Nia Shanks

One of my daughters-in-law, is having girl number three for them in December. My other daughter-in-law, is having boy number two for them, in January. I love being a Grandma, spoil the grandkids rotten, then give them back to Mom and Dad to deal with. I know, I'm terrible. Oh, but they love me!! LOL.
Luv doing the same Karen, and son #2 REALLY deserves it ( daughter in law..not so much!!) Price he pays for headaches caused parents!! Karma!!
Luv doing the same Karen, and son #2 REALLY deserves it ( daughter in law..not so much!!) Price he pays for headaches caused parents!! Karma!!

Oh, yes!!! How many times did my Mother say to me, "I hope you have a daughter just like you!" Then she would just smile and wink at my dad, and he would look at me and say, "sometimes paybacks can be , then he would stop for a minute thinking, and finally say with a big grin, "paybacks."
Oh, yes!!! How many times did my Mother say to me, "I hope you have a daughter just like you!" Then she would just smile and wink at my dad, and he would look at me and say, "sometimes paybacks can be , then he would stop for a minute thinking, and finally say with a big grin, "paybacks."
My wife cursed son#1 with 5 daughters and he just smiled at her. He had been complaining about some girls on the high school basketball team as they felt competitive record wise with his team. We are still waiting for that curse to "activate"lol
Roz, I've been thinking about your fab deadlift. Do you mind me asking what # you were lifting before nia? I'm really wanting to know what sort of improvement you saw doing nia's program compared to gsf2. I'm frustrated at my dl, as I seem to be stuck (100kg, wondering if it's a psychological thing!) I'm about to do a bit of conditioning/ light weight work, and then start gsf2. I've decided to set a few goals, strength-wise, and I'm keen to be ambitious, but realistic. A fine line, I fear.
Hi Justine,
Of course. I understand -- I'm going through the same thing with my back squat. Feels like it won't budge.
Before you start GSF2, I suggest you set up an account on (you get a free year with LWF2 purchase, so search you email for adaptifier and you'll find a code). That way, you see your volume and density PRs, not just your intensity. So you see things move, even when it feels like your max isn't budging.
You'll note that my progress has been decidedly non-linear.

Here's my DL progress. A couple notes:
a) my sumos and conventional DLs tend to be able the same, weight-wise
b) at the beginning, I was still getting a hang of weight selection and proper form, so weight went up quickly (largely due to things other than strength gain)
c) my recent PRs have been lone heavy singles, not my working weight. My working weights are always significantly lower.

Nia K.I.S.S.
Phase 1 sumo 2x3 from 170# to 195#
Phase 2 conventional 2x3 210# to 220#I

Nia Simple Strength 2 (all DLs conventional)
Phase 1 2x5 started at 195 but at the end backed down to 155 to focus on form
Phase 2 3x3 175 to 210
Phase 3 5x2 215 to 235

This is really hard to say, as I've done sumos, conventional, and Jefferson DLs, generally at lower working weights, sometimes for huge volume PRs (but not crazy heavy). Basically variety here is key -- but biofeedback-driven variety. I maxed once at 245# during phase 1, then maxed once at 265# during phase 3, but my plates were ~4# higher (though I was pulling in running shoes with orthopedic inserts, instead of bare feet, LOL). I realize that's kinda apples and oranges.

Does that answer your question?
I dunno, I'm a little wary of setting time-limited intensity goals... because your body will adapt as fast as it adapts, and then if you 'miss' your goal, you feel like you failed, even though you were killing it all along.
My two cents, no intention to offend or direct, just a thought.

