New Runners March 2010

Alisha - Glad you had a wonderful birthday!

Congrats on getting through your first C25K run! Woo-Hoo! Those lemony muffins sound yummy! Not sure I would have been able to stop at 2!

Took a full rest day today. Felt I could since I don't take a day off usually. It was nice to just relax and veg out today. We've had some horrific weather this weekend. Didn't sleep much because of the wind and rain. It makes me nervous in this old rickety house!

Anyway, Happy Birthday again Alisha! Have a great night!
Aww, thanks!

Tricia- A rest day is a good thing.

Last night I did an hour of yoga before bed. I'm on schedule to do Step Jam later this morning. I'm back on my clean eats diet and so far so good. I filled up on salad, a yellow bell pepper and two cuties this morning. I have to take my Mom's car in for some work this morning otherwise I'd be in my workout clothes already.

Hi everybody!!
Hi ladies! Thanks again for the support. My heel was hurting again Saturday. I had a hard timed run Friday and I think that did me in. I'm seriously considering running the half instead. I think it will give me more room in the training plan to take an extra day off of running and cross train if I need to.

I wanted to do a long run Sunday but did crosstrain instead - 45 minutes on the bike and 45 minutes deep water running.

I'm so tired of talking about my heel/thinking about it/feeling it - I can only imagine how bored everyone around me is of hearing about it, too.


Tricia - I'm glad to hear your arm is better!!!!

Hi Lisa, Jane, Lurkers. :)

This weekend was packed with busy stuff. Paul turned 11 on Wednesday and his b'day party was saturday. Lots going on!
Tricia - forgot to mention that's great you are an ambassador for CC. I have them all and love them!
Hi Everyone,

I'm just popping in for a little bit. We had to take mom to the emergency room on Saturday because she was bleeding. She has a mass in her uterus but they don't know what it is...could be cancer or just a fibroid. They are doing a D&C right now so we'll know more later.

I did manage to get a workout in on Saturday morning and then was able to go on a 4 mile run yesterday.

I'm not sure if I will be around much this week. I will check in when I can.
Alisha ~ Happy birthday!!

Cindi ~ Cross-training is great. I love deep-water running. It really gets me in shape! Good luck making your decision. A half-marathon isn't anything to sneeze at either.

Jane ~ I hope your mom is doing well and that it is the least serious of the options. You guys have been through a lot lately. ((hugs))

Tricia ~ Yay! I'm glad your arm is feeling better. It takes a long time for that twingy, weak feeling to go away, doesn't it?

I drove back to the mountains yesterday so no workout. I came home to snow - yippee. Today I'm going to walk the dogs and try to do Providence. I have to go pick up my kitties too so I hope to get home in time to get my workout done too.

Jane - Prayers and healing thoughts your mom's way! I hope it all works out okay!

Cindi - Go with whatever you feel is best. I'm nowhere near ready to do a 1/2, so more power to you! It's terrible to have something that just won't heal or go away! Even though my arm has improved, there is still some pain. It just isn't hindering any activity. Damn thing! I'm in the same boat as you, so if everyone yells at you for whining, they'll have to yell at both of us! LOL! Don't worry about it! If you can't air it out here, then where? Right?

Hope it gets better! And, let us know what you decide to do about your race. Either way, you're going to be great!

Lisa - Yep! I'm really getting tired of having even that little bit of discomfort! Oh, well, I have my annual exam at the end of this month with my internist, so if it's not completely gone by then, I'll complain again! Hope you were able to get your workout done!

Helloes to all our lurkers and all who are MIA!

Have a great night ladies! I'm thinking since the sun is coming out tomorrow, I'll take a makeup run for missing on Sunday 'cause the weather was so bad! Woo-Hoo, I can run outside after work again! Yay!
Jane - praying that your mom is ok. My mom had a lot of fibroid tumors in her late forties and had a D&C. She was fine after that but it was scary before we knew what it was. I hope that is all your mom has.
Hi ladies! Did Traval fit last night. Running today.

Lisa - I felt a little goofy running at first in the water. Do you have any specific methods or approaches to deep water running? After about 15 minutes I would 'sprint' for a minute, then back off for a few, then sprint again to break it up a little bit.
Hi Everyone!

Thanks for the prayers and healing vibes. We are waiting for the results today on her D&C. If it's not cancer, she will have a hysterectomy most likely tomorrow which would be fantastic. Not only because it's not cancer but because my sister is coming in town tomorrow. This was a trip that was planned prior to all this stuff so the rest of us would not have to take too much time off from work this week. It would be great if she stayed another week but we are not holding our breath.

I'm hoping to get back to working out soon! I miss it so and I have a couple of races planned in the next 2 weeks.

