New Video Poll

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Yes, will be great if we could have another cardio kickbox style video, plus core and ab exercises. Some of our knees aren't as strong to do the stepping.
hi cathe! :)

i would love to see another series of videos similar to CROSS TRAIN XPRESS. i loved the fact that the workouts were time efficient, and had cardio and all the weight workouts for various body parts. not having to think about what workouts to do, rather...just popping in the videos, and going! the 'no-brainer' approach...i really liked that! :) almost like a 'ready-to-go-rotation' of videos. (have i sold you on the idea yet? heehee :) )

thanks cathe!!!
Cathe , every video from U will always be very welcome but please, I need a new kickbox workout from U!
Imax 3, imax 4 imax 5 and so on ;-) also would be highly appreciated !
The Push and pull idea seems really great !!!!!
A BOSU workout not bad either....;-)
HUGS !!!!!!!!!!!!
ps : no update about the HIGH STEP ?????
Hi Cathe! I for one would LOVE to see you do a stability ball workout; say 45-60 min. in length. After seeing what you did on the Intensity Series this tape would really round it out for me. I'm not familiar w/push & pull but it sounds intense! These tapes sound wonderful!

Thanks for asking. Best, Kathy:D
Hi Cathe!

I would love to see another kickboxing tape with lots of drills and an intense plank and ab routine!
Also another circuit type bootcamp workout would be great! For some reason that workout always wipes me out! I love it!
Another idea would be another cardio and weights but with a little more intensity, as always please add some killer ab and plank routines. As a mother of 4 with a C-section, I've noticed I have to constantly work my abs everyday or gravity takes over!

Thank You for "listening"!
Hi Cathe!

i just wanted to add; on your stylized step could you please add an ab routine. I love you ab workouts and wish you would have them on all of your workouts!
Hi Cathe,

Would it be possible to do an extra-tough easy-to-follow hi/low or some other type of cardio other than step? Something with plyos and hi/low jogs, squat-thrust climbers and so on. And then add an extra-tough ab workout at the end maybe incorporating more stability ball/weight work?

Just a suggestion:)

I'm with the others who absolutely love Cardio & Weights. Since it focuses on step cardio and upper body, I would love to see a C&W tape (including the fun fun music) that utilizes hi/lo for the cardio and focuses on lower body. That would be great to alternate with Cardio and Weights or an upper body workout!

I also like the idea of having a hi/low workout, whether it be kickboxing or otherwise. You have so many step tapes out now that I think it would be refreshing to have a great hi/low tape. Keep in mind that many of us don't have a ton of space in our workout rooms! ;)

I would love to see a workout for pear-type women. I know you're an apple, but so many of use battle our bubble-butts and saddle bags, even when were a small size! I'd love to see a tape that could truly blast away at that area.

Thanks Cathe!

I would love another step video similar to rhythmic step.
Also would love another kickboxing video.

Thanks for giving us such great work outs always,
For the *Intro to Cathe* would you think about filming some of it *behind* you? I LOVE your weight training videos and your Kickboxing one (I vote for another kickboxing one to BTW)....but your step ones are so hard for me and many others. If I could watch it from behind you to see what moves you are doing I think I might catch on quicker. Or I saw once where a *picture in picture* thing was done in the lower portion of the screen that showed a view of the instructors feet from behind. It made it so much easier to catch onto the foot work. I hate being such a klutz. :)

You are so awesome. I love the ball workouts too...not so much the laying on the ball...but the lifting of it (The medicine balls), doing *sit ups* seem easier and more fun using the ball. I like the stability one in your last set too though.

Even if you do not decide to put the above type video in the Intro to Cathe...if you would consider doing a *beginners tape*...on the side, not in this set. With a basic step workout and basic weight workout...I think it will get you some new customers that are scared to death to try some of your stuff. I realize you can take just about any of your workouts and modify them for beginners...but some people (new to working out) do not know how to do this (in a safe way). You have a killer customer base now...but just as TheFIRM has realized...if you market to beginners they will one day be your advanced users!!!

Lover your stuff!!

Take care and thanks for asking for peoples input!
Wow,so many good ideas and requests to consider! I just want to add my vote for any heavy weight, gym style workout(Pure Strength II).

I also like the idea of a 20-20-20 cardio tape or even 15-15-15-any type of mixed cardio for variety and also the flexibility to do anywhere from 20 to 60 minutes of cardio. Like you said in CTX-lack of time is the number 1 excuse for not exercising!

The Cathe tape is a good idea to target NEW customers, but the problem with instruction tapes is that once you get the moves the tape is kind of useless. So, a separate section for instruction would be better or continue to encourage new exercisers to REWIND and keep on modifying until they get it!!

So, I vote for having a low-intermediate level tape of all the popular moves with slower breakdown of moves but one that can be used by experienced exercisers as a "light day" tape.

Hey, even the most advanced exercisers need "fun" and not "all out" exercise days !!:)

Thanks so much for listening to your customers-the secret to any business' success!
The tapes I would love to see are:

1. 60 minute power circuit tape

2. Cardio Kicks 2

3. Imax 3

Thanks for asking our opinions. I'm not sure I would like the "Intro to Cathe" as I have all of your tapes and am an advanced stepper. However, I'm sure if you made it, it would be great and would benefit a lot of people new to your workouts.

I would like to see you do some sort of "weekday workouts", that is, workouts for people like me who come home sometimes at 7:30-8:00 in the evening and can just squeeze in 30 mins. of workout time before eating dinner. Perhaps you could do workouts on DVD that offer Cathe-approved options for shortening a longer workout.

