Nia Shanks

Today was leg day..Nia style. Didn't add weight to 3x3 but added10# to the 1x8 and added another set of 1x8 at that weight. Did add 5 to reverse lunges..I only do sets of 6 or 7 on these ( I know, acute weenieism)!! After the 5 sets of hanging knee raises I added 3 sets of weighted single calf raises, 3 sets of curls and 2 sets of pushups Now for a weekend of yeah!! Going to St. Louis to " dog watch" while son 1 and wife go on a float trip, well guess they will get what they pay for haha. They have a pool so I guess I will HYDRATE!! Have a great weekend everyone!

I found her via GGS - signed up for e-mails and got WODs sent through. I've done a few of them - similar to LWF, but some new (to me) moves. Anything to keep mixing it up!

Today I did Delt Domination (<20 DB) after my Nia w/o. It's supposed to be beginner, but it FRIED my shoulders.

Tom - I only ever do low reps for rear lunges. Having to do both sides makes them seem like they go on forever. Enjoy dog-sitting (when asked, my parents say they have 3 grandchildren and 6 granddogs!!), and relaxxxxx in that pool.
It's a long weekend here in the UK (Monday is a national holiday), so I'll be, er overconsuming (wine and food ;) )

I found her via GGS - signed up for e-mails and got WODs sent through. I've done a few of them - similar to LWF, but some new (to me) moves. Anything to keep mixing it up!

Today I did Delt Domination (<20 DB) after my Nia w/o. It's supposed to be beginner, but it FRIED my shoulders.

Tom - I only ever do low reps for rear lunges. Having to do both sides makes them seem like they go on forever. Enjoy dog-sitting (when asked, my parents say they have 3 grandchildren and 6 granddogs!!), and relaxxxxx in that pool.
It's a long weekend here in the UK (Monday is a national holiday), so I'll be, er overconsuming (wine and food ;) )

Thank you so much. Have fun with your holiday!! Have fun with the dogs, Tom. I'm taking the next two weeks off work. I'm so ready.
Karen - just as I've the busiest work week coming up......4 days of selling, about 16 hour days. Urggh. On the plus side, I only do it four times a year!

Enjoy your free time and don't work(out) too hard!
Wow, so much excitement! All enjoy your R&R!
Justine, I LOVE Delt Domination. I did some of it today (minus the pushup combo, as my feet are bugging me in plank). It's one of my go-to LWFs (probably because I have it memorized, and it's a good 'beach work' finisher -- also, if it gets me a hair closer to Jill Coleman's shoulders, sign me up!). BTW, I really like Jill Coleman's stuff. Mindset and nutrition -- great stuff, very sane.
Re: LWF2 'levels', I think once you get to the weighted exercises, the level refers mostly to how difficult to perform the moves are. Like, the Olympic lifts are mostly in advanced circuits. I did a 'beginner' LWF2 that was a descending ladder of BB back squats and hand-release pushups -- nothing easy about that, provided you select a challenging weight.
Just started GSF2 Phase 2 this week -- it includes strength work but definitely has a greater emphasis on mobility, stability, and conditioning than the first phase. Very different, a fun change! I'm not doing a 'cut', but this would be a sensible phase to use as a cutting phase, if one wanted to. Also, I'm going to have a little more wind left in me for circuits on off-days, whereas I really needed all my recovery during phase 1.
Today was day 1 week 3 of phase 2. I didn't raise any weights today, but did 5x10 on suspended pushups instead of 5x8 and did several extra sets of bench. After the 1x8, dropped 20# and did a set of 8 then dropped 30# and did a set of 12. I did finish all 5 sets of 8 on curls that I only did 6 on last 2 sets last week...last 2 were NOT pretty, form did suffer, but they were completed! I watched several deadlift videos and am eager to put new found knowledge to action tomorrow.
Hope you all had relaxing weekends!
Congrats on the improvements, Tom.
I'm missing the big moves of Phase 1 of GSF2. I feel I'd like Phase 2 more if I had a few KBs, but maybe that's just wishful thinking.
Or maybe it's just Monday ennui.
Karen, any big plans for your 2 weeks off?
Hope you all had relaxing weekends!
Congrats on the improvements, Tom.
I'm missing the big moves of Phase 1 of GSF2. I feel I'd like Phase 2 more if I had a few KBs, but maybe that's just wishful thinking.
Or maybe it's just Monday ennui.
Karen, any big plans for your 2 weeks off?

Well, DH and I, were thinking about taking a road trip to visit the kids. But, we needed and wanted relaxation. Road tripping is fun, but not all that relaxing. (sometimes) So, I think we're just going to kick back, be one with nature. (hike the mountains) Workout, pig out and relax.
Today was deadlift day with SS2. Did bump up both 3x3 1nd 1x8 10# but only did 1x7, felt like I was asking for trouble if I did the last rep. I had watched videos on technique last weekend, but that seems to go to h%!! when I load the bar!! Still feels like I am using mostly lower back. I think I may do some Romanians to help technique and strengthen hamies.
Tom - it sounds like you're really building strength - increasing every time. I know what you mean about form going when the bar get heavy. Sometimes I think you have to sacrifice just a bit of form, lift heavy, and then when you drop your weight the form comes back (does that make sense?)

Karen - I hope you and DH have a fab time. Hike, pigout, workout, chillout. My kind of time off!

Roz - I see what you mean about phase 2 of GSF. It seems a bit more conditioning work, or maybe power moves. Interested to hear what you think a few weeks in.

I'm on my penultimate BBA week. I doubt I'll make my DL target :( Squats are coming along well. I suspect my pulls ups are stronger as well, but I think I've put on quite a bit of weight suddenly, so the numbers aren't moving! That's my excuse!!

