New Runners March 2010

Cindi - Thanks for the link! I don't have access to a pool, but you never know! Wow! What a place to work! Our firm is way too small for anything like that! Sounds like its going to be fun!

Jane - How was your run? Hope you got to get out there!

It was a beautiful day here! We hit 68 degrees today and so sunny! Unfortunately, it was also very windy by the time I got off work to go for my run! I was planning a CC run, but for whatever reason, I just auto-set to a steady state run. I didn't remember until I was almost a mile in! Oh well! I'll just do it on Saturday while my DH is at school! Only did 5k today, but I had planned 4.5 miles. Guess running the day after plyo legs isn't all that great an idea! LOL!
Hi Everyone!

Tricia ~ I did get my run in last night. It felt great!

I'm taking the day off in preparation for my 5K race tomorrow morning. I have to get up very early for the race. It's called the Wild Chicken 5K. I heard they actually have chickens running around. It should be interesting!

It is finally warming up here. We will be in the high 70's today and tomorrow!

Hope everyone has a great Friday!
Hi ladies!

We have had great weather here too - sunny and 60ish which is wonderful for March! But we are supposed to get rain/snow this weekend so back to the reality of 'spring' in Chicago.

I was pretty sore from PT yesterday so I didn't run. Did Travelfit instead and will run today. I'm doing 7-8 miles in 1K repeats. Warm up 15 minutes, 10x1k repeats, then cooldown.

Have a great weekend everyone!
I am loving Spring

Jane- I am so sorry about your Mom but I am so happy that the prognosis is so good.

Hi everybody!

I did week 1 workout 3 of C25k this morning. Tomorrow is yoga in the morning. I think I'm down a pound but I won't be brave enough to check until after ttotm. Next week is all CTX. I love that one. Its just fun.
Hi everyone!

Jane - Hope you did well on your run today! (I'm sure you did!)

Cindi - We're supposed to get back in the 50s again and rain on Monday! Bummer. No snow, though, thank goodness!

Alisha - Good for you! Enjoy CTX this coming week!

I'm sitting here finishing off my coffee trying to motivate myself to make up my STS workout I should have done last night! Ended up going out for drinks with the girls from work. Should have just come home.

I'm going to whine a bit here, so fair warning, leave now and save your peace of mind if you don't dare to read on! LOL!

Anyway, call me a bit paranoid, but everything was fun yesterday afternoon (we got off work around 3:30, so we went for drinks and half price appetizers), then one of the girls I was with (there were 3 of us) got up to go to the bathroom, turned her back completely to me, said something to the other person we were with, then went. Things seemed a bit awkward for a moment, so I asked her what that was about and she said some bullshit about she asked her to go for her and the one who went to the bathroom said she couldn't help her with that. WHAT? That was total bull! Then, she proceeds to tell me that I should talk to the woman on my right because she was alone, which she wasn't. What the hell was that about?

All of a sudden, I just felt like I had overstayed my welcome, so when she came back, I went to the ladies room, came back and asked for my bill and took off for the evening.

I came home and my DH knew there was something wrong. I just broke down and cried. We had dinner, then took the pups and walked downtown to Providence and watched the waterfire for a little bit and walked home. I felt a bit better and he tried to tell me it wasn't as bad as I thought, but you had to be there and see the look on her face when I asked what was going on.

I will never learn to trust my instincts. I should have just come home, done my workout, and enjoyed my evening with my DH! Ignorance is bliss,they say!

I can't get over that whole military brat, you don't belong here, syndrome and when things like this happen, it just makes me feel so out of place! Of course, both of these girls (I guess I should say women) were born and raised here, but who else am I to try to be "friends" with? This isn't really a military area.

Oh, well. Okay, I feel better getting that off my chest! I guess I'm going to try to just stay home with my DH, do my workouts and hang out with my forum friends!

Enjoy your weekend everyone!
I was out of the house by 5:15 am for our race today. We got lost TWICE but finally made it with about 25 minutes to spare. My time was 2 minutes better than my last race on 2/27. I finished first in my age group. My sister finished 2nd. I know there were at least 3 people in my age group so at least I beat someone other than my sister. :p

It's finally warming up here. It's in the 70's and beautiful. Later I'm going over to my sister's house for a "sister's night" with my 3 sibs. It should be fun.

Tricia ~ Sorry about your evening last night. I hate office politics. I'm glad you're feeling better though. You can come here and vent anytime. Hope you got your workout in this morning.

Hi Alisha ~ Glad you are enjoying the spring weather!!

Hi to Lisa and Cindi!
Jane - Congratulations on beating your time and the others in your age group (no matter how many there are!). How fun to run with your sister! I'm working on my brother at a distance to get him on the road!

