Oprah's bra and jean show this week


I really liked this show but I totally disagree with the jean expert, Stacy who said that anyone 5'4'' and under should not wear boot cut or flared jeans. They should wear straight leg only.

I'm 5'1' and size 6/8. Straight legs look awful on me. :/ She made a lot of good points but I think she was definitely wrong about this one.

All of my jeans are bootcut or flared. DH loves the jeans I pick out too. :D I do have a pair of flared that look really cute. They're not super flared, but they are flared.

Also, when she had the petite girl come out with the right pair of jeans for her, she was wearing these trouser type jeans and they were boot cut. They didn't look straight leg to me. So she contradicted herself. This girl was just over 5'0'' and these are not straight leg jeans. There's a bit of a flare at the bottom! Hellooo!!!

I think she realized she made a mistake with that one because she then says, "Just be careful that the boot cut that you get is not too tight on the knee," Stacey advises. Loose construction, similar to slacks, draws attention away from a heavier thigh.

Sorry, but these are not straight leg jeans on a 5'0'' girl:

Also, is it just me or could Stacy have worn a better type jean herself? I didn't like these on her. I have these AG jeans Oprah's wearing though. They look great on me. :)


Here's a link to the jeans do's and dont's on Orprah's site. I agree with just about everything but what she said about petites not wearing boot cuts. That is just wrong.
I totally agree! I own nothing BUT boot cut jeans and I am 5'4". Straight legs look awful on me---does nothing but look my legs look even shorter.

And ewww on Stacey's jeans! What would Clinton say? LOL
UGH.. Stacey looks HORRIBLE.. and she is the expert.

I TOTALLY disagree on the boot cut. I'm 5 2 size 2 or 3 and bootcut is so flattering.

Thanks for posting this Dani. Well off to jean shop!
I am 5'0 and size 4 and the only jeans I own are bootcut because I think they look the most flattering on me.
I've seen those jeans Stacy is wearing on several recent magazine spreads. I hope they're not coming back. I think they're meant to show off heels more than they're meant to hide flaws. If I wear something like that, my hips would pop out more and it'd be hideous.:p

I'm 5'1" and I look better in mid-rise, SLIGHTLY flared jeans. If the jeans I like have too much of a flare, I just take them in to have that flare reduced, not turn it into a straight leg.

Makes me wonder just exactly why she calls herself an expert. }(

Lately I am seeing a lot of women wearing tight, straight-leg jeans tucked into boots. It shows off the boots nicely, but personally I think it's a really unflattering look, even on really slim women. I guess it's a matter of what you're used to.
I think the jeans on the blond need a bit of hemming! It looks like she's wearing her taller sister's hand-me-downs.

As for the "expert," she even says that women should avoid tapers at all costs. Do her jeans NOT count as tapers? Hmmmm.

Now, high-waisted tapers, THOSE are a cool look! }( And everyone (but me) should start wearing them (which will make ME look so much better!).
Wow, I didn't realize that was Stacy from What Not To Wear. I *still* hate how those jeans look on her! Not in the least bit flattering.
>Now, high-waisted tapers, THOSE are a cool look! }( And
>everyone (but me) should start wearing them (which will make
>ME look so much better!).

LOL Kathyrn! I was watching that show the other night and thinking what is she wearing?!

You know the mostly talked about curvy, full figured women for jeans. So, I was hoping to come away with something from that show. What kind of jeans for the rest of us?

I loved the jeans Oprah was wearing.

I dread jean shopping because as it was pointed out on the show, I have to try on 20 or more before I find ONE that fits right. I have a problem with the waist and having a gap there. However, it fits in the hips, etc. Is that what Stacy was saying, to fit it there and then have alterations done? My little guys have this nice little feature on their pants called adjustable waist, maybe they should make some for adults? ha ha :p :7

Can anyone recommend jeans for a size 2/4?

Hey Dani,
Thanks for this thread:D I enjoyed seeing all the faux pas jean wearing people make:7 I agree with you on bootcut!!

I like the British gals, Trinny and Susannah, of the British What Not To Wear, better. I think they say that us shorter women should wear more of a flare. Flares definitely look better and add length to a short leg.
Is it just me or could this be more about getting woman to spend more money? I thought Oprah looked good in her before jeans and her after jeans? I haven't looked at the rest of the makeovers though. I did see some pretty bad what not to wear pictures...yikes!
P.S. I love watching Oprah's favorite things show. That's coming up on Monday!
I think Stacy is wearing what's called a "skinny jean". I saw a segment about them on the Today show. They're the new big thing, I guess. The models were all rail thin and were wearing these skinny jeans that clung to their leg from the hip to the ankle. They were showing them tucked into boots as well. It's a prime example of why I dismiss 90% of what the fashion experts have to say. Heather
I remember some "experts" on her show stating that older women should never wear shorts, they should only wear skirts. Oh sure.
I love Oprah and hardly miss a show. What this show taught me most was that I should try on 20 jeans before I decide on the right fit, something I definitely don't do as I hate trying on in the store and wind up feeling ugly in everything I try on.

I have three girls (22 to 15) and last summer we went to Macy's and picked out about 30 bathing suits without trying one on. We are all similar in size (the key word is "similar). I paid for all of them - well over $1,000 and brought them all home. We all tried them on and each picked one or two bathing suits. It's so much better to try things on in the convenience of your own home and I hate those dressing rooms. I then brought the rest of the bathings suits back and received a credit of over $800. Easy!! I also do this when I have a formal affair to go to. I pick three or four outfits that are my size and when I'm showered and have the right shoes available I try them all on and pick my favorite. The rest go back.

I've decided to do the same thing with jeans. You can even go to many different stores and bring home as many as you want. I'll just have to be careful with holding on to the receipts and keeping things straight so I don't blow my credit on the jeans I don't want. Maybe this will ensure that I get the right jeans for me.

I am also "petite" and buying jeans can be a nightmare which is why I constantly wear the same one or two jeans I have that I love. (and they're flare I should add) I also dry clean my favorite jeans and they always look like "new". I hate spending the money for just jeans but they do stay nicer.
Dani, I think you're right. I think it was a mistake. I've never heard Stacy London say that before, and I watch her show all the time. Most women look better with a bit of a flare.

BTW, that t-shirt is not working for Oprah. She needs to stick to lower necklines. Did Stacy tell her?

Editing to add that I am so glad that women are starting to listen to people like Stacy London and Trinny and Susannah. I no longer pay ANY attention to fashion. I'm only interested in what looks good on me, and if the fashion doesn't fit my figure, I just don't buy anything. I say boycott the tapered leg jean unless you happen to be built like a runway model.

I agree.

Both the blonde's and Oprah's jeans need to come up an inch or two. Dragging them along the floor is not hip. Plus with less material dragging, we can see a nice amount of heel, and that just looks more stylish.

The drainpipes on the other woman?!?!?!?!? What was she thinking?!?!?

Nancy, Macy's lets you return swimsuits?? I ask because every store I have ever been in has signs saying that swimwear (and panties) are non-returnable.
lala - yes, macy's lets you return swimsuits as long as tags are still attached. I am constantly returning everything to macy's as I never try on at the store. :) Thank goodness because I despise trying on.

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