Karen... any thoughts on progressing squat weights?! ;)
Roz, thank you for that detail - just the sort of info I was after. I understand what you say about not setting time-limited goals, it's definitely something I need to consider before I start GSF2. My real reason for goal setting is that I think I've got a block about lifting over 100kg, otherwise it's a really weird, freaky coincidence that it's EXACTLY 100kg that I can lift (I wonder if I'd be stuck on 200lb, if I had Imperial weights???), so I've decided to fight psychology with psychology. When I started Nia's double Progression, I was DLing 80kg, but I started week 1 at 75kg (sumo). I've made it to 92kg for reps, and feel comfortable at that, but have managed to lift 100kg just a couple of times. Now, my squat got stuck at 70kg (it was depth that was an issue), so I dropped back and worked higher volume and depth at 60 / 65kg, and now I'm squatting over 80kg (but not AtoG, only just below parallel). I guess, since messing around with volume and weights worked for squats, I should have bothered to do it for DLs. Not so sure why I haven't!

I want to try adaptifier, but I can't find the e-mail with the code. I'll contact Jen or Dave. After hearing your GSF2 progress, I'm getting very excited to try it. Perhaps I'll start a little sooner than planned......

Karen - yes, tell us your squat secret. Please! I fear mine issue might even be core strength, as I sort of crumple at the bottom.

Tom - what's the name of your new grandson?
I'm sitting on the couch trying to get psyched to go to the dungeon and reading your posts. You ladies really help with motivation...Karen squats a car..Roz deadllifts a house and Justine does a gillion pullups,deadlifts a mini cooper (Bloody appropriate!!) and feels like a underachiever??? I'm a guy, but I gotta get my a$$ to the basement to try to keep up!! On a more serious note, I am really impressed with your scientific approach to strength training and I am trying to learn from all of you! I am amazed that each of us has different abilities and strengths and excell at some things yet struggle with others Justine, my new grandsons name is Weston and he is SO cute ( the preceding statement was solely the opinion of a VERY proud grandpa) Thanks to you guys making me feel that my gender is being challenged, I will now go do "iron therapy" and see the damage done by doing a deload week followed by a zero week!!
Tom, well said! I bet you'll have a great session after a week of babybell training. And I love the name!

Justine, I get the 'mental block' thing. I think that's where I am with my back squat. I can't seem to get past 155 as a working weight. I've squatted 170, but -- I don't know -- maybe it's a confidence thing? I don't mean that in the 'poor self-esteem' sense, but I feel OK pushing for a deadlift PR, but on squats, I'm just way more tentative.

Maybe take a week for conditioning, and fit a high-volume deadlift day or two in there (a la 'The Dellanave in LWF2). And just keep the weight really doable for it. Just an idea. (Maybe I'm just in the 'toddler misdirection' mindset, but I seem to think that shifting focus on something else is a good way to get over the hump.)
I should heed this advice on squats, but with my foot I'm keeping the volume light for now.

Today I did front squats. I'm more confident using the two-finger front rack position now, which is great. None of the lunge or core exercises tested well, so I ended up doing a superset of cossack squats (staying low between reps, not coming up to stand, to minimize impact) and leg raises on the power tower. Finally a straight set of hamstring curls with the sliding discs.
Finished with Delt Domination (can't get enough of this one) using 15# DBs, which is the heaviest I've gone. LOTS of resting. But a definite 'PR' for this circuit.
Bingo! Found the adaptifier code.

Weston - that's a cool name. (Never heard of it before - but that could be a UK/US thing?) I bet he IS a real cutie. I've had 4 days off in the middle of my de-load, and today I felt like I was pushing a rusty old cycle up a hill - my body was creaking, I swear.

Roz - 15lb all the way through Delt Dom? I used 8kg, but dropped to 6kg for the overhead pressing moves, and made a note that I'd fried my shoulders!

I have a sort-of plan now: light weights / metabolic / lots of cardio and some ROM work until next Monday (and trying to shed a few lbs of fat following a bit of a muddled week!), then GSF2, with the intention of nailing form and really improving my strength. I may even have a rethink on nutrition, and be a little stricter with myself.

Is it worth moving this discussion to the check-ins forum???
Progressing on squats. Well, you are doing such great work on Dlifts. I would just recommend doing the same thing with squats. I believe that it would work just as well, and you're killing the deadlifts. You've got a great rhythm going there, keep it up!! Great job!

Justine, don't let a mental block get to you. Everyone gets a mental block at some point. Just try increasing with the tiniest increments. You'll get it! I promise you that!