I did get STS Disk 27 done today! Our walk downtown was around 6 miles last night, rough estimate, so I would call that a workout! The pups were great! Peanut kept up with us the whole way! She did so well!

This is our last day of beautiful weather! Tomorrow it's supposed to drop down to 55! We're at 70 today! Bummer. That's New England for you, though. Oh, well, gives me something to look forward to!

We're all just cuddled up on the couch catching up on all our tv shows!

Hello to Lisa, Cindi and Alisha!
Hi ladies!
My BBL came in the other day. Thursday I did Bum Bum Basics and Bum Bum Rapido because I was short on time. Friday I did Cardio Axe and kept up with the choreography, mostly.

Today I went climbing :D:D:D:D:D. It was sunny and warm and gorgeous. We went to Shortoff Mountain. It takes 1 1/2 to hike in, scramble/rap down, 420 vertical feet back up, 1 1/2 hike off again. I'm considering it a full body resistance workout as well as some serious low-intensity cardio.

You know, I really wonder about people sometimes. We passed a party that was so clueless they were scary. We were happy to get out of there without having to do a rescue :confused:. I'm used to seeing that at more accessible, popular climbing areas but this one is pretty committing and not a place to make a dumb decision.

Tomorrow I am going to do Bum Bum, yoga and some serious woodhauling.

Tricia ~ I thought of you while I was climbing the second pitch :). I'm not sure that five-finger shoes would work on a wall that tall though... My feet get tired in my slippers. Have you gotten to climb at the gym at all lately?

I'm sorry you had a crappy experience with your coworkers. Its hard to balance trying to be social with not getting treated poorly sometimes.

Jane ~ Congratulations on your race! Have fun with your sisters this evening.

Cindi and Alisha ~ Hi!

I'm off to shower and go to bed. Good night everyone!

PS - I added obligate pic :D. View from the top looking down in to the gorge.


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Tricia- I'm so sorry that happened to you. Sheesh, people can be so weird and rude sometimes. Don't worry though, hey you got us;)

Jane- Sounds like you had a good race.

Hi everybody!

I sort of hurt myself somehow, I have nasty doms in my hamstrings. I don't really know from what. I did most of my step workouts on one set of risers, I did jog on road a bit, and I also pulled a bunch of weeds. I'm suspicious it was the weeds getting their revenge when I wasn't looking. I had my cheat day yesterday and I forgot and had a few pieces of See's this morning. At least it was only four little pieces it could have been worse:p I might go for an easy walk to loosen up my legs but I won't be doing any real workout today, ouchie.
Lisa - Beautiful view! We haven't been in a while. Now, it's getting warmer and I'm itching to do outdoor stuff! Not ready to tackle any outdoor climbing yet though! My upper body is still not strong enough. Your climb sounds lovely and challenging! I'm glad you were able to get out without dealing with those other "climbers!" I know what you mean! People take things on without thinking about what they're getting in to!

Have a great Sunday!

I'm going to take it pretty easy today - maybe some yoga or a walk with the pups. Not sure which.
Alisha - Ouch! Sorry about your hamstring soreness! Do some serious hamstring stretches! Walking is good. Sometimes that helps loosen things up when I'm tight.

Thanks for the support! Next offer to go out, I'm coming home, getting on my forums with a glass of wine! We can have a virtual girl's night out!
I ran 4 wet miles this afternoon. It was suppose to have been 7 but it just kept raining harder and harder.

Alisha - Hope your hamstring feels better. I love See's Candy!!!

Lisa - Thanks for the beautiful view!

Hi Cindi and Tricia!!
Hi ladies,
Today I did Bum Bum and Namaste yoga. Then I helped my friend who is clearing a building site. We hauled wood on a steep slope and burned brush - fun fun. My back isn't liking it. Tomorrow I'm going to try High and Tight for the first time.

Jane ~ The rain can be a real bummer sometimes can't it? It rained on us all afternoon today - yuck. Hope things clear up for you soon.

Alisha ~ Sorry you are sore! Hopefully you can work it out with a little yoga. I love downward dog and forward folding for my hammies.

Tricia ~ I hope you enjoyed your mellow day.

Cindi ~ Hi!

Hi Ladies!

Tricia - I'm sorry you were made to feel that way. Some women are just mean girls.


Lisa - That's a beautiful picture. Sounds like a wonderful climb. I can't wait for it to warm up and we take our 'inaugural' family walk that we do each spring when the first nice weekend comes around. We go for family walks after all the time in the summer.

Alisha - Sounds like the weeds did it - all that bending over. Can't blame you for eating See's I love it.

This weekend we had blowing snow/sleet all day Saturday. It was miserable after 3 days of sunshine in the 60's. Yesterday was just cold and today is sunny but colder. Looks like we'll have highs in the 50's for a couple of weeks.