Surely I can't be the only busy professional who goes nuts looking for time to do her beloved Cathe workouts! We're the ones who can afford to have a personal trainer at the gym, but would rather have the time alone at home to work as we please.
I agree with longer workout with options to shorten it. It's a lot easier to shorten a workout than to make it longer... With the Intensity Series DVDs, it was GREAT to have the option of 30, 45 or full length workouts!
To continue my previous post which was as follows:

"I would like to see you do some sort of "weekday workouts", that is, workouts for people like me who come home sometimes at 7:30-8:00 in the evening and can just squeeze in 30 mins. of workout time before eating dinner. Perhaps you could do workouts on DVD that offer Cathe-approved options for shortening a longer workout."

I would like to add that a workout that can easily be broken down into separate days - such as Slow and Heavy, where I can work on one body part per day - is also a wonderful option, in case that was not implied in my earlier statement.

Again, I want to emphasize that for me, I do not choose to work out at home with videos because it is less expensive than other options. I choose it as my FIRST choice because I prefer to be in the comfort of my own home working at my own pace, and, most importantly on my own schedule. My favorite workout is Pure Strength, but I find myself picking and choosing from among the exercises to fit it into my schedule, or worse, not doing it when I am scheduled to. The resulting guilt actually wears away at my motivation instead of the opposite. (And cardio just goes by the wayside completely, because my nutritionist is emphasizing strength training for me right now, and if I can't complete that, I don't get to the cardio.)

Cathe, a lot of the people on this forum seem to be working out 5-6 days per week, but I honestly believe that they are just the vocal minority. You probably have detailed statistics on your buying public, and I can't believe that most of them don't struggle with themselves, and actually wind up working out less frequently. Surely a shorter workout option would be less daunting and more DOABLE than a longer one for so many of us who come home tired and still have more to do during the evening.

I realize that you target a more dedicated niche of the video workout market, but let me tell you that although I have trouble with time and motivation, I also have very high standards for quality and I appreciate every aspect of your instruction which I consider to be head and shoulders above the other videos on the market. Your emphasis on proper form and safety is the most important of such aspects. Your frequent reminders about form and your frequent demonstrations of form allow me to work out effectively on my own with confidence.

So, Cathe, in all your future videos, please consider keeping us, (the silent majority??) in mind! Thanks!!!

-Nancy Stone
Brooklyn, New York
I'm among the 40 year-olds who are concerned about joints and/or just don't have the zing to do 60 minutes of high impact anymore.

So I'd love to see a riveting hi-lo aerobic workout with greater focus on the "lo". A VERY intense workout with large lever movements and the "hi" could be interspersed plyos, jumps...or jump rope! Of course the music would have to parallel intense low. I've noticed that often in hi/lo workouts the music compels one to go high even though the desire is to remain low. It's frustrating.

I love all the strength tapes you make so I'm very enthusiastic towards a push/pull tape. There are so many variations on strength training that you could keep us in videos for years.

I would like to see stretches held for about 20 to 30 seconds for large muscle groups.

Particulary would like to see more kickboxing, plenty of upper body boxing and some jump a semi-interval workout. And I like the jump-kicks but I don't like doing a number of one-legged kicks while the supporting leg is also leaving the form suffers and the kick isn't as strong.

I'd love an all-weights circuit workout. Or even one punctuated with jacks or hi-knee runs every third exercise or so.

Step? I'm not too keen on a solid step tape...guess I'm just a little tired of it...but if the step is integrated with other aerobic aspects that would be interesting.

I'd like for you to continue telling us your weight choices. I don't let it influence me to the point of trying to match you. It actually gives me a pretty accurate gauge of weight choices I make. For instance I can't match you on biceps. If you start with 10, I start with 8. If you end with 15, I end with 12!

I don't mind the background exclamations. If anyone could hear me after the shoulder and bicep routines in Pyramid Upper Bod they'd think your backgrounders were mealy-mouthed wimps. Those 1980 type whoopers are gone...I consider the occasional 2000 whoop one of fatigue relief...mimicking my own!

And after all is said...
You make it, I'll buy it!

:9 :7 :7 :7 :7
I am a 47 year old considered very fit.... I do not like the high impact aeorbics .. in fact i traded Imax2.. I was hoping Cathe you would do a CTX .. PURE STRENGTH ..... OR SLOW AND HEAVY TYPE FORMAT...
I guess i would not be interested in the new tapes..

I luv your Kickboxing videos........!!
>The tapes I would love to see are:
>1. 60 minute power circuit tape
>2. Cardio Kicks 2
>3. Imax 3
>Thanks for asking our opinions. I'm not sure I would like the
>"Intro to Cathe" as I have all of your tapes and am an
>advanced stepper. However, I'm sure if you made it, it would
>be great and would benefit a lot of people new to your

I SECOND THIS!!!!!!!!!
I'd be happy with anything falling into the "advanced" category. Also, the DVDs should have some pre-mixes and bonus combos.

A regular step tape, like Rythmic Step would be great and, please, consider a stretch tape. Currently, stretch (yoga, pilates) tapes are the only non-Cathe workouts I do. I have been doing only Cathe since the arrival of the IS series, with a Cathe stretch tape there would be no need for me to branch out.
Push/pull and another all step are excellent. I have every one of your tapes from Step N Motion I.
However, not to sound like a workout snob, but I personally don't think an intro tape would be a good idea. I think that after you do a tape a few times, you can learn the moves, especially with your great cueing; an intro tape/dvd is not necessary.
thanks for asking our input.
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