OT need Prayers for my Labrador

Hi Barbara,
I have a friend that has lymes disease. It was very advanced since the doctors had a hard time in the diagnosis. They treated him for MS for a long time and the treatment is very different.
I write this in reference to Petie because, diet really made a difference in Bill. He had gotten so he couldn't walk. And being a runner, this was extremely depressing to him. I just saw him 2 weeks ago and he is doing so much better.
He is working with a nutrionalist and following this strict diet along with herbs.

So perhaps with watching Petie's diet plus the TLC that I'm so sure he will get, Petie will greatly improve.
Isn't it amazing though, how one tiny tick can cause so much havoc.
Bill got bit by one while he was picking up a dead deer off the road.

Sebrina (my Scottie) and CAT (The cat) and myself, send Petie our biggest Get Well wishes.
Poor Petie! (I had a dog named Pete when I was little.) Prayers going out to him. I know how tough it is... my three-year-old cat had two strokes in August. It's always tough to see them in pain.

Hi Barbara! Please lift up Petie's floppy ear and let him know we wish him the best. Big healthy hugs and kisses from our furry loving home to yours! Take Care!
Thanks again everyone for your prayers. Petie is doing semi ok today. He didn't drink to much water which is the most important right now and he well I hope I don't gross anyone but he did threw up his new food today I guess it's because it's a new food. All I did was laid next to him today and rub his belly which he loves but I really can feel his ribs because of the weight he lost or muscle it just makes me want to ;(. Right now he is laying right next to me which he always does. I really hope and pray this will turn around. Thanks again everyone for the kind and thoughtful words. It really means the world to me.
Oh, I do hope your Petie gets better soon. I can tell you love him very much. If anything will help him get well, I'm sure it's your love and care. Keep us posted.

Count me in! I hate to hear when anyone is sick but children and animals seem to be so helpless.I have a germen shepperd/dobermen.He has the height of a dobermen but looks like a shepperd.Shepperds usually have problems with their hips later in life, I am praying that that doesn't happen.He is such a good dog that I can't imagine finding another one like him.
Give him a big kiss from me!:)
I do hope Petie gets better for you. As a breeder I know how you are feeling, hang in there all our hope and prayers are with you and Petie.

I am so sorry to hear about your puppy, Petie. My prayers are with you, your family and your wonderful little puppy. I hope he gets well soon.

Oh, no! Sooo sorry to hear your doggie Petie is not doing well. :-(

My prayers are going up right now for a speedie recovery.

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/lach.gif[/img]
I hope he is feeling better!! You might try some T-touch massages to see if that helps him feel any better. It is very relaxing and helped my first Dobe quit a bit when he had some severe back problems.

update on Petie my angel Lab

Hi Everyone, Im really sad as I had to take Petie in to the Animal hospital as he is not doing so good. They are feeding him through intervine and they didn't give me any hope. He does eat but it just comes right out or he is not drinking any fluid. The vet is not giving me any heads up because it is really serious. His stomach was really bloated which I didn't notice until she told me. The vet is going to call me tomorrow to let me know how he is doing. I really really hope that this will be a miracle for him. My vet did say she saw one dog survived this. She also said he mighted had kidney problem before and that the lyme disease just made it worst. I will let you know tomorrow. Im not going to give up, he is like one of my boys. Thank you everyone for your prayers and hug & kisses from Petie to all of you and your pets.
RE: update on Petie my angel Lab

Hey Barbara~how is Petie this morning??? Hang in there. Miracles DO happen. Another big pat and hug for Petie AND you!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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