Nia Shanks

I will. I'm going to do 21 Day Fix. I need to shake things up a little, and get my eating under control. I let myself just totally fall off the eating wagon since my mission trip to South Africa in June/July and I need to get back on top of things.

I think once I get done with 21 Day Fix, I'm going to go through my paper workouts and find one I can do at home, or modify for what I have at home, and hit weights hard.
rhbrand, what are your equipment constraints?
Also -- and this is just me -- I've been finding that cardio (over 20 mins or so) makes me so ravenous. It's easier for me to NOT eat everything in sight when I'm doing heavy lifting and a smattering of HiiT (with long walks in there, too).

Justine, I'm really glad I have the variety of LWF1 (and it's also an outstanding program), but I'd say wait until you get a deal. As you noted, there's still a lot to play with and discover in LWF2. I got a flash sale on GSF1 after completing the biofeedback e-course and added on LWF1.
I agree with Roz about the longer workouts and hunger. Not just longer cardio, but longer weight sessions have that effect on me too (I'm always quite a bit bigger after a round of STS - I'm convinced it's the length).

I know I really don't need LWF1 or GSF1, but.....
Today started week 6 of SS2 Was able to up bench another 5# and upped curls 5#.that's a 10# increase on curls in the past 2 weeks. I went 8x8x8x6x6. Still down from sts, but gaining! I've been thinking about a second retirement gig and decided to sell fitness programs!!! Should be lucrative with you guys around!!
10# increase on curls is impressive. (That would be a massive % increase for me.) How far are you off your PB?
Now don't you go selling fitness programmes - I can't afford it! (I would ask for a demo of the workouts first, though ;) )
10# increase on curls is impressive. (That would be a massive % increase for me.) How far are you off your PB?
Now don't you go selling fitness programmes - I can't afford it! (I would ask for a demo of the workouts first, though ;) )
Hi Justine I was using 20# more with sts but everything was supersetted allowing more rest and 4 sets instead of 5. I was stuck on the same weight during phase 1 and decided to really push it and try to grow the "guns " back!! My arms are smaller but my bodyweight is down 15#. However I probably have more definition now ( gotta be some pluses to older thin skin!!!) I think sets of 8 work much better for me than sets of 10, I am able to handle more weight even though there are more sets,5 instead of 4. I fell a couple short on the last 2 sets but didn't break form and left room for improvement before "bumping up" the weight again.
Today was deadlift day week 6 of simple strength 2. I was able to raise deadlifts another 10# and feel I am approaching "barely respectable"!! I cannot get into position on glute bridges..stupid bar wont go over me!! I have places that don't like it!! I tried to put it up on plates but it rolls off...don't seem to have room for padding and it sure as he@# doesn't work without it! When I finally got it there I just stayed there and did all 5 sets and did by 10 instead of 8. Any recommendations gladly accepted! I did the 3x3 as sumo's and the 1x8 as regular deadlifts. I used the weight I used on the last 8 rep set of deadlifts as my weight on the glute bridges...does this sound about right? I have been doing that for convenience, but don't know if that is adequate. I have been raising that 10# everyworkout as well. Happy lifting all!
Still doing Mark Lauren's Mobility Rx. All those muscles deep inside are still getting sore. I'm pretty sure it won't be long until I'm dancing like Michael Jackson. (before he died, of course);)
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Tom- I think your curls sound super-impressive! AND you've managed 20# more in the past. WOW. Mine are pathetic.
As for glute bridges - do you have a step? I nestle my BB on the risers. I have also made myself a couple of 'risers' from wood, so I can use them for deadlifts - not so sure the plastic risers will take me dropping a heavy BB on them. My wooden blocks are just 1ft x1ft and about 4" high, with beading along two opposite sides to stop the BB rolling off. They seem to work, and they get my BB to a good height for DLs (ie the bar about 9" from the floor). You could do something similar with thicker bits of wood???? Otherwise, how about a lighter BB and a band? Nia had a demo video showing her using a band.

Karen - I rather like Mobility Rx. Different to anything else I have, and some of the moves HURT (in a good way). It certainly shows up my tight areas.

Week 2 of the final phase for me today. I pushed the DLs a bit, so I can hit my target before I finish the rotation - but my chin-ups suffered. Oh well, I can't have it all.
Justine, that's smart to create your own wooden risers for DLs. I recently realized I've been pulling from a 4" deficit (due to smallish plates), and just got larger-circumference plates, so am excited to DL with those later this week. Supposed to do rack pulls this week, but may have to do some conventional deadlifts, too...
What's your DL target, if you don't mind my asking? Is it a % of body weight or a poundage improvement over the course of the program or a nice round number?

Karen, is Mobility Rx a paper program?

Tom, I used the same BB weight for the higher-rep set of DLs as I did for glute bridges. It always seemed about right.
A 4" deficit is tough! I immediately increased my DL by 10# by getting the bar at a better height. Sometimes when a new weight feels just a bit too much, I raise the bar for the first set. I've got to 200lb (3x5) but I'm aiming for 100kg. I should be able to pull that in the next couple of weeks. I know it's not a super-impressive DL (those girls pulling over 300lb....), but 200lb is probably about 1.5x body weight, and 100kg is a nice round number. Hopefully I'll manage a few reps (3x3?)

Mobility Rx is a dvd - 3 workouts of about 30mins. Good mobility prep for lifting. (Sorry to butt in Karen!)
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Justine. Great idea on the risers..don't have any but may try to figure something out. I do have a low notch on my squat rack but I think is too high for glute bridges. If I can get a couple of inches it would really help. Thanks!! Roz Thanks for confirmation on appropriate tonage!! (wishful thinking)
Today was a day 3 workout for simple strength 2 and that means OHP and chins. Justine, I took your advice and used an EZ curl bar for ohp and the difference was night and day! I was able to use 10# more than last week for the 3x3 and did 2 sets of 1x8 adding 5# Last week I tried the weight I used today and got 1 UGLY rep, was just to painful on shoulder, but the ez curl bar REALLY made a difference...THANKS. On chins I managed only 8x8x8x5x4 and alternated diamond and close grip pushups, doing sets of 10-15. Last week I was really bummed on ohp but feel much better after this morning. Off to another day of Orange is the new Black...sort of!!
Off to another day of Orange is the new Black...sort of!!

Orange is the New Black, cracks me up. Bizarre, frightening and funny at the same time. Glad I never spent time in the slammer. But, then again, if I had to defend myself every day, I would become very strong. Like the guy that wrote "Convict Conditioning." Which is a great body weight conditioning book, by the way.
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Tom - great news on the OHP. It's a horrid feeling when a weight just won't budge. And what do you mean 'only' on those chin ups? That's great. It's a whole other kettle of fish doing chin ups after some heavy OHPs.

Convict conditioning, eh? Of course I'm going off to check it out!

I did a couple of Julia Ladewski workouts today (just free ones she sent out - no video). Fried my legs.
Karen. Convict conditioning...that's great!!! May need to look at that one! May come in handy for my part time gig haha! Justine you're right about not budging, I was depressed all week...better now..iron antidepressants!!
Tom - great news on the OHP. It's a horrid feeling when a weight just won't budge. And what do you mean 'only' on those chin ups? That's great. It's a whole other kettle of fish doing chin ups after some heavy OHPs.

Convict conditioning, eh? Of course I'm going off to check it out!

I did a couple of Julia Ladewski workouts today (just free ones she sent out - no video). Fried my legs.

Ok, now I need to know. "Who is Julia Ladewski?" Where can I check her work?

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