Cindi ~ I hope your heel feels better.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Thanks for the birthday wishes

Jane- I am so sorry to hear about your mom. I hope its not cancer <crosses fingers and toes> My mom had a hysterectomy twenty years ago and I am so grateful for every day that we have had her. I will be praying for your mom.

Cindi- How is travel fit? I haven't tried that one yet.

Tricia- I hope your arm is feeling better soon.

I did the second workout of c25k this morning. I went on road. I burned about 400 calories. I almost didn't get out of bed, I was just so warm and comfy. I got the Body for Life dvd from netflix yesterday and because I'm frugal I just watched the whole thing with the 12 weeks of tips. I didn't use the weight workout because I figured it was not the level I'm used to;) I have Yoga Today on tap for tonight. Tomorrow is the original Imax. I haven't done that in a while.
Hi Everyone!

Jane - Let us know how it turns out.

Alisha - I know what you mean! I hate getting out of a warm bed!

I'm planning on running this afternoon after work, but it's awfully windy up here! Guess I'll go and just consider that my resistance training!

Did any of you see the story about the 38 year old man running on Hilton Head Beach who was killed by a single-engine plane? How horrible! Just goes to show, you're not safe anywhere and when it's your time, it's your time! What are the chances?

The plane lost it's propeller - can you believe that! There was oil all over the windshield and he made an emergency landing and struck the guy from behind!
I didn't see that story Tricia. What a freak accident.

Alisha - I really like Travel Fit. It has 0 dread for me and I like that I don't have get the weights out. It's 50 minutes and I think Cathe does a great job hitting all the major muscle groups. And I'm not painfully sore the next day.
Travel Fit sounds great! I'm amazed at how much you can really isolate the muscles with a band! I love the lat pulldowns that Cathe does as a warm up in STS Meso 2, I think.
Hi ladies,
I've been kind of out of the loop for a couple of days. I didn't workout Monday other than dogwalking, by the time I got the kitties home I wasn't motivated enough to do Providence. Yesterday I did 15 minutes on the elliptical, Zumba (which I want to love but I just don't think this instructor team is going to work out for me), biceps and abs. This morning I finally did Providence after not doing kbs for over a week.

I just have to say how much I absolutely LOVE my kbs!!! They are such an incredible workout. I bumped up and started doing swings, cleans, tactical lunges and lat rows with my 20# so I'm sure I'll be feeling it tomorrow. I already feel it in my butt now. BBL should be here any day now and I'm excited about that too. Does anyone else have more workouts they want to do than time to do them? I feel there isn't time to get in running, Cathe weights, kbs and now BBL.

Cindi ~ I ran with one of those bouyancy belts (which is good because I don't float - at all!). I alternated between running, crosscountry ski motion (with straight legs) and high knee running. I would do each motion for 3-4 minutes (essentially until I got bored) and then switch to something new. Sometimes I would add in a series of scissor kicks (abductor, adductor work) just to mix things up. I didn't do it for more than about 20 minutes at a time but it was a real calorie torcher.

Jane ~ Thinking of you and your mom.

Tricia ~ I heard about that on NPR. What a crazy accident. Nothing is certain or safe. We had a 24 year old student die of a heart attack here at the school yesterday. Boom and down he went.

Alisha ~ How are you liking C25K? How is the program structured? I keep hearing people talk about it but really don't know anything about it.

Hi ladies!

Beautiful day yesterday. Went out for my scheduled run. I have another run on the schedule today, but I'm cross training on the bike or pool.

Run yesterday was fun, though, even if the heel was hurting the whole time. I ran easy for 30 minutes then did 10 intervals of 8 squats, 100m skipping, 100m sprint, 50m high knee running. I must have looked odd to people but I didn't care.

Tricia - I like those lat pulldowns with the band too. I know she does them in Meso 1 because I've only done Meso 1. I have not gotten to Meso 2 yet. I'm not a hardcore weight lifter and I like travel fit so much.

Lisa - I have the floaty belt - I'm a sinker too. :) I like that you mix up the moves. I'm going to try that tonight. Thanks!

I have LOTS of workouts I want to do but don't have the time!
- I want to get through STS weights and Cardio
- I have a small collection of KB workouts I want to get into
- I have a set of Kelly Coffee Meyer workouts and would like to do a rotation with her
- Then I have some misc. workouts that I just haven't done.

That's why I'm not planning any races past my relay in June. I want to see how I feel and maybe slow down on the running and mix things up more.

I'm starting a C25K group at work - helping people train up for a 5K mid may. We had our first meeting on Monday. :) There's a great website called that has the link to the coolrunning site that outlines the program and the c25k site also links you to itunes podcasts that you can follow when you train and all kinds of other resources. It's a great program. You start the week 1 with about 20 minutes alternating 60 seconds running with 90 seconds walking and then over 9 weeks you progress to longer workouts (about 30 minutes max) with more running and less walking.

