P.M. workouts -- do they work for you?

I'm curious if anyone out there chooses to work out AFTER dinner, like at 7 or 7:30 p.m. I'm a full-time working mother and I've found that with the start of a new school year what's really working for our family is if I get home from work, help with homework, make dinner and THEN workout while my husband hangs out with my son.

I was coming home and working out immediately and giving my son a snack and then serving dinner at like, 7:30. That didn't work. I didn't think I'd be able to exercise on the "late shift" -- but it seems to work.

Anyone else doing it this way?

Everyday!! I get home about 6, eat dinner and start working out about 630 or 645. I already get up at 615 to be out the door on time, so if I were to workout in the morn, I'd have to be up before the sun, and I am NOT a morning person. I tried it, and it didn't work. My schedule at work recently changed, so 2 days a week I am on the 1030a-7p shift, so on those days I workout in the morn from about 7-8 when everyone else is gone. I am already up, so might as well do it, plus I don't want to do it at 8 when i get home. My favorite tiem to workou is before lunch, about 1030 or 11a, but that only gets to happen on the weekends. I seem to have the most energy then. Plus, then I can shower and be lazy the rest of the day if I want!! I think whatever time of the day works for you is the best time. As long as it doesn't interfere with your sleep, there is no reason not to do it after dinner. Plus, I tend to eat less for dinner. Its tough to IMAX with a stuffed-full belly!!!

As another working mom, I do add on an extra workout on Friday nights to fit everything in. I workout at 9PM after my toddler is tucked into bed. (Believe it or not, I can still fall asleep by 10:30 even if I do a cardio workout.)

But for the most part, I'm an early bird--I get up at 5:15AM and start the day with Cathe. :)
I have in the past, but it wasn't 'after dinner" (I normally eat around 7, which makes it late for the US and a bit early for Europe). I would workout starting at 7 or 7:30, then eat my last meal afterwards.

It worked okay, but I prefer starting around 5 or 5:30 when I can.
I am not a morning person by any stretch of the imagination. In the past, I worked out in the late afternoon/evening. Now, I prefer to get it over with - well, that sounds like I don't enjoy it which is not true. I just mean that if I get it done in the morning, then I can shower, be dressed, get to work if I need to (my hours are extremely flexible and I get to work at home a lot), pick up my daughter, and be free to be with her for the rest of the evening since DH travels each week and is gone Mon-Thurs. Today, I have not gotten to work out yet and it bugs me but there is too much to be done. Right now, I am just taking a break before I get back to it for another hour. I will do my workout later, and wish that I had already gotten it done because the evenings go by too fast. If it weren't for my daughter, my days would be completely different and I would work out later, most likely. I tried two days to get up before her and work out. Day 1 was ok, day 2 was hell. There was no day 3 :confused:
Hi there!

I am a full-time working mom as well. I work out at night for an hour, anywhere from 6:30 up to 8:30 and it works best for me and my family. I have an 8 yr old DD and it has become a routine. She comes down to the basement with us and putters around doing crafts while I workout and sometimes tries joining in with her 1lb pink weights. It is important to me that she sees me working out and understands why it is a part of my life.

I have gone through spurts where I get up and workout in the morning, but then I'm sort of lost when that time of night comes. I do have more flexibility on the weekends and pretty much workout whenever the mood strikes me.

I usually eat a small dinner about 30 minutes prior to working out. Then I have a substantial "snack" after. It works for me and keeps me consistent.
When I was working I'd come home eat light, take a nap and workout. Now I work out in the am and the other day I tried doing cardio in the pm I just fell all over the place!
I attempt to workout in the AM but you know how sometimes life interfers. Was doing well but lately have done only half my workout and finish weight work after work.

Wouldn't mind eating dinner first to help "burn it off", but DH is stuck in a rut and likes to eat dinner between 8 & 9. NO I DON'T LIKE EATING THAT LATE, (I know it isn't good for me) but you can only gripe so long then you give up.

In fact, the last two nights we ate at 9:30 ! Yep, was on my list to grumble and see if DH can play on the computer after dinner instead of before. :mad:

I do have more energy in the PM for weight work though and that's probably because my sleep patterns are irregular.
It's 8:15 and I just got done with GS C&T. I usually WO in the evening. Sometimes I can do my cardio in the day but as a SAHM with 2 active girls (and no TV!:D) it's pretty hard to leave them be for an hour. I wish I could be an AM exerciser but its just not in me.