Poor little Paul was out camping this weekend with his new scout troop. He was NOT a happy camper. They were cave exploring and sleeping in tents, so he was pretty much cold and muddy the entire time.

Friday's run did not go well - my heel was hurting bad enough that I stopped halfway through the run and switched to the bike. After talking with some other runners and my husband, I decided to stop running for 2-3 weeks and then go back gradually. I'm not doing a race on May 1 but instead planning for the June 12 relay.

I was really hurting Friday, near tears. And frustrated! But I'm ok with it now - marathons happen all the time, there will be other opportunities for me.

So yesterday I did some cross training - 45 minutes on the stationary bike, 45 minutes on the elliptical, and 30 minutes running in the pool. Travel fit tonight.
Hi Everyone!

I probably won't be around much this week as I don't see myself working out that much. Mom's surgery is tomorrow and I will be running back and forth from home to work to the hospital.

I actually felt like a "real" runner when I was running in the rain yesterday. We actually had 2 people stop wanting to give up rides home. One of was friend. First she asked if we wanted an umbrella and then she said we were going to get sick from running in the rain. :eek: Then some lady stopped and asked us. We didn't know who is was but that is the South for you.

I'm still planning on running the 10K race on Saturday if everything goes ok with my mom's surgery. I'm expecting she will be released by Friday at the latest. I'm hoping for Thursday though.

Cindi ~ I'm sorry about your heel but I know that you made the right decision. In 2008 I trained for a 1/2 marathon. I was about 4 days out when both my shins started hurting very badly. I had pain before that when I was running but now it hurt all day even when I was just sitting or in bed. I packed and left for Jacksonville and was still planning to do it when I went to bed the night before but I didn't sleep at all. I was thinking what if I can't finish? What if I need to call the medics? What if I end up with 2 stress fractures and can run for months? So I didn't do it. I was so upset and cried halfway home. Then I realized that there will always be another race. Congratulations on your decision. I know it was hard but it was the right one.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Jane - I just wanted to take a minute to tell you that I'll be thinking of your mother and all of your family tomorrow as she has her surgery. I'll be sending good thoughts and prayers. I'm sure it will all go fine and she'll come through with flying colors!

"I probably won't be around much this week as I don't see myself working out that much. Mom's surgery is tomorrow and I will be running back and forth from home to work to the hospital."
Thinking of you Jane and your mom. Hoping surgery goes well.

No workout afterall last night. Had to take Paul to a scout meeting. Pete was going to take him but he wanted me to go along.
I did High and Tight yesterday - really like it! I think it will do good things for my wonky hips. I also did Tummy Tuck.

I haven't figured out what I am going to do today.

Jane ~ Thinking of you and your mom. Hope things went smoothly today.

Cindi ~ I'm sorry your heel is so frustrating. I'm glad you are making adjustments to keep yourself healthy and finding good ways to crosstrain. It does just p*ss you off sometimes when parts don't work the way you want them to, doesn't it!

Hi Tricia and Alisha~


My hammies still hurt so I'm just going to take the week off. There is no point in hurting myself. I will try the walking, stretching and maybe add in a bath. (if it doesn't leak lol!) I have broken my See's candy for breakfast streak :p This morning it was some leftover home made chili and scrambled eggs.

Since I didn't have a workout to do, I got some crafty gift wrapping done. They are presents meant for last Christmas but will be Easter gifts instead, I'm sure the extended family won't mind.:p

Jane- I sure hope your mom is ok today, lots of prayers coming her way.
Thats so funny about running in the rain.

Hi Lisa and Tricia

Cindi- I hope your heel feels better soon.
Alisha - Add some epsom salts to that bath! They're great for muscle soreness!

Lisa - What workout DVD is H&T from again? It sounds really good!

Cindi - Well, I hope the scout meeting was good!

Jane - Still thinking of you and your mom! I hope it all went well and you got good news!

I was doing Chest and Back last night when I noticed that my right glove (4 lb weighted ones) that I had just gotten in January had started coming undone at the ribbing and my weight packets were starting to poke out! Needless to say, I was devastated! My left one was completely fine. Immediately after my w/o, I e-mailed support about it and this morning they e-maied back saying they were putting a new right glove in the mail to me! No shipping costs, no returning the pair I have or anything! I'm so happy I don't have to go without my weighted gloves! Cathe's customer support is just awesome!

Anyway, it was MIC for me tonight - just the Hi/Lo segment, then I tacked on some ab work. Now, I'm busily cooking brown rice and acorn squash to make a stuffed squash recipe for dinner! I'm also going to bake some eggplant that I coat with spices as a side with it.

Have a great night everyone!

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