My DH was so excited Monday, he spent 41 minutes on the treadmill and did run/walk intervals the entire time. 5 minutes walking and 5 minutes jogging at a 12 min/mile pace. I'm so proud of him!
Happy St. Patty's Day!!

So first the bad has cancer. Here is the good's stage 1 uterine cancer and curable. She will have a hysterectomy (which she had to have anyway) and they will take out some lymph nodes as well just as a precaution. She may have to have 1 dose radiation and that's it. No chemo at all. It wasn't the news that we were looking for but it is what it is. She will have surgery on Tuesday. My sister from Illinois is coming in today and will stay for the surgery and a couple of days post surgery. She has to go to Tallahassee for the surgery but since I work in Tally, it's no big deal for me.

Mom was released from the hospital today and is SO happy to be going home for a couple of days to regroup. She will have a nice visit with my sister before she goes into surgery. She said that she is going to have the fastest recovery time ever.

I have to pick sis up from the airport today so I don't know if I'll get a workout in but I will workout tomorrow and will mostly likely do the 5K race that I have planned on Saturday morning.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers!!

Tricia ~ What a crazy freak accident. When things happen like that, you know it was meant to be.

Cindi ~ I think it's great that you are starting a running group at work. I'm trying to get a couple of people to start running but no one is interested. I did get one of friends to start running and she loves it!!

I have tons of workouts that I don't have time for either. I want to do it all and it's so hard to fit it all in. I really want to do STS but don't know how to fit it in with all my other stuff.

Lisa ~ I love kettlebells too! They are incredible tools that really take your workouts to a whole another level. One day I do want to try the 10,000 swing challenge. You do 10,000 swings in one month. In January of 2009, I did the 200 swing a day challenge and really liked the results I got but it's hard to stay consistent with it during the month.

Hi Alisha ~ Happy Belated Birthday!! Good for you getting out of your warm and comfy bed for a run. That's the hardest part of the run.
Jane - I'm so sorry about the cancer diagnosis! On the other hand, it's great that it's early stage and they can take care of it! I will continue to keep your mom and your family in my thoughts and prayers through this.

Cindi - Your run yesterday sounds like fun! I love doing things like that! Keeps people guessing! LOL! I wish I could get my co-workers moving with me, but no such luck! Even the one friend who actually works out keeps talking about running, but never goes. Oh, well! I'm excited for you though that you've been able to get a group going! Keep us informed! Congratulations to your DH, too! That's quite an accomplishment!

Lisa - I keep wanting to try KBs, but 1) I don't currently have any laying around 2) can't afford to buy any right now 3) still in the throes of STS for 6 more weeks after this week 4) have tons of Cathe workouts I haven't even touched yet 5) want to increase my running after STS - what the heck! Where's the extra 2-3 hours a day we all need to try a little bit of this and a little bit of that?

I want it all! Sigh, oh, well, gotta take what we can get for now until someone learns to defy the laws of physics and either suspend time or slow it down so we can work more in each day - fun stuff, NOT more hours of work!

I said it last week and I'm saying it again this week - Man, I hate plyo legs! OWIEEEEE!
Jane - I'm sorry to hear about you mom's diagnosis. It sounds like a good prognosis though so I will pray for a fast recovery for her. :)

Today will be a rest day (or I may sneak in Travel fit again). Last night I took the kids to gym and they played in the pool while I did deep water running. I found an article and training program using just water running. I took his pointers and Lisa's ideas and did intervals of hard effort and easy effort. I really can tell the difference when I do intervals - it does bump up my metabolism. Here's the link if anyone is interested:

My company is big - we have 180K employees globally and lots of technology to support teaming, etc. We also have a national wellness program in the US and support from local wellness 'champions' so they make it easy to start up a program. They even provided templates for plans and emails to support a c25k program. My local office has about 300 employees in 3 buildings and we have numerous runners who love to offer advice. So really it was easy and I didn't feel like I had to do much. We had about 15 people show up to the first meeting either in person or by phone. The other nice thing is that my company has a website where you can create 'groups' - its like a little forum. I can post announcements, links, discussions to help people along. Sometimes working for a huge global company has it's advantages.

Enjoy your day everyone - sunshine here again but snow's coming on Saturday!
Hi Everyone,

I'm going running tonight after workout. Yay!! I'll probably run a 5K.

Cindi ~ That's great that your company is very focused on wellness. Ours is not, even though we are a way smaller company. In my own office, I continue to watch the guys here go on Atkins only to fail after 2 weeks or so. They aren't exercising at all either. My boss, who is in his 60's has heart problems and just eats and eats. Every couple of weeks he says he's going to go on a Atkins again and doesn't. It's so sad!

Tricia ~ Have fun with plyo legs!!

Hope everyone has a great day!

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