OK it's confession time


I was gonna make this a poll but I knew I'd never be able to cover everything.

So, my question--who's had a cosmetic procedure done? What was it? What were the results? Would you do it again?

I for one am a botox junkie. I've been doing every couple of months for about 4 years now & I swear it takes 10 years off my face. I love botox. Botox is my friend. :)
Does having braces count? That is all I've ever had. I had braces from when I was 9 and got them off when I was 12. If I ever get the opportunity I would like to have them professionally whitened. My teeth have also shifted a bit so it would be nice to have them fixed.
Well, most of you know I've had lipo. I also had veneers put on six of my upper teeth.

The results of both is fantastic. Yes, I would do both procedures again in a hearbeat. I'm thinking of lower ab and arm lipo next year if I can afford it.

Don't have any wrinkles that bother me. I owe that to very good genes and the Florida humidity. Just losing some elasticity but I can deal with that.

I have my greys colored out and highlights put in my hair every five weeks because my hair is short.

Gee, I'm getting very high maintenance.

I have had spider veins removed from my legs. There are other cosmetic procedures I would have done if I had the $$$. I would try Botox and I would love a breast lift (not an enlargement). Also maybe some collagen injections around the mouth. I say whatever makes you feel good about your body, go for it!!! There are some things exercise (even with Cathe) can't fix.


"Don't forget to breathe!"
I had a veneer put on a tooth. The shape of it left a little tiny gap, just enough to drive me nuts.
I had highlights put in my hair for the first time last summer and might do it again this year.

Susan C.M.
Nothing should be jiggling, unless it's jiggling off. - Cathe in HSC
I had breast aug. done about 2.5 years ago. Love it! Would do it again in a hearbeat!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

EDD: 05/19/05
I've had braces and just recently got some hair highlights. Yes, I would do that again, especially the braces.

I have good genes thanks to my mom and grandmother so don't have to worry about other things. I think I'd be to chicken to ever have any kind of surgery done anyway. :)
Charlotte, if I recall we're the same age. I say go for it (I bet it's a lot cheaper out there in farm country too LOL). I would eat tuna 3X a day for a month to pay for it. It's the best money I ever spent on myself.

Wait, I spend all my money on myself. Disregard that last sentence. :7
Well, I've had a consult with a plastic surgeon to have a breast augmentation done as well as an abdominoplasty. Before anyone suggests I am looking for an easy way out here, let me explain that I've had two kids and gained a lot of weight with both. I have extra skin on my abdominal muscles that does NOT respond to exercise or weight loss. It is skin, not fat. Surgery is the only way to get rid of it. So far I have lived with it, but the rest of me looks fab, so I am really eager to get rid of it. :) :) :)

I am not sure about the breast aug, though. You can fake it pretty well with the right bras....

I have also thought about botox... Maximus, is it painful? I would only need it on my forehead and crow's feet, I think...

Here we go:

- Botox every four months
- color and highlights in my hair to hide the gray
- custom bleaching trays from my dentist
- currently undergoing laser treatment to remove some moles on my face
I had implants and lipo. One implant ruptured not even having them two years. They are very small. I wanted C's got small B's.
Lipo. was wonderful for the first five years and even though I eat steamd vegetables all day, everyday, and do lunges until Jesus comes, the fat has been creping back.
I color my hair and wax my eybrows.

How much is BOtox and where do you have it done?
Well since everyone is mentioning about hair..ya'll know I dye my hair (had a posting about it alitte while ago). O.k., I use crest whitestrips too from time to time and gonna get some highlights in next week. Yipee!

Oh heck I dye my hair too. I don't even consider it a cosmetic procedure--when you have gray hair it's a necessity to your mental health.

Botox costs me just over $500 every 3 months. The first few times I had it done I was still living in VA & believe it or not the only dr. in the area doing the procedure was an ENT guy. I guess he needed the money LOL. It only cost $125. HOWEVER even though it'd be cheaper for me to fly down there & have him do it, the cosmetic surgeon I now use is much gentler & skillful than the ENT guy. Also this guy went nuts on my forehead when all I wanted was the little frown lines between my eyes gone. I absolutely adore my new dr. & wouldn't trade her skill & knowledge for all the free botox in the world.

The truth is, I kind of like my wrinkles. I love my smile lines. It's the frown lines I hate & would do anything to get rid of.
I've recently started having chemical peels, if you consider that a cosmetic procedure. My skin looks much brighter and a lot of the hyperpigmentation is gone. I would like to have the spider veins removed from my legs and botox would be great. Then of course there's breast augmentation and lipo, but those are unaffordable with 3 kids still at home. Maybe someday though.

I have never had anything done.
Except highlights about 5 years ago.
I would only have one thing done, and I don't think that anyone can do it, though. I would get a voice change. I HATE MY SINGING VOICE! It is so flat!
I can't say that I would have anything else done, though. I look at my mom and think she is the most beautiful woman in the world, and she is all natural. She has this inner confidence and srength that you can't get from surgery. That is what I want to be like when I grow up!!
I havent done any of the above ever ... I figure I EARN those wrinkles LOL .. (And Grey hair in my hubbys case LOL)I would love to brighten up my teeth a bit though.:D :D :D :D

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