Nia Shanks

Today being deload week phase 1 I decided to max out on neutral grip chin ups. I have 2 days off before next chin ups so I hit the Prison pull up bar. I felt I had to represent the guys with Justine and Karen and Roz ripp ing them of!! I was able to get 16 (no kickin but the last one was SLOW and not pretty! My all-time PR is 17, done about 3 years ago at 205#. Today I weighed after and was 175#. Still I was happy with it and want to maintain strength even if weight loss is inevitable. Now if I can figure out deadlifts!!!lol

Oh yes! You win hands down (or up?)
Oh yes! You win hands down (or up?)
This DEFINITELY was not an everyday thing, and was the most I've done for several years! I think Nia making me do 4 sets back to back really helped, but I still can't do 4x10 without major help!! If I tried to do the stuff you do I would need the "911 bus"!! I so impressed with the workouts you ladies do and only wish I could keep up!
I'm about to start a deload - great chance to play around with my pull ups (I think a few bottom-half reps for me - my weak point).
I'll also be getting my squat as deep as poss, and trying clapping push-ups from a lower height (4 risers at the moment). Oh, and getting my DL a bit more explosive. So more of a technique week than a deload.

And Jen Sinkler described her upcoming powerlifting package as a program - so hopefully a reasonably-priced paper one. I'll be getting it!
Deload / technique week - what do you lot do with the other (non-lifting) workouts in your week? Keep them the same, back off, or go for the kill? I'm tempted to up the cardio and conditioning......

Justine, for me, it depends on my mood, and how much energy I have. If you're "tempted" go for it!! Sometimes, I would work on one body part (butt) and do all butt exercises. Hip thrusts, donkey kicks, bridges, that kind of work, then a finisher.Then again, there were times it was a 20 minute tabata. Whatever you are feeling. It's all going to be good.
I ended up glad for deload week! Slackerism legitimized!! Yesterday when doing pull ups I decided to do overhand wide grips and really felt it strained my left bicep tendon and that ended that. I always have that problem with overhand pull ups and therefore seldom do them. As the week went on I was really glad for a lighter week, even though initially I didn't think I needed it. Now to gear up for phase 2
I ended up glad for deload week! Slackerism legitimized!! Yesterday when doing pull ups I decided to do overhand wide grips and really felt it strained my left bicep tendon and that ended that. I always have that problem with overhand pull ups and therefore seldom do them. As the week went on I was really glad for a lighter week, even though initially I didn't think I needed it. Now to gear up for phase 2

I certainly find neutral grip more comfortable - and when I go overhand, I don't go as wide as you see many people go. Perhaps that why I can do them? I cheat???

If you were glad for a deload week, then you must have earned it. Is phase 2 much different from phase 1 for you? (I'm doing a different rotation - flipping between splits and total body, so each phase feels really fresh.)
I certainly find neutral grip more comfortable - and when I go overhand, I don't go as wide as you see many people go. Perhaps that why I can do them? I cheat???

If you were glad for a deload week, then you must have earned it. Is phase 2 much different from phase 1 for you? (I'm doing a different rotation - flipping between splits and total body, so each phase feels really fresh.)
It looks basically 3x3, instead of 2x5, so will be, hopefully able to go heavier!! Looks like more sets with fewer reps...I think I LIKEE!!!
I certainly find neutral grip more comfortable - and when I go overhand, I don't go as wide as you see many people go. Perhaps that why I can do them? I cheat???

If you were glad for a deload week, then you must have earned it. Is phase 2 much different from phase 1 for you? (I'm doing a different rotation - flipping between splits and total body, so each phase feels really fresh.)
Dat chin over dat bar 7_12 Times..."you da Girl" moving the grip ain't cheating!!!
Oh, I totally can't do the wide-grip pull-ups. Maybe I can do 1-2 but... nope. Not yet, at least.

T+J, how are your deloads going? Justine, I couldn't help but chuckle when I read your post about the deload. I'm thinking... in addition to 2+ hours of walking a day -- you're a machine, woman! :D

Karen, are you still trudging through HoCo on a weekly basis?

I've done front squats two weeks in a row -- I'm finally using the two finger front rack (as opposed to arms crossed). I need to built up wrist strength, but I find I can load the squat more heavily using two fingers -- I think since my elbows extend farther forward, my center of gravity changes -- does that make sense? Also, UNLIKE BB back squats, deep front squats are easier than front squatting to parallel for me, because putting on the brakes at parallel is just awkward, balance-wise. Is this true for anyone else?

Things have been busy busy busy here, but I'm still getting in my GSF2 workouts 3x week and adding some walking and a finisher here, a circuit there. Feeling good, loving GSF2. I STILL have DOMS, in my fourth week of the program!
I agree with you on front squats. Much easier to squat deep. The bar held in front, balances everything out for me. And yes, I am still trudging through HoCo, with some other stuff thrown in. Good to see you are enjoying GSF2. I think it is next on my list. Probably the first of October. (damn, we're almost through Summer)
Today was day 1 of phase 2 of Simple strength 2 I added 5 # to the 3x3 and 10# to the 1x8 on bench and 5 # to the curls 5x8. I really like 5x8 better than 4x10! I did reverse the order, doing inverts first and suspended push ups second, trying to give the bicep tendon a little rest before curls. Deload week was interesting Roz, but was fun with the lack of intensity and zero dread factor. Knowing the weights are light almost makes it "recreational" I "pansied" the bench a little thinking it wasn't a strong day due to a bad eating week (for me that is not enough intake) and assumed I would be weaker) Geeze!! I didn't have any problem with the weight despite my weight being down. The mind can be a real hindrance to gains, especially since at times I don't seem to even have one!!! Hope everyone is enjoying their quest!!
Roz - I'm another who can get lower with front squats. I'm still not anywhere near as heavy with front squats, though. I've not tried the 2 finger grip - I'm not so sure my hands are strong enough. I may give it a go and see what feedback I get. As for DOMS 4 weeks into GSF2 - wow. Are you noticing your weights going up? I'm so reluctant to leave BBA when I finish this double progression, and I want to do 6-3-9-3 - it's only 4 weeks. I may need persuading to start GSF2. Karen - I've a month of Double Progression left, then a couple of weeks of bodyweight stuff + metabolic (I want to be super ripped for my DD's 21st) - so I'll be starting my next programme early October as well.

Tom - great weight improvements. I hope you're managing to keep eating enough. My problem is that deep down I feel I've been 'good' if I haven't eaten too much, and 'bad' if I eat a tonne. I know that's wrong, but it's what been thrown at us from the media for years. Somehow I just can't do the 'I've just consumed a zillion calories in one go, that's awesome' thing.

Tomorrow I'm back to 3x full body per week. Longer workouts, but I'm looking forward to them. I'm supposed to revert to chin ups and only 3x3-5, then 1x10-12, so I'm going to have to do a harder variation for the first 3 sets! I never thought I'd be saying that.
Justine... I used to use my weight belt and a chain and clip to attach a plate,just a thought..never had a vest, but seems like it would work well. Nice problem to have..needing to make pullups HARDER!! I added 10# to deadlifts Tuesday. alternating sumo with normal. I have trouble getting under the bar on glute bridges. so yesterday I placed the bar on 10# plates on the ground and it helped me get under it. Scrawny as I'm getting,can't believe it's even a problem!!

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