Nia Shanks

Killer, Justine! That's 150 deadlifts! NICE! :D

BTW, I might try doing a smidge of squat work every day. Not all weighed, of course. Apart from bodyweight squats and one legged squat and lunge variations, what's good squat accessory work that won't hamper recovery?
Ooohh, great idea Roz. I remember reading about a lifter who squatted every day for a year, and his gains were amazing.
How about pausing at the bottom (that kills me), and low sit and stands (lower than a chair)? Both would be good to help you 'get out of the hole', or however they put it. I reckon step ups (very high step) would help, too. I bet Kween Karen of Skawtland has some great tips.
Killer, Justine! That's 150 deadlifts! NICE! :D

BTW, I might try doing a smidge of squat work every day. Not all weighed, of course. Apart from bodyweight squats and one legged squat and lunge variations, what's good squat accessory work that won't hamper recovery?

Ohhh, great idea. How 'bout some stability ball roll-ins, even on disks. Not really a squat thing, but fries the hams and glutes. Sissy squats, those are good. Squat jumps. Two counts down, four counts up, (slow and heavy) different counts for concentric and essentric contraction. Plie squats. Arms overhead, in a Y position, feet pointing straight ahead, shoulder width apart. Go as low as you can, back up for reps, chest up, slow and controlled. Reposition your feet if necessary. Try different foot positions. Lots of ways to torture yourself. Now, you've got me thinking about trying something like this. Have fun, and please share!

Coming back to edit this post. I thought of something that I did years ago, forgot all about it. If you have a bosu, or something that will test your balance, do squats on it. (no weight or light weight at first) Try them with the bosu in both positions. Dome side down, and dome side up. This squat gave me DOMS in interesting places. Balance movements are always fun! Enjoy!
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Today was ohp 5x2 1x8. 4 sets of pushups ( diamond and close grip) and chin ups. I did 1 set of ohp at my working weight from last phase but had to drop 10# and did 5x2 (antidepressant time) However I am down 6 pounds in weight so probably I can expect some strength loss and only 2 of my working sets that week were at that weight. I did 2 sets of 8 chins underhand and will do 2 sets at the prisoners so I can do neutrals. Hope y'all have better showings than I did!!
I love evil ideas, and torture techniques!
My latest was to use a 22kg KB for 1 arm swings...what was I thinking?

My hamstrings and upper back were suffering from yesterday's DLs and pull-ups - so I did One Hit Wonder (KB<30) and Sky Walker (KB<20) from LWF2. Fantastic obliques work. Maybe a lighter bell would have been sensible though! Oh, and it included dive bombers. OW. (I 'forgot' to do HoCo - again. Karen, I'm ashamed.)

Tom - if you're down 6lb, you're bound to have lost a bit of oomph. I think you underestimate what you're doing, though - it's never a straight line. I only felt truly back 'into it' today, and I only had 4 days off.

Keep strong everyone.
Upon doing my Nia workout this AM I was hit by a "thunderbolt of reason" DUH I am getting about 1/2 of the protein and calories I got doing sts!!! I feel like I am forcing as much down as I can, but it just isn't enough. I simply cannot eat enough to grow and get stronger. I think my gains have been neurological and not due to increase in muscle size. Not sure what to do about it because I am eating as much as I can at meals. I just seem to get stringier but not bigger and I know that's why! I felt I was having problems with milk that I use for shakes and when I cut those back my protein consumption really suffered. I bought some lactose free milk to use but the commercial shakes I used during the day I am sure are not lactose free. I am not sure the lactose is even the problem, but I thought I would see if it helped. I have an appt. in November to see whats up with the appetite suppression and hopefully get some answers. I was always a big eater until this "old age " thing hit and I miss the "good ole days"!!!
Tom - I read your (very old) post on the STS check in - and I agree! STS = hypertrophy for me (but with it always comes a gain in fat, too). Nia = strength gains / stringier....the thing is I WANT to be stringier! I'm enjoying getting stronger, but staying smaller (OK, I'm not small, but it's all relative). Just look at Nia - 300lb + DL and she's tiny.