Tom, I live next door to an adorable little boy. His name is Weston! I guess only adorable boys can be named Weston! Goes without saying, right? Now get off the couch, go downstairs, and lift a house.
Well I tried the house Karen, but it landed on me so I removed a bedroom or two..ugh! Had to drop 10# on bench, but was still bodyweight +5. I finished with 135x12. With a deload and off week together,I really suffered! I didn't look at my program so I did 4x8 on inverts and 4x12 on suspended pushups...I well, can't hurt!! I did 2x10 on curls at same weight but failed at third and dropped 5# for last set. REALLY a pretty lousy day but not every day is a good day..right?? Adding a deload and off week wasn't good but just a "bump in the road"
Justine, sure, we can move to the check-ins. (OK by me, at least.) Everyone grab your barbells, let's do some heavy carries!

Karen, glad you're enjoying IF. I always loved it when I ate that way. At this point in my life, it messes with my hormones. (Uh, I guess it did then, too, but I didn't worry about it.) But I need to get better at letting myself get truly hungry before having a meal. If I'm at home during the day, it's too easy to practice intermittent feasting.

That's awesome, Tom! Geez. I know dropping in weight can be annoying, but you're killing it.
Today was UB GSF2. One arm push press, suspension trainer inverted rows and face pulls, and Russian twists and band pull-aparts. Then did The Primal Countdown from LWF2. Awesome and mean. Used a 75# BB and subbed rollouts for bear crawls. Biofeedback's a b#&ch when barbell thrusters are the best-testing movement of the day.
I did workout inspired by you guys! Well amost...I did the Dellanavich, and I was going to do a HoCo.....but just couldn't face it!
For the Dellanavich I did 12 mins of light weight and fast reps, then 10 mins with a heavier BB, and finally 8 mins a bit heavier still (only 60kg, so I'm not talking 'properly' heavy). I increased the difficulty of the pull ups each time, too - starting with chins, then neutral grip then 'proper' pull ups for the final 8 mins. Interestingly, when I calculated my density it was highest for the heavies, even though I was going much slower, and resting more. It worked out at 60 pull ups, so no wonder I was spent.

Anyway, I just couldn't face HoCo. Maybe tomorrow?

Tom - I think pressing more than BW is awesome - I'm nowhere near. Yet another target I now have!!
I did workout inspired by you guys! Well amost...I did the Dellanavich, and I was going to do a HoCo.....but just couldn't face it!
For the Dellanavich I did 12 mins of light weight and fast reps, then 10 mins with a heavier BB, and finally 8 mins a bit heavier still (only 60kg, so I'm not talking 'properly' heavy). I increased the difficulty of the pull ups each time, too - starting with chins, then neutral grip then 'proper' pull ups for the final 8 mins. Interestingly, when I calculated my density it was highest for the heavies, even though I was going much slower, and resting more. It worked out at 60 pull ups, so no wonder I was spent.

Anyway, I just couldn't face HoCo. Maybe tomorrow?

Tom - I think pressing more than BW is awesome - I'm nowhere near. Yet another target I now have!!

Now, If you can do all that; you can do Ho Co. Yes, you can!
I did workout inspired by you guys! Well amost...I did the Dellanavich, and I was going to do a HoCo.....but just couldn't face it!
For the Dellanavich I did 12 mins of light weight and fast reps, then 10 mins with a heavier BB, and finally 8 mins a bit heavier still (only 60kg, so I'm not talking 'properly' heavy). I increased the difficulty of the pull ups each time, too - starting with chins, then neutral grip then 'proper' pull ups for the final 8 mins. Interestingly, when I calculated my density it was highest for the heavies, even though I was going much slower, and resting more. It worked out at 60 pull ups, so no wonder I was spent.

Anyway, I just couldn't face HoCo. Maybe tomorrow?

Tom - I think pressing more than BW is awesome - I'm nowhere near. Yet another target I now have!!
Justine I said a gillion pullups, that doesn't mean you need to do them!! Wow..really impressive!!! Hats off!

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