OK LADIES! Surgery is set!


I know some of you wanted me to keep you posted so here it is...

I go in to have my adnoids and my tonsils taken out tomorrow about 8:30am. I'm so scared!:confused: I'm know it's the easiest, fastest procedure known to man, but I've never had surgery, but I'm a weiny anway! LOL!

Wish me a smooth surgery sail tomorrow! Thanks ladies!:)
Sending positive vibes for a smooth surgery and a speedy recovery!! I had mine removed when I was 7. Enjoy the ice cream!!! :D
Here's hoping you will have a speedy recovery. BTW, my daughter had her's removed when she was 7 and is doing fine! (She's 9 now). The surgery went smoothly and quite fast. I know you are nervous, but you will get through it.
Make sure to treat yourself to something nice once you are up to it. I hear you can speed up the recovery process that way.
I had mine out at 5. The main thing I remember is eating ice cream and drinking ginger ale, all condoned by my parents! Also a slight sore throat but it wasn't terrible. Good luck! It will be all over before you know it.
You'll be fine!!!!! Just try to relax.

I imagine you are having general anesthesia, right? Well, I recall laying there all nervous while they prepped me for surgery and then as they were putting the anesthesia in my IV line they told me to count backwards from 100 or something and I started counting and BAM I was out. I don't even I think I got to 95. I don't remember falling asleep or anything. I just remember waking up in recovery what felt like SECONDS later and an hour or so had passed! LOL
It will be over before you know it. And Beavs is right. Promise yourself a treat when you are all better. {{Hugs}} and prayers for an easy surgery and uneventful recovery.
Aaaaw! Thanks ladies for all the encouragement and easing my mind! I won't be eating icecream but I think otterpops and jello will work! hehe! I just want to know when i can start working out after the surgery? 5 days probably??? ya think? I don't know, I'll ask the doc before be knocks me out! hehe THANKS CATHLETES!! Love ya ladies!
You're going to be fine! I'll be thinking of you and sending positive energy to you during your surgery! Here's to smooth sailing and really smooth and creamy ice cream for after!
I'll be sending positive thoughts your way. I'm sure everything will go just fine. I'd be nervous too. I'm 49 and I've never had surgery, broken a bone or even had stitches! (I hope I didn't just jinx myself):confused:
Alana you will be fine but don't be too hard on yourself if you aren't up and working out in 5 days. You take longer to recover from this surgery the older you are. I had mine done my SR year in high school. Sorry to say I wasn't up and about in 5 days...The up side is you will feel sooo much better after you totally heal. It is WELL worth it! Just give your body plenty of time to heal!!

Wishing you the best!! :)
(((HUGS))) Amelia! I'll be thinking of you today!

Oops, now why did I put Amelia???? I know you are Alana!!! Amelia's not even on this thread! Hugs to you too Amelia if you're reading this!!!
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