Ok....now I'm depressed


I was reading another thread and maybe I just missed this somewhere else but, it said that if you need to burn bady fat, it may be better to use something other than STS for awhile. Since I'm so tall, I'm not really worried about building big muscles. I had a trainer tell me once that would be hard to do becasue my muscles are so long. But I was looking for STS to help get rid of some of this body fat. I don't really like total body workouts but was going to add some leg floor work on a 2nd day just to kind of hit the legs twice. Am I wasting my time if body fat loss is the main goal? I'm also factoring in 3 days of cardio, 45-60 min each.
There are so many different body types out there, and so many age and fitness ranges out there, that I think it's fallacy to think one method of "burning body fat" applies to everyone. There's an awful lot of misinformation and half-truths out there in the blogosphere and fitness market, and the How To Burn The Fat is where you find a lot of it.

I say - try the series as you originally planned at least through the first two mesocycles, and then gauge your progress from there.


There are so many different schools of thought on cardio vs. heavy weights for fat loss. As AJ said, you need to find what works for you. I have A LOT of fat to lose and am going to use STS as planned. I am willing to take the time to see if it works. Good luck!

I think that's what was upsetting. I've been waiting for STS for so long and now that it's here, I don't WANT to use something else until I get rid of some body fat. I just don't see how in the world one wouldn't lose fat with STS. So, I'm going to do the 6 month rotation. :D I know I won't be able to lift as heavy as a lot of you here but I'm going to do my best.
I think you would lose fat with STS (combined with cardio and clean eating, of course).

The only workouts I don't think would be that useful for fat loss are the shoulders/biceps/triceps workouts, as they don't it any large muscle groups (but those are only in Meso 3, and by that time, you may not be looking for maximum fat loss).
I wonder if in Meso 3, you could then incorporate part of one of the leg workouts to get more of the fat burning action...making it somewhat more of a total body.
I was reading another thread and maybe I just missed this somewhere else but, it said that if you need to burn bady fat, it may be better to use something other than STS for awhile. .

What thread? and who wrote that?

I think you always have to consider the source & then consider the validity of talking to the masses.

Body Fat is more a nutrition factor for my body (46 yrs) ...My body overall responds much better to a 3 day split but if my "diet" isnt 95% clean then it matters not what form of lifting I choose to do.

Cardio / type of lifting / nutrition/ adequate rest / stress reduction - they all play a role in your bodyfat levels - determining our personal percentages & the importance of each of these is very individual. The only absolutes I believe in for fitness & health area are:

~We need muscle to be healthy as we age & to change the shape of our bodies

~We need cardio to keep our hearts strong and healthy

~We need good quality foods to fuel our bodies

~We neeed adequate amounts of rest to allow our bodies to heal & grow stronger every day

~ We need to find ways to control / release our stress levels

Other than those guidelines I think its all ever changing and very dependent on the individual.
I was reading another thread and maybe I just missed this somewhere else but, it said that if you need to burn bady fat, it may be better to use something other than STS for awhile. Since I'm so tall, I'm not really worried about building big muscles. I had a trainer tell me once that would be hard to do becasue my muscles are so long. But I was looking for STS to help get rid of some of this body fat. I don't really like total body workouts but was going to add some leg floor work on a 2nd day just to kind of hit the legs twice. Am I wasting my time if body fat loss is the main goal? I'm also factoring in 3 days of cardio, 45-60 min each.

You can find opinions claiming just about anything concerning what is the best way to workout. There are thousands of books all claiming to have all discovered the best and only way to workout.

We have been in the health club business for 27 years now and have 1000 people a day work out in our club. We a have yet to see a single "best and only way to workout" in all of the years we have been in business. The best workout program is one well structured, you enjoy and that works for you.

You should also be know that "fat" is a very poor fuel source and is not really used in weightlifting exercises. Your body uses what is known as the Phosphagen system (ATP) and Glycolytic systems in your body to supply fuel to a muscle lifting a weight. This true whether you do a total body workout or split your workout into body parts.

The claim that if you need to lose body fat you need to first do cardio or that total body workouts are your best and only choice are just a person's opinion and not a scientific fact.

Lifting weights will not only help to make your body strong and healthy, it will also rev up your metabolism so that you burn more calories all day long. You can argue all day long which is better, Total Body Workouts or Split Workouts , but you can find just as many examples for one as the other. This why we make workout DVDs that do both.

As always, we believe that a balanced approach to fitness is best and we encourage everyone to mix cardio, strength training and stretching into their weekly exercise program. We also suggest you try a wide variety of workout styles as doing something different is always better than always doing the same thing.
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I think that was just that person's opinion. I have some fat to lose and I can't believe that after doing STS, I will be in the same position after. I believe that I will be strong and have less body fat.
This is mostly my opinion but eating is going to be the major deciding factor in your fat burning, cardio the second. Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle is a very good fat loss guide. Venuto says in BFFM if you are an advanced exercisor he recommends a 3 or 4 day split working each muscle group once every 5 to 7 days per week and depending on your body type the cardio recommendations vary.

Alwyn Cosgrove promotes full body workouts, compound movements as the best for fat loss and HIIT cardio. There are definately different ideas from the experts.

I have had a difficult time with weight gain lately and I am excited to give STS my best effort :) . I spend some time on Ballentyne and Cosgrove workouts - I did not have as good results as I have in the past with Cathe - in fact I wondered why I ever ventured out to the other -- but then I enjoy her so much better :) she has never disappointed me - Hope that makes you feel a little better :)
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Kim, I found the Warp Speed Weight Loss nutrition program to be a great one that gives you enough nutrition to support your weight/cardio workouts but allows for very efficient weight loss.

I think it would be a great companion to your STS rotation.

Just my opinion, and good luck!

Just go for it. See what happens. For me I have found the more muscle mass I have the more I can eat and not gain weight. I also believe in shaking things up which Meso 3 would do. The best program wil be the one you can stick to and is realistic to your life style. Peggy

If it makes you feel better, doing a muscle buidling rotation then switching to a cardio one can be a great fat burner. It worked for me earlier.

I lifted heavy for about 10 weeks, then I started walking at lunchtime. Next thing I check and I had lost a pant size. While I was lifting, I did about 2 cardio days a week

So by all means, do STS, watch your food intake, do some cardio. After STS, switch to a more cardio/total body focused rotation and see if that doesnt melt some fat off you in time for summer!
I agree with the others who said that it really varies person to person. For me, my weight has NOTHING to do with my cardio -- it has to do with how heavy I am lifting, and how clean my diet is.

I am so incredibly excited for STS because my mind is in a rut and so is my body, ready for something new. Also, I just bought a treadmill and I am *pretending* to be a runner, so I am really shaking things up in all areas.

Good luck with STS!
I hold the belief that diet is most important as far as weight loss/fat loss goes. Combine that with strenth/resistance training and cardio. It all goes hand in hand. Most opinions I have read all say, though, that you can't rely on cardio alone. Strenth training is what builds lean muscle which in turn is a natural metabolism booster. Also, how you time your food before and after exercise will affect how you burn fat, as well. Think about your abs; you can do all the sit-ups and core work you want, but without a clean diet, you'll never have that six pack!

I feel that no matter what workout you do (STS, or any Cathe DVD or strength program) if your diet is right and you also do your cardio, you will lose fat and be in great shape!

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