Good luck with your workouts!
I have tried and tried over the years to workout in the morning and it just doesn't work for me for various reasons. I am not a morning person. I hit the snooze button three times before I manage to push myself out of bed. Evenings are what works for me too. My DD just turned 12 and she is getting much more self sufficient. I usually make her dinner, sit with her while she eats and get her organized with homework. Then it's my time. I try to eat a pretty good sized salad with protein in it after that and then hope for the best. I figure it's better than no workout at all.

YES! When I worked outside of the home and now that I am a mom at home - I always have worked out at night...sometimes really late. It has never bothered my sleeping and it is the only time I really feel alone and ready to work! work! :)

I have tried very early mornings, but I cannot be consistent with my workouts in the morning...the funny thing I AM a morning person!? But, night workouts are for me.
i now try and work out at lunch time- aerobics and after work-weights, but that is only due to my job schedule. I did used to work out late at night... 9 or 10pm... it just worked with my schedule at the time. I am defn not an a.m. person and I loved getting everything out of the way and clearing my mind with a good work out before bed..... I know they say it hurts your sleep but I never had a problem. If it works for you, dont fight it!
I am a working mom, and i would have to be up by 4:45 to do it in the am. I wish I could work out like at 7 am, which would be a great time(and I do take advantage of it on Sat and Sun). Usually, i get the kids from school, give them a snack and 1 hour of tv(which is all they get for the day) and I work out about 3:30. that is the worst performance time for me, but you do what you can. i am pregnant right now, and if I work out any later than that I can't sleep. My rambling point is, do what ever you can, whenever you can.:)
Yes, I usually workout at night after work on week days, but I work out in the morning on weekends. I find that I have more energy when I work out in the morning, so try to save my most challenging workouts for the weekends.
Too late

7 or 7:30 is too late for me. I work out when I get home at 4 or 4:30 p.m. I get up at 4 or 4:30 a.m. for work. It is way to early for me to get an effective workout. And by the time night gets here - I am ready to relax. When I am on vacation or off work, however, I prefer to work out around 9 or 10 a.m. :)
When I get home I have a light snack then hit it! I have to fuel my body in order to perform.
Hope that helps.:)
I'm a full time working mom - I have tried before to work out in the morning, and I do some mornings when my husband is out of town (otherwise I find it hard to leave him in a nice warm bed while I get up and work out :confused:) but I've come to the conclusion that evening workouts work best for me and my family.

My boys are 9 and 14. I usually get home from work around 4:45ish -- during the summer I would work out for about an hour before I made dinner, but now that school has started and football practice has come into play I usually make dinner, eat dinner then work out while they are at football practice - I too have found that I can work out from 8 - 9 and sleep just fine by 10 or 10:30.

The important thing is that you're committed to working out. Whatever time works for you is perfect!

It doesn't matter if you are a working mom (you aren't the only busy people in the world moms! ;) ) a juggler with one arm, or a crack dealer, you work out when it's best for YOU! Some days I am working out at 5:00am but other days, such as last night, I went to the gym at 8:00pm. As long as you get your kiester moving you are doing great!
I'm an early moring riser. Up at 4:30 am & get my WO in then. It kick starsts my day. Honestly I have never tried the pm WO thing. Don't think it would work for me. I guess it doesn't matter when you do it as long as you do.
I tried the am working out but it doesn't work for me. I am dead tired the rest of the day. And have to take a nap. I started working out in the afternoons to get my son Andrew to do his homework. Now I am working in the late afternoons. I try to get my yoga and partial workout in before taking Andrew to practice, if I don't work that day. If not I finish my workout while he is at practice. I am often eating dinner while he is on the field.

A little off topic here,but it is funny because I can't nevvvver evvver find plastic containers. So I use ice cream, chocolate chip containers, whatever to put dinner. The parents get a big kick out of me eating "a healthy dinner" out of whip cream containers!
I used to workout in the mornings. I'm not a morning person and have 2 kids (4 and 1 year old). So it's really hard. I now workout at night which is around midnight. My husband and I go to bed late (around 3 am.). The kids around 11 p.m. So I guess what works out for you is the best :).

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