that DVD (#4 & #5). Right now, I'm learning PRS2 this way. Tomorrow, I might try to see if I can do the entire thing, since the choreography is relatively easy to get. Step Moves, LIC, and PRS1 are still in my "to learn" queue--future challenges for when I need something new..
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See, that's not why I workout. I want to get a great and intense workout the first time I do the workout and every time I hit play. If I have to learn it in increments due to complicated choreography, I'll just take a dance class. Plus I don't have that kind of time in my day. If I have to keep rewinding a workout just to get thru it not only will it not be the intensity I am looking for but I've wasted time I could be using more productively.

But that is okay. I'm not upset that PRS #1 is a no go for me. Cathe delivers exactly what I am looking for in a workout 98% of the time and she did with PRS #2. I had no problem at all with the choreography of #2 the first time thru so I know I'll get a great (and fun!) workout every time I hit play with that one. And that's what I'm looking for.
Jen, I understand completely! :) Actually, I feel the same way, which is why I try to learn the new and/or complex ones a little at a time, after I finish my workout.
I am the same way...I like PRS2 and will use it in my rotations to mix things up here and there. I have not opened PRS1 and have no desire to. I read all the great reviews and see how some love it and that is great. However, looking at the previews I knew immediately it was not for me. It's not that I do not think I could learn the moves as I know I could, it's just not what I like.
PRS2 may finally be the dvd which convinces me to keep on trying step!
That's major praise from a clutz like me ;) If you all reckon PRS 1 is almost as easy - I may try that one as well. :eek:

I am a major clutz too...and both dvds are still in cellophane. Tomorrow may be the day I try step one more time. Not to mention, when someone says..."if you all reckon" I'm thinking I'm going to try it now for sure! I thought I was the only one that said that anymore. :p
I'm so glad to hear that I'm not the only one who does NOT love PRS #1. I usually don't judge a workout after only doing it once. So I did PRS1 a few times and the 3rd time, I too, stopped it and did something else. I don't blame Cathe either, it's simply not for me. She has sooo many outstanding step workouts that really challenge me every single time!!!! Low impact challenge (from the low impact series) is another one that trips me up EVERY time. However I still do it WITH the bonus/ pre-mix (from cardio supersets I think). The premix saves the workout from being shelved. I agree w/ Jengollf in that I only have a certain amount of time to work out in the A.M. so I want to make sure it counts!
I'm so glad to hear that I'm not the only one who does NOT love PRS #1. I usually don't judge a workout after only doing it once. So I did PRS1 a few times and the 3rd time, I too, stopped it and did something else. I don't blame Cathe either, it's simply not for me. She has sooo many outstanding step workouts that really challenge me every single time!!!! Low impact challenge (from the low impact series) is another one that trips me up EVERY time. However I still do it WITH the bonus/ pre-mix (from cardio supersets I think). The premix saves the workout from being shelved. I agree w/ Jengollf in that I only have a certain amount of time to work out in the A.M. so I want to make sure it counts!

I always plan to give the complex choreography step workouts another chance but I never do. And I just do the step bonus when I do Cardio Supersets--if you do with the step bonus it bumps the workout up to 63 minutes, which is what I am looking for in a morning workout anyway--an hour. I don't have much interest in trying LIC again, but Step Blast was intense enough that I had wanted to give it another try, but I just can't motivate myself to. I have SEVEN other Cathe step workouts I haven't tried yet due to choreography fear (3 on Cardio Hits, 3 on Classics and Rhythmic Step). I decided to start doing them on my rest day (Sunday) so I'm not wasting a workout day with something I don't like and I can figure out if they are worth working into my regular workout rotation. But I hate wasting the time I do have every day to workout on something that, well, isn't giving me the burn I am looking for. I want all of my workout time to be intense and if I have extra time (on top of my workout time) I have a million other things I need to spend that time on rather than learning complex choreography. Plus--I have workout ADHD--there is no workout I do so frequently that I would remember the choreography every time I come back to it. I like a lot variety and thanks to Cathe's 100s of workouts (and the 100s of other workouts I own by other trainers--but Cathe is my all time favorite), I can get that!

But that's just me and the way I work. We all are looking for different things and Cathe delivers something for everyone I think.

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