For a while now I've been wondering why I get fatter with STS. I even wondered whether it was because I did it the first few times during Winter (stodgy food), but the same happened when I did it during warmer months. Perhaps the length of the workouts makes me hungrier. Or maybe there's a cortisol response due to the length? Maybe because I only did STS + cardio, and none of my beloved metabolic stuff? Are you doing any other w/os in addition to Nia? Are you getting enough carbs? Anyway, I'm glad you've an appointment to see if anything's awry. Good luck.
Yeah, Tom, to echo what Justine said, don't underestimate the importance of carbs! Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm sort of assuming you get enough protein. I heard (I think it was Alan Aragon) that, while research doesn't agree about how much protein can be beneficial, there's NO research that suggests that getting more than 0.8g of protein per lb of bodyweight helps with muscle growth/retention. Of course, I'm just quoting someone quoting research, but nevertheless, I'd guess you're prioritizing protein in your meals and probably getting at least 0.8-1g protein per pound of bodyweight, which, from all I hear, is more than sufficient.
Also, appetite-wise, I find it's easier to pack in the carbs (amirite, ladies?!). Especially the ones without too much fiber attached. I know some people make themselves a workout drink with simple carbs (processed maize or whatever). I sometimes put a splash of maple syrup in my coffee or shake before/during my workout if I want a little extra oomph.
Are there ways you can sneak in some more calories (without being too picky about 'quality')? Some pure tart cherry juice (great for recovery)? Unrefined coconut oil and brown sugar on your oatmeal (or whatever)? Any treats you enjoy?

Justine, I bulk up on STS, too. I think it's appetite/eating more (in addition to any muscle pump, etc.).

Today was GSF2, lots of pulling. DLs (mostly triples), chinups, and a superset of Kroc rows and straight-legged situps. Did a few goblet squats, but that was plenty -- I had a really intense main workout and didn't need a finisher -- I was DONE!
Maybe I'll torture myself with some more barbell thrusters tomorrow, if I've got legs to stand on.
I agree with what's been said. Good advice. STS was not good for me. Don't get me wrong, it's a good program, but when I was finished, I just looked beefy. Not a good look for me. I was hoping for some nice definition. That didn't happen.

Coming back to edit. One of the reasons I'm doing my current rotation; I put on muscle very easily, and I can bulk up quite a bit. Every now and again, (usually Summer) I need to do more functional and bodyweight work. Keeps me from looking like a female Incredible Hulk.
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Glad others got a bit too beefy on STS - I've been shot down in flames for daring to suggest it might not quite suit me! I thought I was the only one, and that I had a weird condition where going to 12 reps made me look like a cross between Arnie and Elvis in his last few months!

ETA: I meant glad to HEAR that others had the same issue, rather than being glad it actually happened to them!
Isn't it interesting, we want what we don't have. I would love to be able to drop a few lbs. in a matter of days. Usually it has to be my total focus, to lose a few lbs. Gaining muscle is easy for me. Losing fat, not so much. It's easier for me to just stay lean. As it goes, it's always something. But, if we were perfect, what would we strive for? I don't know, but we would have more time for it.
You girls are starting to pi#s me off (just kidding) I loved Justine's statement that she wants t0 be "stringy"...seems so unfair!! Maybe your idea of bulky is different than mine (I would have to weigh 250# to qualify) Even when I weighed 200+ I looked lighter than my actual weight and used to win prizes at the county fair when they couldn't quess my weight! I" guestimated" that I probably am getting about 1800 -2200 calories a day and 100-120 grams protein and that is way short of what I need. I feel I should probably be in the 3000-3500 range and a minimum of 175 grams of protein. Got some work to do to get there!!! So you guys just keep "rubbing it in" and I will revel in my "stringiness" UGH!!
Omg Karen, I would die at 1200 calories.
Tom, if you get desperate, there are more and more states now that will give you a 'special' prescription that will have you pounding whole large pizzas in no time flat, LOL.

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