Nia Shanks

Roz, I hope the stress is passing / lessening. Chin up.
Awesome, I love it. ;) Thanks, Justine.

I didn't do a final deload. I just did LWF2's that sounded fun. And I think I did a squat-heavy one for my squat 'deload', etc.

Speaking of squat deloads, nice work, Tom! Holy moly, 135# x 20!? If that's a lazy day for you, I don't wanna hear about your 'good' workouts. I mean, that might sound easy to KAREN, but... geez! not to us mortals.
And a hearty congrats on grandson #3! :D

Karen, I just LOVE shopping in my own closet. Cleaning out closets can be so satisfying, if time-consuming.
BTW, if you're still on a bodyweight kick, I just did Jill Coleman's Bodyweight Delight from LWF1 today -- awesome awesome sweaty workout. A fun one to take out to the backyard.

I may skip week 4 of Phase 2 of GSF2 and move onto Phase 3 (back to heavy lifting total body 3x a week, away from the conditioning-with-heavy-lifting of Phase 2). I've enjoyed Phase 2, but I'm ready to move on (I think). We'll see. That'll be the next of my rotational heresies. Basically, I miss heavy squats. Er, heavy-for-me squats.
Yesterday I finished week 3 of Phase 2 with a superset of rack pulls (225#) and slamball slams, a superset of bent presses (25# I think?) and DB plank pullthroughs (60#), and a triset of DB double hammer curls (27.5#), resistance band OH tri extensions, and DB lateral raises (10#). Trying to keep arms really straight on the lateral raises -- I forgot how dang hard those are -- could have gone a smidge heavier but I was pretty smoked by that point.
Roz - those weights are brilliant! What sort of height are you using for rack pulls? Knee high? Your hammer curls are massive (I've never got beyond my 10kg DB - not tried, but 10kg feels plenty!)

I did a Jill Coleman workout today. She's great! I was spent after only 20-something minutes. It was heavy weights for a met con type w/o.
Thanks, Justine! The rack's around knee height, yup.
Well, I did the first GSF2 Phase 3 workout today (squats), but yesterday I did a bunch of bodyweight reverse lunges, which made my foot flare up. It hurts to walk. :mad: That's it, I'm taking a couple weeks off anything where I'm weighted and on my feet. I need to let this heal (heel?). Squats felt fine today, but I'm sure they're not helping any.
I'll see it as an extended deload, but I plan to do a bunch of bench press, pull-ups, any seated UB work, maybe floorwork on all fours. I'll do two weeks or so, it's not like my quads will shrivel up in that time.
Any ideas?? -- I'm all ears -- Justine, Karen, Tom, or anyone reading!
OK, Roz, you have 2 weeks to master full divebomber push-ups. 4 sets of 10 reps out to do it......

Sorry to hear about your heel - is it an old injury?

Second that! You can also try Mark Lauren's Mobility Rx. I feel like a million bucks when I've finished one of those. I've been thinking about adding them to the end of a strength workout, as a stretch. They may be on Youtube, so there is no cash output. Sorry to hear about your heel. Bites when something takes you out of full commission.
Thanks ladies, I will check it out!
Justine, I think I'm even going to avoid planking -- just total foot rest. Maybe I'm taking it a step too far, but if it helps me get better, then OK.
So maybe handstand pushups instead of divebombers?
Maybe I'll just do a million biceps curls and charge admission to the guns show. ;)
Justine, I don't see a link to the article in your post above... sorry if I'm missing it!
Speaking of bench press, I've heard people say it's a very specific skill, and I'm realizing they're right! I haven't done any BP in my current program, and I did some as part of a circuit today (just playing around with UB stuff that doesn't involve bearing weight on my feet), and boy, my numbers went down! I think part of it was that I wasn't driving my feet in. Also, I hadn't eaten and probably should have. But still... woah.
Two cues that really helped, though, were 'crush the bar' (with grip) and 'pull the bar down to your chest'. Big difference when I worked with those.
Sorry Roz- I'm in the middle of nowhere, on my phone, with rubbish internet! I can't seem to pay the link, but it's a t-nation article from the last week or so. It basically said to push your body back with your feet, rather than up.
Hope everyone's ok. 4 days compulsory rest for me due to work. I'm not enjoying it!
Thanks, Justine -- I will check it out!
OK, I gotta brag today, so bear with me.
Biofeedback for the win! I decided to try out deadlifts today (despite my foot pain, which seems to have mostly subsided). In addition to testing conventional, sumo, and Jeffersons, I also tested micro-variations and a narrower-than-hip stance tested great today. So I went with that and decided that a low volume would be wise on my foot (the actual loading doesn't seem to cause a problem). I DID buy larger (50#) BB plates, so I'm now pulling from a more standard height, whereas before I was pulling from a ~4 in deficit. With the help of my new plates, I PR'd my deadlift by 20#! That's 265 -- 15# away from double bodyweight. I will get there -- eventually.
I pulled some triples, worked up to heavy singles, then backed down to triples again.
Then pullups, then a superset of Kroc rows and standing resistance band crunches.
Felt so good to get back to it!
Thanks, Justine -- I will check it out!
OK, I gotta brag today, so bear with me.
Biofeedback for the win! I decided to try out deadlifts today (despite my foot pain, which seems to have mostly subsided). In addition to testing conventional, sumo, and Jeffersons, I also tested micro-variations and a narrower-than-hip stance tested great today. So I went with that and decided that a low volume would be wise on my foot (the actual loading doesn't seem to cause a problem). I DID buy larger (50#) BB plates, so I'm now pulling from a more standard height, whereas before I was pulling from a ~4 in deficit. With the help of my new plates, I PR'd my deadlift by 20#! That's 265 -- 15# away from double bodyweight. I will get there -- eventually.
I pulled some triples, worked up to heavy singles, then backed down to triples again.
Then pullups, then a superset of Kroc rows and standing resistance band crunches.
Felt so good to get back to it!

Way to go Roz. Nice job. You definitely will get there!!
Thanks, Justine -- I will check it out!
OK, I gotta brag today, so bear with me.
Biofeedback for the win! I decided to try out deadlifts today (despite my foot pain, which seems to have mostly subsided). In addition to testing conventional, sumo, and Jeffersons, I also tested micro-variations and a narrower-than-hip stance tested great today. So I went with that and decided that a low volume would be wise on my foot (the actual loading doesn't seem to cause a problem). I DID buy larger (50#) BB plates, so I'm now pulling from a more standard height, whereas before I was pulling from a ~4 in deficit. With the help of my new plates, I PR'd my deadlift by 20#! That's 265 -- 15# away from double bodyweight. I will get there -- eventually.
I pulled some triples, worked up to heavy singles, then backed down to triples again.
Then pullups, then a superset of Kroc rows and standing resistance band crunches.
Felt so good to get back to it! are a little powerhouse..congrats on Some great deads!!! Nia better watch her back! I took the week COMPLETELY off...not bragging, in fact serious guilt issues!! Will try to get back at it Mon but I'm really afraid the weights will suffer. I skipped a lot of meals and I'm sure dropped some pounds but gained a BEAUTIFUL new grandson so well worth it!!!!
Karen. My side is 0 for 9 on girls!! I'm pulling for son #1... He's my only hope. He is 37 and his wife needs hip surgery prior to pregnancy but fingers crossed!! Thanks!!!

One of my daughters-in-law, is having girl number three for them in December. My other daughter-in-law, is having boy number two for them, in January. I love being a Grandma, spoil the grandkids rotten, then give them back to Mom and Dad to deal with. I know, I'm terrible. Oh, but they love me!! LOL.

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