I've been finding it hard to do dvds lately. Much prefer paper. I can't believe it! I never thought that would happen. Quite like the rest-based concept, of resting when I want to, and pushing when I can.
Karen, sounds like a great plan for a couple weeks for R&R! Enjoy!!

Justine, hope your crazy busy week leaves you some time to breathe (and lift and walk)!

Tom, I've heard some people say that it's unwise to program 'high rep' (i.e., over ~5, LOL) deadlifts, as form can just break down too easily. I'm not saying this is true or gospel, but it's interesting to consider. I'm starting to be irreverent and I'll change something in a program if it doesn't feel right to me. Because, this is something I'm doing for ME, right?! So if 1x8 feels bad, maybe do 1x8 of 18" rack pulls (set the pins on your squat rack/stands ~ knee height and just start and end each rep there [and don't go any lower]) or just do 3x3 and 1x5-6 for your DLs! I mean, only if you want. It really is hard to keep good form after a certain point when you're deadlifting heavy, I agree.

I cured my met con woes by deadlifting till the cows came home yesterday -- The Dellanavich (LWF2), AMRAP DLs and pullups. Second time doing that one -- love it!
I did another GSF2 workout today -- met con with a pressing emphasis. Realizing I just need to do as many sets of these exercises as I care to before I get bored, and not just dutifully do endless sets of push presses because it's still testing fine. Because I do enjoy these movements, too.
Karen, sounds like a great plan for a couple weeks for R&R! Enjoy!!

Justine, hope your crazy busy week leaves you some time to breathe (and lift and walk)!

Tom, I've heard some people say that it's unwise to program 'high rep' (i.e., over ~5, LOL) deadlifts, as form can just break down too easily. I'm not saying this is true or gospel, but it's interesting to consider. I'm starting to be irreverent and I'll change something in a program if it doesn't feel right to me. Because, this is something I'm doing for ME, right?! So if 1x8 feels bad, maybe do 1x8 of 18" rack pulls (set the pins on your squat rack/stands ~ knee height and just start and end each rep there [and don't go any lower]) or just do 3x3 and 1x5-6 for your DLs! I mean, only if you want. It really is hard to keep good form after a certain point when you're deadlifting heavy, I agree.

I cured my met con woes by deadlifting till the cows came home yesterday -- The Dellanavich (LWF2), AMRAP DLs and pullups. Second time doing that one -- love it!
I did another GSF2 workout today -- met con with a pressing emphasis. Realizing I just need to do as many sets of these exercises as I care to before I get bored, and not just dutifully do endless sets of push presses because it's still testing fine. Because I do enjoy these movements, too.

Way to go Roz, you're kicking it!!
On todays workout I was able to bump up the ohp another 5# but only did 2 sets. I dropped 10# and did 1x4 1x3 (this was a previous max set 2-3 weeks ago and dropped another 10# and did 1x8. the ez curl bar REALLY takes the pressure of shoulders! I have been dealing with a nagging bicep tendon soreness, especially the left for a few weeks and cleaning the ez curl bar to position doesn't help. but the toughest on it is the inverts!! Those things are terrible for some reason.not sure why because curls don't really seem to be a problem. I think the pronated grip because I cant do overhand pullups either. Chins kinda sucked today but I was pampering the bi's a little, call me old and cautious!!
You're all doing so well. Tom, every time you post your weights are up 10# on some move or other. Amazing! I have a dodgy left elbow, and the EZ curl helps with that. I also have to have a really wide grip for back squats etc.

Karen - there are a few Cathe Live in the workout queue for me! Some recent ones have sounded just my thing.

Roz - I love the way you mix and match and know what to do. You're great at making things work for you. I've learnt a lot from your example.

Hectic 15+ hour work days for me (but only temporarily). It only happens 4x per year (my retirement gig, as Tom puts it), so I'm not complaining. Managed to get in 1 lifting session and one cardio leg session, but someone else is having to walk my dogs :( I miss my routine!

You lot keep me inspired and sane!
Justine. I hope you are able to get some rest. That kind Of schedule is brutal!! I did add 10# to squats 3x3,I hope I am going deep enough,should probably video and check. I also added 5# to reverse lunges, but still stuck on 6_7 rep range. I saw an interesting web site exrx ( sorry I have no idea how to share cause I'm a tech moron) and it posts fitness tests. One was a YMCA bench press test, with men using 80# and women 35#. You ladies would Crush this thing!! You enter age and reps then hit calculate and I guarantee you will all be off the charts!! Seems like ridiculous weights to use and seems more endurance than strength but still kinda fun!! You guys should probably use the 80# lol!! ( But don't so we guys don't feel bad! )
You're all doing so well. Tom, every time you post your weights are up 10# on some move or other. Amazing! I have a dodgy left elbow, and the EZ curl helps with that. I also have to have a really wide grip for back squats etc.

Karen - there are a few Cathe Live in the workout queue for me! Some recent ones have sounded just my thing.

Roz - I love the way you mix and match and know what to do. You're great at making things work for you. I've learnt a lot from your example.

Hectic 15+ hour work days for me (but only temporarily). It only happens 4x per year (my retirement gig, as Tom puts it), so I'm not complaining. Managed to get in 1 lifting session and one cardio leg session, but someone else is having to walk my dogs :( I miss my routine!

You lot keep me inspired and sane!

I agree Roz, will you be my personal trainer. I need all the help I can get these days.

Tom, you're killing me here. Ten lbs. every workout. Good job!!

Hang in there Justine, this will all be over soon. You will be back to walking your dogs, and lifting. I also have a dodgy elbow, mine is my right. I think it's an old tendonitis injury, from my firefighter days. Coupling and uncoupling those big brass hose ends.

Have a great weekend everyone!!

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